Public attitudes towards sustainable development in a changing world: evidence from COVID-19 The impact of major global events on public attitudes towards sustainable development is crucial for shaping global public policy.
Superblocks between theory and practice: insights from an international e-Delphi process and urban living labs in Vienna and Berlin The concept of Superblocks has been recognized as a promising urban transformational intervention. With the concept evolving, spreading, and being adapted to different contexts, it is necessary to take stock of the situation.
A Diagnostic Intercomparison of Modeled Ozone Dry Deposition Over North America and Europe Using AQMEII4 Regional-Scale Simulations This study analyzes ozone (O3) dry deposition fluxes and velocities (Vd) from regional-scale simulations that were performed over North America and Europe in Phase 4 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII4).
An Eco‐Social Policy Mix for 1.5°C Lifestyles: A Multi‐Country Policy Delphi Analysis Bridging the gap between welfare and climate policies is essential for simultaneously pursuing increased well-being and reduced carbon emissions.
Does policy design matter for the effectiveness of local content requirements? A qualitative comparative analysis of renewable energy value chains Green industrial policies aim to create local value from renewable energy (RE) technologies. One policy instrument includes local content requirements (LCR), which prescribe a minimum share of locally manufactured inputs for investments in RE.
Changing climates, compounding challenges: a participatory study on how disasters affect the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Fiji Pacific youth are at the forefront of the climate crisis, which has important implications for their health and rights.
Перспективи формування лісопасовищних систем: досвід Європейського Союзу для України The article examines the conceptual foundations of agroforestry systems, particularly their priority and prospects for developing regenerative agriculture in Ukraine and the EU.
Взаємозв’язки між урбанізацією та екосистемними послугами зеленої інфраструктури у мегаполісі Aim. Analyzed the relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services of green spaces in the metropolis, identified risks and promising ways to improve management. Methods.
Energy intensity improvement potential of the commercial buildings in developing countries: A case study of Nepal The need for building-related energy is increasing, mostly in developing countries where urbanization is taking place rapidly with ever-increasing demand in commercial and public services.
A Pause or Moratorium for Deep Seabed Mining in the Area? The Legal Basis, Potential Pathways, and Possible Policy Implications The International Seabed Authority is currently negotiating regulations that will determine the future of deep seabed mining in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Wie sind die Konflikte von Straßenraumumgestaltungen zu erklären? Einblicke aus der Theorie der sozialen Repräsentationen Im Kontext einer temporären Straßenraumumgestaltung in Berlin wurden Fokusgruppen mit Menschen mit Mobilitätseinschränkung, Gewerbetreibenden und einer Frauengruppe (N = 21) durchgeführt.
Editorial: Widersprüche »grüner« industrieller Transformation Die Dekarbonisierung der Industrie wirft viele Fragen auf: im Hinblick auf die Dynamiken internationaler Konkurrenz, die Nord-Süd-Beziehungen, die Industriepolitik, die fossilen Beharrungskräfte, die gewerkschaftlichen Strategien und nicht zuletzt
The Concept of Women's Right to Health in International Law and Gender Equality Gender equality is an urgent necessity, without which achieving sustainability and development is impossible.
Subterranean explorations : the unfinished promise of geothermal energy in the Chilean Andes Geological phenomena have a strong visual presence in the landscape of the Chilean Andes. Volcanoes, thermal springs, earthquakes and geysers arise from an active geology.
“All we have left is to defend our reserve”: Social structures and community resistance to large-scale gold mining in the Manuripi Wildlife Reserve in northern Bolivia This article presents a case of community resistance against industrial large-scale gold mining (LSM) in the Manuripi National Amazonian Wildlife Reserve in northern Bolivia.
Postcolonial technoscience revisited What does a postcolonial inquiry into technoscience do? And what is it for?
FONA-Forum 2024: Ein ko-kreativer Ansatz für Transformation Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderte FONA-Forum 2024 hat mit einem neuen Format experimentiert: Es lud die Teilnehmenden ein, aktiv mitzuwirken, und schuf einen ko-kreativen Raum für lösungsorientierte Diskussionen.
Temporal injustice in Germany's coal compromise: Industrial legacy, social exclusion, and political delay Researchers, policy-makers, and activists often highlight the temporal dimension of the just energy transition.
The concepts of irreversibility and reversibility in research on anthropogenic environmental changes The concept of “irreversibility” and its counterpart “reversibility” have become prominent in environmental and ecological research on human-induced changes, thresholds, climate tipping points, ecosystem degradation, and losses in the cryosphere a
Policy relevance of IPCC reports for the sustainable development goals and beyond Climate change and sustainability linkages provide opportunities to develop and implement synergistic strategies for climate actions and achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Energiewende in Kasachstan: Der lange Weg zur Kohlenstoffneutralität Kasachstans Volkswirtschaft gehört zu den kohlenstoffintensivsten der Welt. Staatliche Subventionen für fossile Brennstoffe führen zu niedrigen Energiepreisen und schwächen die Anreize für Energieeffizienz und den Einsatz grüner Technologien.
The nexus of geopolitics, decarbonization, and food security gives rise to distinct challenges across fertilizer supply chains Fertilizers are essential for agricultural production and vital to global food security. Nevertheless, the production and use of fertilizers, primarily the nitrogen type, contribute substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions.
Tropospheric ozone trends and attributions over East and Southeast Asia in 1995–2019: An integrated assessment using statistical methods, machine learning models, and multiple chemical transport models We apply a statistical model, two machine learning models, and three chemical transport models to attribute the observed ozone increases over East and Southeast Asia (ESEA) to changes in anthropogenic emissions and climate.
Policy options for low-carbon sustainable transport systems in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: A survey-based study Mobility and transport activities have increased significantly over the past few decades in the Kathmandu Valley, a metropolitan region in Nepal and one of the fastest-growing cities in South Asia.
The critical role of emotional communication for motivated reasoning Persuasive appeals frequently prove ineffective or produce unintended outcomes, due to the presence of motivated reasoning.
An Environmental Agreement in a Trade Court – Is the WTO's Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies Enforceable? The 2022 Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (AFS) is the culmination of over 20 years of negotiations within the WTO's Doha Development Round.
Explaining trends and changing seasonal cycles of surface ozone in North America and Europe over the 2000–2018 period: A global modelling study with NOx and VOC tagging Surface ozone, with its long enough lifetime, can travel far from its precursor emissions, affecting human health, vegetation, and ecosystems on an intercontinental scale.
Beyond the Rising Tide: Towards Effective Climate Policy in Coastal Urban Centers As urban areas expand rapidly, understanding the complex interactions between human migration, climate change impacts, and biodiversity loss is crucial for effective climate policy.
The Risk-Tandem Framework: An iterative framework for combining risk governance and knowledge co-production toward integrated disaster risk management and climate change adaptation The challenges of the Anthropocene are growing ever more complex and uncertain, underpinned by the emergence of systemic risks.
“It’s a bit like saying: I don’t see colour”: Unpacking Coloniality in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) through Epistolary Collaborative Practice In this article we argue that the epistolary form can be used as collaborative practice—further expanding researcher-informant relations—where both parties enter an epistemic partnership and become co-researchers, co-theorizing and co-creating the
The association between different timeframes of air pollution exposure and COVID-19 incidence, morbidity and mortality in German counties in 2020 Background: Ambient air pollution is a known risk factor for several chronic health conditions, including pulmonary dysfunction.
Who calls the shots? Development banks and the politics of de-risking in European external finance To confront global challenges and to assert itself more firmly on the international stage, the EU has not only expanded its overall budget for external action.
The International Seabed Authority and the Push for Exploitation of Deep Seabed Minerals: Does the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations Apply? The International Seabed Authority (or ISA) is nearing a world-first decision: whether to approve, on behalf of humankind, potentially in the absence of regulations, an application for exploitation rights over deep sea minerals.
The role of trust in the international climate negotiations In this paper, we examine the role of trust in the international climate negotiations.
Multilateral governance in a global hydrogen economy: An overview of main actors and institutions, key challenges and future pathways This paper explores the current scope and direction of the emerging global governance of hydrogen within the broader context of the energy transition, where technological innovation and institutional change intersect.
Lived expertise of the structurally disadvantaged: towards a more just participatory transport planning process In response to the negative effects of the car-dominated transport sector, especially in urban areas, and wider attempts to tackle the climate crisis, cities are reallocating car-dominated areas to promote active mobility, leisure and urban green
Reckless subjects, future capital? ‘Youth’ as an object of concern in international health organizations’ discourse Contemporary international organizations (IOs) are routinely portrayed as being more accessible to a wide variety of actors than ever before.
CoMoDe-Matrix: introducing the contextual sustainable mobility decisions matrix Individual decisions are pivotal to sustainable mobility. However, the disciplines of mobility research, sustainability research, and behavioral science typically explore this topic in isolation.
From responsibility ping-pong to shared responsibility for 1.5° lifestyles? Examining European stakeholder perspectives We are currently witnessing a paradox in climate governance (CG): despite growing awareness of the socio-biophysical impacts of current lifestyles, there remains a persistent commitment to high-consumption habits with large carbon footprints.
Pathways to a sustainable electricity sector in Kenya: Challenges and transformational factors Which factors may enable a secure, affordable, and sustainable development of the Kenyan energy system?
Spectral Archives and the Ghosts of 1918: Insights from the Field Museum’s Pandemic Collection At the chaotic outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, amid uprisings for racial justice in our home and partner communities, Field Museum anthropologists sought the guidance of precedent in the museum’s archives of the 1918 influenza epidemic.
Geological (Dis)orientations: Training Sites, Storytelling, and Fieldwork in the Chilean Andes This article explores place-based geological storytelling by examining the role of training sites in the geoscientific learning process.
E-participation in energy transitions: What does it mean? Chances and challenges within Germany's Energiewende Does e-participation generate more democratic legitimacy in the context of the German Energiewende through more input and procedural justice, better outputs and environmental outcomes that are accepted by the public?
Who is (not) in the room? An epistemic justice perspective on low-carbon transport transitions Car-centric planning exacerbates the climate crisis, compromises public health, and erodes public space.
Multiple pathways towards sustainable development goals and climate targets The UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the Paris climate target require a holistic transformation towards human well-being within planetary boundaries. However, there are growing debates on how to best pursue these targets.
Research advances and conservation needs for the protection of the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges: A natural and cultural heritage hotspot in the southeastern Pacific ocean One of the main objectives of the BBNJ Treaty is to enable States to establish large-scale marine protected areas (MPAs) to encompass at least 30 % of areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) by 2030, contributing to the Kunming-Montreal Global B
Participation in Energy Transitions: A Comparison of Policy Styles Stakeholder and public participation in policymaking for energy transitions is one of the most promising approaches to fulfilling the promises of a democratic sustainability transition.
Cross-cultural learning as a foundation for reimagining ocean governance Research is a key tool that can contribute to the transformation of governance systems and help uncover solutions to our planetary crises.
On psychosocial group dynamics during multilateral conference negotiations: experiences from COP28 Die Vertragsparteienkonferenz (englisch Conference of the Parties, COP) ist das wichtigste multilaterale Forum, wenn es um die Lösung der globalen Klimakrise geht.
Crafting effective climate, energy, and environmental policy: time for action The evolving landscape of environmental, climate, and energy policy is marked by both pressing global challenges as well as opportunities for transformative action. Here, we discuss emerging debates and explore key themes in this dynamic field.
Qanilaarneq (Closeness/Being Close) as a Desired State: Mediating Conflict Through Storytelling in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) This paper focuses on storytelling as a site for knowledge creation and meaning making to better understand how relationships are established and community is made in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland).
Assessing the impact of structural change in sustainable consumption and lifestyles research Scientific evidence highlights the pivotal role for structural change in pursuit of the sustainability transformation.
What roles can democracy labs play in co-creating democratic innovations for sustainability? This perspective essay proposes Democracy Labs as new processes for developing democratic innovations that help tackle complex socio-ecological challenges within an increasingly unequal and polarised society, against the backdrop of democratic bac
The challenges of the increasing institutionalization of climate security A rapid and widespread institutionalization of climate security is underway, led by powerful states and international organizations.
Profound loss of microbial necromass carbon in permafrost thaw-subsidence in the central Tibetan Plateau Climate warming is causing rapid permafrost degradation, including thaw-induced subsidence, potentially resulting in heightened carbon release.
Characteristics of surface air quality over provincial capital cities in Northwestern China during 2013–2020 In this study, we have reported spatial and temporal variation in particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) over five provincial capital cities in northwestern China during 2013–2020
Perception of carbon capture and utilization - a framing analysis of German-speaking media Carbon dioxide capture and utilization (CCU) technologies are one building block in Germany’s industrial decarbonization strategy.
Anticipating socio-technical tipping points The tipping point concept, widely recognized within the natural sciences, is experiencing a resurgence in social studies.
Navigating systemic risks: governance of and for systemic risks Systemic risks originate and evolve in the nexus of tightly coupled dynamic systems, which are a characteristic of modern societies in the Anthropocene.
Developing China's Hydrogen Economy: National Regulation Through Local Experimentation Hydrogen is playing an increasingly important role in China's energy and climate policy, with significant implications for the development of a global hydrogen industry.
Particle number size distribution evaluation of Plantower PMS5003 low-cost PM sensors – a field experiment The use of low-cost sensors (LCS) for the evaluation of the ambient pollution by particulate matter (PM) has grown and become significant for the scientific community in the past few years.
New Sites of Accumulation? Why Intangible Assets Matter for Energy Transitions Energy transitions break geographic monopolies on fossil fuel resources and are expected to redistribute economic benefits to new actors, from local communities to developing countries.
Exposure to ultrafine particles, black carbon and particulate matter during commute in a suburb from the Yangtze River Delta, China This study evaluated the exposure of commuters to particulate matter (PM), black carbon (BC), and ultrafine particulate matter (UFP) concentrations in five different traffic microenvironments (bike, bus, taxi, electric motorbike, and subway) under
What role for sustainability in post-fossil regional transition processes? Exploring governance conditions, actors, and transition projects in a German coal phase-out region While the coal phase-out is progressing in many countries, formerly fossil-dependent regions receive transition funding for substitute economic activities.
‘We are ignored rather than attacked politically’. Youth participation in regional sustainability transformation in eastern Germany In the context of Germany's coal phase-out, substantial resources are allocated to transform coal regions economically and socially.
Social innovation for sustainable and equitable transport: the case of Commons Cargo Bikes Socially innovative civil society initiatives are seen as promising to address societal and environmental problems such as those encountered in the transport sector.
Scientific policy advice on sustainable development: lessons learned from the Dialogue between Scientific Councils in Germany This paper presents an in-depth case study about the Dialogue between Scientific Councils, also referred to as the Beirätedialog, which is a format for cross-sectoral science policy consulting on sustainable development in Germany.
The London convention and protocol: adapting to address the ocean-climate crisis The international community is confronted with urgent questions relating to the protection of the marine environment, as well as climate change mitigation.
Navigating labor-market transitions: an eco-social policy toolbox for public employment services Current societies are heavily reliant on employment as a cornerstone of prosperity, both in terms of individuals’ access to income and social security and to finance welfare states through tax revenues.
Mit CCS zur Klimaneutralität? Die Renaissance einer umstrittenen Technologie Bis 2045 soll Deutschland klimaneutral sein. Ein zentraler Baustein dafür ist in den Klimaneutralitätsszenarien Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
Rethinking energy materialities in the shadow of Russia's war on Ukraine This article revisits the topic of energy materiality against the backdrop of Russia's war on Ukraine.
How the COVID-19 pandemic changed stakeholder engagement processes in sustainability research in the long-term Background: The COVID-19 pandemic affected stakeholder engagement in sustainability research projects in many ways. But which effects appear permanent today, after the pandemic ended?
The ‘glass ceiling’ of Germany’s socio-ecological transformation: Citizen, expert, and local stakeholder perspectives on responsibility for change The IPCC (2022) underscores the urgent need to transform economic and social systems to stay within the ~1.5 °C warming threshold, with the pressure placed on states to lead the processes of transformation.
Audience experience and contemporary classical music : negotiating the experimental and the accessible in a high art subculture This book responds to recent debates on cultural participation and the relevance of music composed today with the first large-scale audience experience study on contemporary classical music.
Telecouplings in Atlantic cod—The role of global trade and climate change Seafood trade is a global business, where catches, processing, and consumption are increasingly separated. An increasingly integrated global market creates telecouplings, i.e. connections between fish stocks that are ecologically separated.
Revisiting procedural requirements for the assessment of environmental impacts arising from the different stages of deep seabed mining: Current practices at the International Seabed Authority and recommendations for improvement More than five decades ago, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) emerged in domestic legislation as a tool to respond to increased human pressures on the natural realm.
Using social capital to address youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in disaster preparedness and response: A qualitative study highlighting the strengths of Pacific community organisations and networks In the Pacific region, youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are strongly influenced by sociocultural and structural factors, which limit access to SRHR information and services for youth.
Energy equity as a major driver of energy intensity in South Asia Energy efficiency is promoted worldwide as an important measure to address growing energy demand and reduce energy intensity of the gross domestic product and emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants.
Controversial Practices: Tracing the Proceduralization of the IPCC in Time and Space This paper starts from the premise that international practices are neither stable nor universal but are in fact the product of time and space.
Deep sea mining partnerships with developing states: Favourable collaborations or opportunistic endeavours? In order to engage in deep sea mining activities on the international seabed (otherwise known as ‘the Area’), non-State actors must be sponsored by a State, which bears the responsibility to ensure that the sponsored entity complies with the appli
Transforming provisioning systems to enable 1.5° lifestyles in Europe? Expert and stakeholder views on overcoming structural barriers This article explores the urgent need for transformative change toward provisioning systems that align with staying as close as possible to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 °C limit for climate change.
Enhancing Human Health and Wellbeing through Sustainably and Equitably Unlocking a Healthy Ocean’s Potential A healthy ocean is essential for human health, and yet the links between the ocean and human health are often overlooked.
“It’s just politics”: an exploration of people’s frames of the politics of mobility in Germany and their consequences Background The decarbonization of the mobility sector is one of the main challenges in the context of climate mitigation.
Cross-technology legitimacy feedback: The politics of policy-led innovation for complementarity in concentrating solar power Solar photovoltaic and wind power generation is expanding fast globally, fuelled by technological progress and rapid cost reductions.
Governance for urban sustainability through real-world experimentation – Introducing an evaluation framework for transformative research involving public actors Transformative transdisciplinary research settings such as real-word laboratories (RwLs) provide infrastructures for collaboratively testing sustainability solutions in cities.
Next stop carbon dioxide removal? German climate policies and the risky road to negative emission technologies Sowohl die globalen als auch die deutschen Klimaziele sind ehrgeizig angesichts der jüngsten Emissionsminderungsraten.
Umweltauswirkungen der Digitalisierung im Technologiesektor: Eine theoretische Einordnung Viele Technologie-Unternehmen wollen von der Digitalisierung profitieren, da diese relevante ökonomische, ökologische und auch soziale Potenziale verspricht.
Legitimizing sustainability transitions through stakeholder participation: Evaluating the Coal Commission in Germany The German Coal Commission brought together stakeholders from business, unions, environmental groups and the scientific field, local politicians and citizen representatives to reach a consensus on phasing out coal.
Shijyaa haa research: Reflections on positionality, relationality, and commonality This paper engages an Indigenous and a non-Indigenous researcher in discussion about collaboration and co-creation between researchers and Indigenous communities that include and prioritise Indigenous knowledge.
Low-cost system application for policy assessment: a case study from Berlin Local policies are part of the toolbox available to decision makers to improve air quality but their effectiveness is underevaluated and underreported.
Quantifying Impacts of Local Traffic Policies on PM Concentrations Using Low Cost Sensors in Berlin Urban air pollution remains a challenge in European cities, despite decades of improvement, especially with respect to recent updates to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) air quality guidelines in 2021.
Community resilience through bottom–up participation: when civil society drives urban transformation processes In recent years, bottom–up civil society initiatives have advanced urban transformation processes in Berlin.
The many faces of uncertainty: a comment to Lofstedt and Bouder Risk and uncertainty communication of often directed towards addressing the relevance and meaning of probability distributions over negative outcomes and statistical confidence intervals.
Towards a public policy of cities and human settlements in the 21st century Cities and other human settlements are major contributors to climate change and are highly vulnerable to its impacts. They are also uniquely positioned to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead adaptation efforts.
Perceived carbon pricing effectiveness impacts its perceived fairness – Applying and extending a theoretical framework Based on a theoretical framework inspired by the Greed-Efficiency-Fairness-Hypothesis (GEF), it is argued that perceived effectiveness of climate policies, in addition to other policy beliefs (i.e.
Living smaller: acceptance, effects and structural factors in the EU This article examines limits to per capita living space (i.e. living smaller and/or sharing living space) as a measure for achieving sufficiency in housing.
From grey to green? Tipping a coal region incrementally A rapid and full decarbonisation of both energy and industry is essential to meet the targets in the Paris agreement, which brings coal- and carbon-intensive regions under significant pressure.
Shared pooled mobility: expert review from nine disciplines and implications for an emerging transdisciplinary research agenda Shared pooled mobility has been hailed as a sustainable mobility solution that uses digital innovation to efficiently bundle rides. Multiple disciplines have started investigating and analyzing shared pooled mobility systems.
The role of social capital in managing risks: a bibliometric analysis and literature review Disasters and crises affect more people around the world than reported in official documents by national or international agencies.
Status of Concentrated Solar Power Plants Installed Worldwide: Past and Present Data Solar energy is not only the most abundant energy on earth but it is also renewable. The use of this energy is expanding very rapidly mainly through photovoltaic technology.
A sustainability and governance index for assessing the EU’s green hydrogen import options The European Commission's REPowerEU plan set the target of importing 10 million tonnes of 'green' hydrogen into the European Union (EU) by 2030.
Dream or reality: where is the club for green steel? The USA and the EU proposed a ‘Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum (GASSA)’ as the first step towards a carbon club for clean steel in 2021.
Collaborative governance and personal relationships for sustainability transformation in the textile sector This paper explores the potential for collaborative governance in the textile sector to act as a catalyst for sustainability transformation.
Impacts of real-world labs in sustainability transformations: Forms of impacts, creation strategies, challenges, and methodological advances Real-world labs are witnessing continued growth and institutionalization in the field of transformation-oriented sustainability research, as well as in adjacent disciplines.
Gaining deep leverage? Reflecting and shaping real-world lab impacts through leverage points Real-world laboratories (RwLs) are gaining further traction as a means to achieve systemic impacts towards sustainability transformation.
Mind the gap and close it: Regulating greenhouse gas emissions from deep-sea mining in the Area Deep-sea mining (DSM) will be highly energy-intensive and produce myriad emissions, including greenhouse gases (GHG).
SCARLET - A European Effort to Develop HTS and MgB2Based MVDC Cables Superconducting cables have been proven in a variety of pilot projects and utility installations, demonstrating several of their advantages, including compact size and low energy losses, which can make the technology economically attractive for ce
Five priorities to advance transformative transdisciplinary research In response to the climate and biodiversity crisis, the number of transdisciplinary research projects in which researchers partner with sustainability initiatives to foster transformative change is increasing globally.
The revenue model of mainstream online social networks and potential alternatives: A scenario-based evaluation by German adolescents and adults Mainstream Online Social Networks (OSNs) face extensive criticism for their revenue model and its negative consequences for users and societies.
MgB2-Based MVDC Superconducting Power Cable in Liquid Hydrogen for Hybrid Energy Distribution The combination of liquid hydrogen and superconducting cables presents a unique opportunity to distribute both hydrogen and bulk electricity in the same infrastructure.
What determines local attitudes towards Jordan’s renewable energy transition? Evidence from household surveys The potential for renewable energy to encourage sustainable development raises high hopes for the future among countries in the Global South.
Finding tipping points in the global steel sector: A comparison of companies in Australia, Austria, South Korea and the USA The global steel sector is responsible for 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions, highlighting the need for significant changes in production practices and the adoption of low-carbon breakthrough technologies to achieve net-zero emissions.
Undermining by Mining? Deep Seabed Mining in Light of International Marine Environmental Law Some forty years ago, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS) created an unusual regime for states to collectively manage common natural resources on the international seabed beyond national jurisdiction (known as the Area) through t
Courts, climate litigation and the evolution of earth system law Numerous scientific reports have evidenced the transformation of the earth system due to human activities. These changes – captured under the term ‘Anthropocene’ – require a new perspective on global law and policy.
Managing systemic risk through transformative change: Combining systemic risk analysis with knowledge co-production Increasing interconnectedness, along with the effects of climate change and other global risk drivers, has led to mounting systemic risks in the complex systems that characterize our world.
An enhanced emissions module for the PALM model system 23.10 with application on PM10 emissions from urban domestic heating This article presents an enhanced emission module for the PALM model system, which collects discrete emission sources from different emission sectors and assigns them dynamically to the prognostic equations for specific pollutant species as volume
David versus Goliath? Indigenous people, carbon majors and climate litigation in South Africa In two recent South African cases, Indigenous communities successfully challenged proposed fossil fuel exploration activities by the Shell petroleum company off South Africa's pristine West Coast.
Die große Transformation: Zum Verhältnis von (Sozial-)Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft Social-ecological transformation has become an important concept in the face of profound planetary crises (loss of biodiversity, climate crisis). Recently, the needs for social scientific transformation research have become more clearly defined.
Positioning Germany in an international hydrogen economy: A policy review Germany, the European Union member state with the largest fiscal space and its leading manufacturer of industrial goods, is pursuing an ambitious hydrogen strategy aiming at establishing itself as a major technology provider and importer of green
Impacts beyond experimentation - Conceptualising emergent impacts from long-term real-world laboratory processes Real-world laboratories have become a recognised research format for addressing sustainability challenges.
Transformative research for sustainability: characteristics, tensions, and moving forward The question of how science can become a lever in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals permeates most recent sustainability research. Wide-ranging literature calling for a transformative approach has emerged in recent years.
Rising Waters, Rooted Memories: Cultural Heritage as a resource for climate adaptation in Sinking Cities Communities around the world are facing climate change impacts with coastal communities being particularly vulnerable.
Conflicts in real-world labs – Perspectives of critical and ambivalent residents on a temporary public space redesign project in Berlin Real-world labs make the mobility transition tangible for residents. However, these experiences are not always positive, and often local conflicts arise.
Assessing regime destabilisation through policy change: An analysis of agricultural policy in the United Kingdom during Brexit In sustainability transitions research, the deliberate destabilisation of socio-technical regimes is increasingly recognised as a central intervention point.
Partizipative Klimapolitik. Anforderungen und Aussichten Klimapolitik ist aufgrund ihrer Komplexität und Reichweite mehr denn je auf innovative Beteiligungsverfahren angewiesen.
Breaking the carbon lock-in: Identifying pathways for Malaysia towards a low-carbon future The Paris Agreement requires countries to break away from carbon lock-in, a particular challenge for traditional oil and gas producers.
The effect of cap-and-trade on sectoral emissions: Evidence from California We study the impact of California’s cap-and-trade system on carbon emissions in the electricity and industrial sectors.
The Superblock model: A review of an innovative urban model for sustainability, liveability, health and well-being Introduction Current urban and transport planning practices have significant negative health, environmental, social and economic impacts in most cities. New urban development models and policies are needed to reduce these negative impacts.
Transdisciplinary knowledge integration – PART I: Theoretical foundations and an organizational structure Transdisciplinary processes deal with transdisciplinary problems that are (i) complex, (ii) societally relevant, (iii) ill-defined, and (iv) real-world problems which often show a high degree of ambiguity resulting in contested perceptions and eva
Visions for our future regional electricity system: Citizen preferences in four EU countries As climate targets tighten, all countries must transition toward a renewable electricity system, but conflicts about generation and infrastructure deployment impede transition progress.
How Germany is phasing out lignite: insights from the Coal Commission and local communities Background This article asks the following question: how well are coal regions, affected by phase-out plans, represented in mediating commissions, to what extent do local communities participate in the decision-making process and how are the polit
Ecosystem-based Management through the lenses of International Seabed Authority stakeholders: current status, implications, and opportunities for the deep-sea mining regime in the Area The ocean is threatened by human activities, which undermine the health of its ecosystems.
Power and Truth in Science-Related Populism: Rethinking the Role of Knowledge and Expertise in Climate Politics Populism is often characterized as a rejection of scientific expertise and a key obstacle to societies’ ability to address the climate crisis today.
Embodied emissions policies—design options and political mobilization potential The topic of greenhouse gas emissions embodied in products is gaining in prominence and the possibilities for measuring and verifying them are improving.
“The People” and Climate Justice: Reconceptualizing Populism and Pluralism within Climate Politics Today, populism is widely understood to entail an exclusionary conception of “the people” that threatens climate change action.
Deliberation in times of crisis – how can citizens’ councils deal with pressing political issues like the Corona pandemic? The Corona pandemic was one of the most challenging political events of the last decades in Europe in which many important political issues had to be decided within a very short space of time.
Can cargo bikes compete with cars? Cargo bike sharing users rate cargo bikes superior on most motives – Especially if they reduced car ownership The transport sector and especially private cars pose environmental, economic, and social challenges. For this reason, cargo bikes and shared mobility are considered viable alternatives for road transport.
Simply Different Fashion: The Balancing Act of Designing a Transdisciplinary Space There is ample evidence that process design is critical for meaningful inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.
15 years of degrowth research: A systematic review In academia and political debates, the notions of ‘degrowth’ has gained traction since the dawn of the 21st century.
Economy-wide impacts of socio-politically driven net-zero energy systems in europe Net-zero energy system configurations can be met in numerous ways, implying diverse economic effects.
An energy justice index for the energy transition in the global South In order to avoid dangerous climate change and to satisfy the global energy needs energy systems have to change. Hopes are especially high in countries of the Global South for the low-carbon transition to propel sustainable development.
Processes of sustainability transformation across systems scales: leveraging systemic change in the textile sector Sustainability research emphasizes the importance of intervening with both individual and organizational behaviours as well as the systems that shape them to create sustainability transformations.
Economic crises as critical junctures for policy and structural changes towards decarbonization – the cases of Spain and Germany Crises may act as tipping points for decarbonization pathways by triggering structural economic change or offering windows of opportunity for policy change.
Uncovering the Dynamics of Multi‐Sector Impacts of Hydrological Extremes: A Methods Overview Hydrological extremes, such as droughts and floods, can trigger a complex web of compound and cascading impacts (CCI) due to interdependencies between coupled natural and social systems.
Whose negative emissions? Exploring emergent perspectives on CDR from the EU's hard to abate and fossil industries Net zero targets have rapidly become the guiding principle of climate policy, implying the use of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) to compensate for residual emissions.
Selbstbestätigung und Selbstkritik durch Nachhaltigkeit im klassischen Musikbetrieb Orchester, Ensembles und Konzerthäuser in Deutschland sowie im internationalen Kontext beschäftigen sich immer häufiger mit Nachhaltigkeitsthemen, z.B. auf inhaltlich-programmatischer Ebene oder in Form von betriebsökologischen Reformen.
Transboundary maritime cooperation: the case of the Eastern Caribbean Region Transboundary cooperation is a priority for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).
Developing best environmental practice for polymetallic nodule mining - a review of scientific recommendations Best environmental practice (BEP) is a key component of an ecosystem approach to management and is typically a product of practical experience in established industries.
Governing beyond the project: Refocusing innovation governance in emerging science and technology funding This article analyses how a recent idiom of innovation governance, ‘responsible innovation’, is enacted in practice, how this shapes innovation processes, and what aspects of innovation are left untouched.
Mind the gap: Community member perceptions of shortcomings in diversity and inclusivity of local energy projects in Germany Germany's Energiewende aims to have 80 percent of the nation's electricity generated from renewables by 2030.
Dynamic evaluation of modeled ozone concentrations in Germany with four chemistry transport models Simulating the ozone variability at regional scales using chemistry transport models (CTMs) remains a challenge. We designed a multi-model intercomparison to evaluate, for the first time, four regional CTMs on a national scale for Germany.
How Do Governments’ Policy Priorities Change as the Energy Transition Progresses? A Cross-Country Comparison Today’s energy transition is marked by two key processes: the maturation of the renewable electricity system, and the declining fit between the new and incumbent electricity systems.
Scaling up CSP: How long will it take? Concentrating solar power (CSP) is one of the few scalable technologies capable of delivering dispatchable renewable power.
Transdisciplinary knowledge integration PART II: Experiences of five transdisciplinary processes on digital data use in Germany Transdisciplinary problems are complex, ill-defined, societal real-world problems with high ambiguity that are contested and require multiple trade-offs.
Concentrating solar technology policy should encourage high temperatures and modularity to enable spillovers Thermal energy from concentrating solar thermal technologies (CST) may contribute to decarbonizing applications from heating and cooling, desalination, and power generation to commodities such as aluminium, hydrogen, ammonia or sustainable aviatio
Comparing clubs: Analyzing ambitions in the G7 and the G20 Mini-lateral ‘clubs’ occupy an increasingly prominent place in the international environmental governance landscape. Yet few studies have looked at how differences between clubs influence the results they produce.
The Green Climate Fund and private sector climate finance in the Global South Governments and international organizations are increasingly using public funds to mobilize and leverage private finance for climate projects in the Global South.
Introduction: Mapping the Research Field on the Democracy–Sustainability Nexus Mit jedem neuen Bericht des Weltklimarats wird deutlicher, dass der Handlungsbedarf angesichts des Klimawandels immer größer wird.
The Revenue Model of Mainstream Social Media: Advancing Discussions on Social Media Based on a European Perspective Derived from Interviews with Scientific and Practical Experts Potential benefits and risks related to mainstream social media platforms and their revenue model are vigorously debated.
Citizens Shaping Complex Technological Issues? Participatory Processes in Bioeconomic and Biotechnological Contexts Der Rückgriff auf deliberative, partizipative Prozesse hat in der Nachhaltigkeits-Governance in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen, da erwartet wird, dass solche Prozesse ein zusätzliches kreatives Potenzial mobilisieren können, ein besseres
Accelerating ocean species discovery and laying the foundations for the future of marine biodiversity research and monitoring Ocean Census is a new Large-Scale Strategic Science Mission aimed at accelerating the discovery and description of marine species.
On the links between climate scepticism and right-wing populism (RWP): an explanatory approach based on cultural political economy (CPE) Various analyses show that right-wing populist parties (RWP) tend to be sceptical of climate science and policy. This points to a blank space in the dominant analyses of populism: their blindness towards society-nature relations.
Infrastructuring environmental (in)justice: green hydrogen, Indigenous sovereignty and the political geographies of energy technologies Against the backdrop of ongoing planetary crises, this paper discusses the ambivalent relationship between large-scale material infrastructure, particularly energy technologies, and environmental justice.
Industry 4.0 and energy in manufacturing sectors in China Digitalisation in manufacturing (or “industry 4.0”) is expected to improve energy efficiency and thus reduce energy intensity in manufacturing, but studies show that it may also increase energy consumption.
Aerosols heat up the Himalayan climate The impact of aerosols, especially the absorbing aerosols, in the Himalayan region is important for climate.
Understanding ecological civilization in China: From political context to science China’s concept of “ecological civilization” can be understood as a new system of development and governance based on the perspective of political decision-making.
Integrated analysis of the transport process and source attribution of an extreme ozone pollution event in Hefei at different vertical heights: A case of study The Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region frequently experiences ozone pollution events during the summer and autumn seasons.
Justice in energy transformations as a spatial phenomenon: A framework for analyzing multi-dimensional justice claims Energy transformations not only evoke multi-dimensional claims for just distribution, recognition, and procedures, but also reveal how these claims depend on and shape the spatial context that they address.
Surface ozone over the Tibetan Plateau controlled by stratospheric intrusion The Tibetan Plateau is a global hotspot of stratospheric intrusion, and elevated surface ozone was observed at ground monitoring sites.
Insights on aerosol properties using two decades-long ground-based remote sensing datasets in Moldova, Eastern Europe Aerosol optical properties were studied over Chisinau in Moldova, one of the longest running AERONET sites in Eastern Europe.
The EU Energy Crisis and a New Geopolitics of Climate Transition In 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine had a profound effect on EU energy and climate policies. The EU redesigned its approach to the geopolitics of energy security as it sought alternatives to Russian supplies with accelerated urgency.
Who believes in green growth? Strategic framing and technology leadership in the UNFCCC negotiations Policymakers and governments increasingly frame climate protection in terms of green growth, arguing that continued economic growth and climate protection are complementary and mutually beneficial.
Sozial-ökologische Transformation mit dem Deutsch-Französischen Zukunftswerk: transnational, transdisziplinär, bottom-up Durch deutsch-französischen Dialog die sozial-ökologische Transformation auf kommunaler Ebene voranzubringen, das ist das Anliegen des Deutsch-Französischen Zukunftswerks.
IMAGINE sustainability: integrated inner-outer transformation in research, education and practice There has been a recent proliferation of research and practice on the interior dimensions of sustainability, such as values, beliefs, worldviews and inner capacities.
Ocean-based negative emissions technologies: a governance framework review The model pathways of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) for the timely achievement of global climate targets, especially the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, suggest the need for saf
Quantification of Gas Flaring from Satellite Imagery: A Comparison of Two Methods for SLSTR and BIROS Imagery Gas flaring is an environmental problem of local, regional and global concerns.
Water scarcity and support for costly institutions in public goods: Experimental evidence from Cambodia Voluntary contributions to public goods are vulnerable to free riding. A potential solution is the implementation of a costly institutional arrangement that deters free riding behavior.
Digitalization and resilience of industry sectors: A descriptive analysis of the Covid-19 crisis in Germany Digitalisation is widely believed to aid societies and economies in managing crises, for instance by facilitating remote work.
Calibration methodology of low-cost sensors for high-quality monitoring of fine particulate matter Low concentrations of pollutants may already be associated with significant health effects.
Does climate action bring peace? Assessing the geopolitics of renewables using global investment data The transition toward renewables is central to climate action. The paper empirically tests whether renewables also enhance international peace, a hypothesis discussed in the International Political Economy (IPE) of renewables literature.
Resource exporter or R&D champion? Leverage points and transition pathways for the Chilean energy sector The energy transition creates economic opportunities along renewable energy technology value chains. The benefits in terms of local value-added increase from resource extraction to manufacturing and are highest for R&D.
Left-Wing Populism and Environmental Issues: An Analysis of La France Insoumise’s ‘Popular Environmentalism’ This article proposes to explore the interaction between populism and environmentalism in the discourse of populist radical left parties, through a case study of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s parties, Parti de gauche (2008–2016) and La France insoumise (fr
Network analysis of scientific advisory committee integration in climate change policy: A comparison of Germany and Japan According to the literature on Environmental Policy Integration (EPI), decisionmaking in complex domains of environmental policy—of which climate change is a prime example—tend to fragment and silo into individual dimensions of a problem.
Employee involvement and participation in digital transformation: a combined analysis of literature and practitioners' expertise Purpose – This paper provides a systematization of the existing body of literature on both employee participation goals and the intervention formats in the context of organizational change.
Who is open to change after the COVID-19 pandemic? Some insights from Germany The COVID-19 pandemic as a disruptive event was initially considered an opportunity for a transformation towards more sustainable lifestyles.
Compound climate-pollution extremes in Santiago de Chile Cities in the global south face dire climate impacts. It is in socioeconomically marginalized urban communities of the global south that the effects of climate change are felt most deeply.
Developing normative criteria for meaningful citizen participation and deliberation in environmental policy The European Green Deal (EGD) represents the most ambitious environmental policy framework in European history, aimed at improving the health and well-being of citizens and future generations through climate action and becoming the first climate-n
The impact of digitalization on energy intensity in manufacturing sectors – A panel data analysis for Europe Digitalization of industrial production, also known as Industry 4.0, may have profound environmental impacts, raising both hopes and fears with regards to the environmental friendliness of manufacturing.
Local support of climate change policies in Germany over time Political conflicts about energy and climate change policies often have local implications, yet little is known about local public opinion towards these policies.
The political theory of technological change: Lessons from the liberalism-ecologism debate Little consideration has been given to the process of technological change in political theory.
The Indigenous Struggle against ‘New’ Extractivism in the Peruvian Amazon At the root of much of the deforestation, land rights violations, human rights abuses and ultimately the continuation of unequal, neocolonial North-South relations are the two-fold phenomena of global market pressures for extractivism and mass pro
Uncertainty quantification in the techno-economic analysis of emission reduction technologies: a tutorial case study on CO2 mineralization The pathways toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 should be designed based on solid scientific evidence. Ex ante system analysis tools, such as techno-economic assessments (TEAs), are key instruments to guide decision-makers.
Calibrating low-cost sensors to measure vertical and horizontal gradients of NO2 and O3 pollution in three street canyons in Berlin Despite improvements in air quality over the last several decades, air pollution will continue to be a leading cause of harmful health effects in European cities as urban populations continue to grow.
Participatory versus analytic approaches for understanding risk perceptions: a comparison of three case studies from the field of biotechnology Considering growing participatory turns in regulatory scientific risk analysis, this paper compares how social scientists use participatory and analytical methods to understand risk perceptions and meet competing demands for representativeness and
Future Energy Supply Possibilities and their Implications on Nepal’s Energy Security Nepal is 100% dependent on imported petroleum products as it has no as yet viable proven reserve.
Partizipative Klimapolitik: Wie die Integration von Stakeholder- und Bürger*innenbeteiligung gelingen kann Politisch Verantwortliche, die vor gesamtgesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen wie der Entwicklung einer wirksamen Klimapolitik stehen, sind aufgrund der Komplexität und Tragweite der Materie mehr denn je auf die Beteiligung von Stakeholdern und Bü
Codes of Conduct for Collaboration as Social Rule Systems for Transdisciplinary Processes This paper addresses the need for effective and fair codes of conduct for public-good-oriented transdisciplinary processes.
Human health and climate change in the Pacific: a review of current knowledge Observed climate changes in Pacific island countries (PICs) are causing detrimental effects on the health of communities.
Futures Imperfect: A Reflection on Challenges Social lives are lived prospectively with intent and visions of what will, could and should be.
Deep seabed mining lacks social legitimacy The impacts of deep seabed mining on people have not been sufficiently researched or addressed. Using a legitimacy framework, we discuss the social-equity dimensions of this emerging industry in the ocean commons.
Energy spaces: bridging scales and standpoints of just energy transitions This editorial to the special issue: Transregional Configurations of Just Energy Transitions explores how discourses on justice are interrelated and influence transformation paths at different levels of society.
Comparing Urban Anthropogenic NMVOC Measurements With Representation in Emission Inventories—A Global Perspective Emission inventories are a critical basis for air quality and climate modeling, as well as policy decisions. Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) are key precursor compounds in ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation.
Dramatic Carbon Loss in a Permafrost Thaw Slump in the Tibetan Plateau is Dominated by the Loss of Microbial Necromass Carbon Thaw slumps can lead to considerable carbon loss in permafrost regions, while the loss of components from two major origins, i.e., microbial and plant-derived carbon, during this process remains poorly understood.
Can ultimate recoverable resources (URRs) be assessed? Does analyzing declining ore grades help? Inspired by a paper by Teseletso and Adachi (Miner Econ 8(10):21, 2021), the hypothesis regarding the declining grade of mined copper ore and its possible use as a guide to the future of ultimate recoverable resources (URRs) is tested.
Kiezblocks in Berlin – partizipativ nachhaltige Stadträume entwickeln Die Stadt der kurzen Wege wird als Lösung vieler Probleme gefordert, nicht nur in Deutschland. Der autoorientierten Stadtplanung, die Planer seit fast einem Jahrhundert praktizieren, wird zunehmend kritisch begegnet.
Kultur in der Klimakrise : Acht Vorträge zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Kunst und Nachhaltiger Entwicklung
Orienteering the landscape of urban water sustainability indicators Indicator frameworks for urban water sustainability are very diverse, with tools designed for different practical use cases and employing different assessment approaches.
Substantially positive contributions of new particle formation to cloud condensation nuclei under low supersaturation in China based on numerical model improvements New particle formation (NPF) and subsequent particle growth are important sources of condensation nuclei (CN) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN).
Modernizing persistence–bioaccumulation–toxicity (PBT) assessment with high throughput animal-free methods The assessment of persistence (P), bioaccumulation (B), and toxicity (T) of a chemical is a crucial first step at ensuring chemical safety and is a cornerstone of the European Union’s chemicals regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authoriza
More sustainable artificial intelligence systems through stakeholder involvement? Artificial intelligence (AI) systems carry risks and opportunities for environmental sustainability. The use of AI systems, for instance, can result in both software-related (direct) as well as application-context-related (indirect) resource use.
Is renewable energy technology trade more or less conflictive than other trade? Renewable energy changes the geopolitics of energy: whereas access to fossil fuel resources were key in the past, control over technology and industry will be key in the future.
Sea2Cloud: from biogenic emission fluxes to cloud properties in the South West Pacific The goal of the Sea2Cloud project is to study the interplay between surface ocean biogeochemical and physical properties, fluxes to the atmosphere and ultimately their impact on cloud formation under minimal direct anthropogenic influence.
Diversity in Facilitation: Mapping Differences in Deliberative Designs There are various approaches to facilitation in deliberative mini-publics, yet the scholarly literature remains relatively underdeveloped in identifying which approaches to facilitation are useful in achieving certain deliberative goals.
Process ownership in science–practice collaborations: the special role of transdisciplinary processes in sustainable transitioning The complexity and importance of environmental, societal, and other challenges require new forms of science and practice collaboration.
An empirical study of dynamic selection and random under-sampling for the class imbalance problem A detailed and extensive empirical study of dynamic selection (DS) and random under-sampling (RUS) for the class imbalance problem is conducted in this paper. Total 20 state of the art DS methods are compared on 54 datasets.
Learning and community building in support of collective action: Toward a new climate of communication at the COP The international UN Climate Change conferences known as “Conferences of the Parties (COPs)” have an enormous convening power and are attended annually by tens of thousands of actors working on climate change topics from a wide range of perspectiv
Quantifying technology skewness in European multi-technology auctions and the effect of design elements and other driving factors Multi-technology auctions are a popular instrument to support renewable electricity in the European Union. While they increase competition, some technologies could dominate, which might be an issue for some countries’ power system reliability.
The sustainability of green hydrogen: An uncertain proposition Green hydrogen is increasingly considered a vital element for the long-term decarbonization of the global energy system.
Most industrialised countries have peaked carbon dioxide emissions during economic crises through strengthened structural change As the climate targets tighten and countries are impacted by several crises, understanding how and under which conditions carbon dioxide emissions peak and start declining is gaining importance.
Youth movements, intergenerational justice, and climate litigation in the deep time context of the Anthropocene After decades of ineffective state-led global climate governance that has been dominated by mostly short-term Northern political and corporate interests, we are now witnessing an increased recognition of the planetary scale of the climate crisis a
A blueprint for integrating scientific approaches and international communities to assess basin-wide ocean ecosystem status Ocean ecosystems are at the forefront of the climate and biodiversity crises, yet we lack a unified approach to assess their state and inform sustainable policies.
Experimentalism and its alternatives: toward viable strategies for transformative change and sustainability Experimentalism’s newfound prominence in relation to climate-change action invites questions—integral to this special issue—about whether it is capable of meeting the transformational challenges that societies face.
Gratwanderung zwischen disziplinärer Expertise und partizipativer Politikberatung 30 Jahre GAIA – ein guter Zeitpunkt, um innezuhalten, zurückzublicken und einen Ausblick in die Zukunft zu wagen. Wir haben zwei Personen eingeladen, die wir zu ihren Eindrücken zur aktuellen Lage der Nachhaltigkeit und zu GAIA befragt haben.
Environmental, energy security, and energy equity (3E) benefits of net-zero emission strategy in a developing country: A case study of Nepal There is a growing number of national, subnational and even company targets for net-zero emissions of CO2 in support of the Paris Climate Agreement goals of limiting the global average temperature increase within 1.5 °C by 2100.
Impact of variation in climatic parameters on hydropower generation: A case of hydropower project in Nepal Nepal has substantial potential to generate electricity through hydropower projects. Most of the hydropower projects in Nepal are Run-off-River (ROR) types.
The HTAP_v3 emission mosaic: merging regional and global monthly emissions (2000–2018) to support air quality modelling and policies This study, performed under the umbrella of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (TF-HTAP), responds to the need of the global and regional atmospheric modelling community of having a mosaic emission inventory of air pollutants
Opinion: The scientific and community-building roles of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) – past, present, and future The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) is a coordinating framework, started in 2010, that includes a series of standardized climate model experiments aimed at understanding the physical processes and projected impacts of solar g
An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future The ocean has recently taken centre stage in the global geopolitical landscape.
Towards planetary nexus governance in the Anthropocene: An earth system law perspective Nexus governance recognises that sustainability concerns such as water, energy, and food security are interlinked and provides an alternative to fragmented governance.
Catalytic Power Europe: Blended Finance in European External Action The global influence of the European Union (EU) has been debated in overlapping strands of literature as ‘normative’, ‘regulatory’ and ‘market power’. They identify the diffusion of its rules and standards as a vehicle of European power.
The European Green Deal and the limits of ecological modernisation With the European Green Deal (EGD), the European Commission presented an ambitious roadmap for accelerated “ecological modernisation” in December 2019.
Representing chemical history in ozone time-series predictions – a model experiment study building on the MLAir (v1.5) deep learning framework Tropospheric ozone is a secondary air pollutant that is harmful to living beings and crops. Predicting ozone concentrations at specific locations is thus important to initiate protection measures, i.e.
Values shift in response to social learning through deliberation about protected areas Salient, long-term solutions to address global environmental change hinge on management strategies that are inclusive of local voices and that recognize the array of values held by surrounding communities.
The ecosystem approach to marine management in the Arctic: Opportunities and challenges for integration Climate change is strongly impacting Arctic marine ecosystems, and the Arctic coastal communities whose identities, traditions and livelihoods are closely interconnected with the marine environment.
Ambient characterisation of PurpleAir particulate matter monitors for measurements to be considered as indicative Low-cost particulate matter systems output airborne particle mass concentrations based on optical particle counter sensors.
Digitalisierung ethnologischer Sammlungen : Perspektiven aus Theorie und Praxis Die Digitalisierung ethnologischer Sammlungen ist ein wichtiger Schritt für eine »Öffnung der Inventare«.
Criteria-based visualization design for hazard maps Probabilistic seismic hazard estimates are a key ingredient of earthquake risk mitigation strategies and are often communicated through seismic hazard maps.
The dilemma of “sustainable welfare” and the problem of the future in capacitating social policy This article discusses a dilemma of welfare states in the ecological transition. While the principle of “sustainability” is increasingly accepted, there are very different concrete declinations of it.
Sources of surface O3in the UK: tagging O3within WRF-Chem Tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations depend on a combination of hemispheric, regional, and local-scale processes. Estimates of how much O3 is produced locally vs.
Atmospheric Black Carbon Loadings and Sources over Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa Are Governed by the Regional Savanna Fires Vast black carbon (BC) emissions from sub-Saharan Africa are perceived to warm the regional climate, impact rainfall patterns, and impair human respiratory health.
Legitimizing energy transitions through community participation: Germany and Australia at a crossroad Public acceptance is central to the success of a transition agenda but with the increasing uptake of renewable energy technology, achieving and sustaining the public legitimacy for accelerating the energy transition is at risk.
Sustainability related impacts of digitalisation on cooperation in global value chains: An exploratory study comparing companies in China, Brazil and Germany While digitalisation is reconfiguring global value chains (GVCs), the implications for sustainable development, especially in emerging economies, have not yet been thoroughly explored.
Digitalization and the Anthropocene Great claims have been made about the benefits of dematerialization in a digital service economy.
Green hydrogen value chains in the industrial sector—Geopolitical and market implications The global transition to a low-carbon economy will significantly impact existing energy value chains and transform the production to consumption lifecycle, dramatically altering interactions among stakeholders.
Characterization of columnar aerosol over a background site in Central Asia Ground-based observational characterization of atmosphere aerosols over Central Asia is very limited.
Verified account prediction on Sina Weibo with deep learning The focus of the paper is to use a single weibo from a user to predict whether the user account is verified, referred to as verified account prediction, on Sina Weibo.
Eliciting knowledge from stakeholders to identify critical issues of the transition to climate neutrality in Greece, the Nordic Region, and the European Union There are considerable differences in the pace and underlying motivations of the energy transition in the different geographical contexts across Europe.
Committed to implementing CCU? A comparison of the policy mix in the US and the EU Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies aim to use carbon dioxide (CO2), either captured from industrial point sources or from the atmosphere, instead of fossil carbon in the production of a variety of valuable goods.
The crisis in Ukraine: another missed opportunity for building a more sustainable economic paradigm Economic disruptions caused by the war in Ukraine provide insights into how climate change may threaten global supply chains in a not-so-distant future.
Will short-term behavior changes during the COVID-19 crisis evolve into low-carbon practices? In the course of the COVID-19 crisis, there were a number of behavioral adaptations to the extraordinary conditions that temporarily reduced individual carbon footprints.
Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung lehren und lernen. Workshop-Serie am Institut für transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung Transformationsprozesse zu erforschen, zu verstehen und zu fördern – dieses Ziel hat sich das Institut für transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (IASS) in Potsdam gesetzt.
Source attribution of nitrogen oxides across Germany: Comparing the labelling approach and brute force technique with LOTOS-EUROS Millions of people are exposed to enhanced levels of nitrogen dioxide in urbanized areas, leading to severe health effects.
Greening oil money: The geopolitics of energy finance going green This article examines the role of “oil money” in promoting the energy transition, tracing activities across the oil industry and countries heavily dependent on oil revenues to bolster their green credentials.
Borderless conservation: Integrating connectivity into high seas conservation efforts for the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges Connectivity is essential to consider in area-based marine conservation measures because it greatly impacts vital ecological processes (e.g., recycling nutrients, regulating temperature, sequestering carbon, and supporting the life cycle of specie
Future memory work: unsettling temporal Othering through speculative research practices This article introduces ‘future memory work’ as a conceptual framework and speculative practice to unsettle the temporal hierarchies that are intrinsically tied to the anthropological project and that lead to Othering through time.
Axel Franzen / Sebastian Mader (Eds.), Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, 416 S., gb., 246,18 €
Energy innovation funding and institutions in major economies Accelerating energy innovation for decarbonization hinges on public investment in research, development and demonstration (RD&D).
Towards participatory cross-impact balance analysis: Leveraging morphological analysis for data collection in energy transition scenario workshops This Perspective article presents a novel, participatory scenario development method for studying the energy transition.
Sustainability spectacle and ‘post-oil’ greening initiatives Sustainability projects are being promoted around the world with a large dose of spectacle, including those in the Arabian Peninsula where governments have invested heavily in large greening projects and events.
Taking Stock of the Energy and Climate Profile of Germany and the USA: New Potential for Cooperation Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten sind beide wichtige Akteure in der internationalen Klimapolitik: Sie sind bedeutende internationale Geber im Energiesektor, sie beteiligen sich an vielfältigen bi- und multilateralen Kooperationsformaten im
Social tipping points and adaptation limits in the context of systemic risk: Concepts, models and governance Physical tipping points have gained a lot of attention in global and climate change research to understand the conditions for system transitions when it comes to the atmosphere and the biosphere.
Why energy models should integrate social and environmental factors: Assessing user needs, omission impacts, and real-word accuracy in the European Union Energy models are used to inform and support decisions within the transition to climate neutrality.
Pop-up cycling infrastructure as a niche innovation for sustainable transportation in European cities: An inter- and transdisciplinary case study of Berlin Mobility behavior changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic have opened a window of opportunity for an accelerated transition towards sustainable mobility.
Life cycle cost analysis of solar energy via environmental externality monetization Evaluating the embodied environmental impact of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has been an important topic in addressing the sustainable development of renewable energy.
Compositional Constraints are Vital for Atmospheric PM2.5Source Attribution over India India experiences some of the highest levels of ambient PM2.5 aerosol pollution in the world.
Bridging the low-carbon technology gap? Assessing energy initiatives for the Global South Many developing countries have made their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) conditional on receiving climate finance, technology transfer, and capacity-building support.
Circular bioeconomy: Actors and dynamics of knowledge co-production in Finland The circular bioeconomy is a highly scrutinized concept in Finland and internationally, with a high degree of polarization regarding forest utilization rates and distrust between certain actors.
Environmental Law and the Unsustainability of Sustainable Development: A Tale of Disenchantment and of Hope In this article we argue that sustainable development is not a socio-ecologically friendly principle.
Direct Olivine Carbonation: Optimal Process Design for a Low-Emission and Cost-Efficient Cement Production Employing mineral carbonation products as a cementitious substitute could reduce the cement industry’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Politische Bildung in Berufsschule und Betrieb als Möglichkeitsraum organisationaler und diskursiver Emanzipation. Auszubildende in der Kohleindustrie im Lausitzer Strukturwandel Wie können Betroffene einer wirtschaftlichen Veränderung zugunsten des Klimaschutzes gestärkt werden, um diesen Prozess selbst aktiv zu gestalten?
Evaluating the quality of environmental baselines for deep seabed mining Generating environmental baseline knowledge is a prerequisite for evaluating and predicting the effects of future deep seabed mining on the seafloor and in the water column.
The role of transdisciplinarity for mineral economics and mineral resource management: coping with fallacies related to phosphorus in science and practice Mineral economics is a genuine multidisciplinary field dealing with economic and policy matters related to the production, distribution, and consumption of mineral commodities.
Narratives of sustainability in digital media: An observatory for digital narratives Making the profound societal transitions and transformations called for in the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (UN, 2019) and beyond is a critical and urgent challenge for humanity.
Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world Sustainable agrifood systems are critical to averting climate-driven social and ecological disasters, overcoming the growth paradigm and redefining the interactions of humanity and nature in the twenty-first century.
A scientometric analysis of indoor air pollution research during 1990–2019 Indoor air pollution (IAP) is one of the leading risk factors for various adverse health outcomes including premature deaths globally.
Co‐benefits analysis of industrial symbiosis in China's key industries: Case of steel, cement, and power industries Accelerating the construction of ecological civilization in the industrial field and guiding the transformation of industry toward a green direction have become a national development strategy.
From regime‐building to implementation: Harnessing the UN climate conferences to drive climate action The gap between the internationally agreed climate objectives and tangible emissions reductions looms large.
Systemische Risiken: Was sind sie, was kann die Gesellschaft dagegen tun und wie kann man über sie kommunizieren?
Impacts of Industry 4.0 on industrial employment in Germany: A comparison of industrial workers’ expectations and experiences from two surveys in 2014 and 2020 Companies across the globe have intensified the digital interconnectedness of their manufacturing processes. Much attention was devoted to how industrial employment will be affected in this new production paradigm.
Transdisciplinary sustainability research. Procedural perspectives and professional cooperation This article draws on social theory to advance conceptualization and methodology in transdisciplinary research.
Interactive network visualization on the integration of mindsets and sustainability – creating conditions for emergence through a relational narrative Transdisciplinary research processes often involve the integration of knowledge and stakeholders from various backgrounds.
A research agenda for open energy science: Opportunities and perspectives of the F1000Research Energy Gateway Energy enables the functioning of modern society.
On the quality of emission reductions: observed effects of carbon pricing on investments, innovation, and operational shifts. A response to van den Bergh and Savin (2021) To meet the Paris Agreement targets, carbon emissions from the energy system must be eliminated by mid-century, implying vast investment and systemic change challenges ahead.
Impulse für eine Soziologie der Nachhaltigkeit Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ist in der deutschen Soziologie nur selten als eigenständiger Topos der Forschung und der Theoriebildung verankert.
Pre-monsoon submicron aerosol composition and source contribution in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal The Kathmandu Valley in Nepal suffers from unhealthy air quality, with mean pre-monsoon submicron particulate matter concentration (PM1) of 40 μg m−3 and daily peaks over 75 μg m−3.
Thresholds in deep-seabed mining: A primer for their development The establishment of thresholds is integral to environmental management.
Country-specific food culture and scientific knowledge transfer events – Do they influence the purchasing behaviour of seafood products? A positive perception of aquaculture products is essential to boost production by using more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. However, consumer perception and resulting purchasing decisions remain poorly understood.
Supplier sustainability assessment in the age of Industry 4.0 – Insights from the electronics industry Achieving transparency of the social and environmental impacts of industrial production poses significant obstacles for companies operating in complex global supply chains.
Jugendbeteiligung, Demokratiepädagogik und Nachhaltigkeit. Konzeptuelle Überlegungen sowie Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze aus dem Strukturwandel in der Lausitz Die Beteiligungsrechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen wurden in den letzten Jahren ausgeweitet, sowohl bezogen auf ihr unmittelbares Lebensumfeld (Wolff 2021) als auch im politischen Raum. Zugleich gibt es ein Umsetzungsdefizit, das u.a.
Digitalisierte Industrie und Nachhaltigkeit - Zwischen Synergie und Dissonanz Ein erheblicher Teil der globalen Treibhausgasemissionen wird durch die Industrie verursacht. Ihre Digitalisierung wird oft als Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit gesehen.
Plastic-Free July: An Experimental Study of Limiting and Promoting Factors in Encouraging a Reduction of Single-Use Plastic Consumption To tackle the plastic problem, the worldwide campaign ‘Plastic Free July’ aims at encouraging people to reduce single-use plastics during the month of July.
Yeti 1.0: a generalized framework for constructing bottom-up emission inventories from traffic sources at road-link resolutions This paper outlines the development and operation of Yeti, a bottom-up traffic emission inventory framework written in the Python 3 scripting language.
Analisis comparativo del tiempo de recupero de la inversión en colectores solares térmicos en la Republica Argentina mediante sistemas de información geográfico The growth of the solar thermal market, both worldwide and in Argentina, has generated an increase in imports and local production of various solar thermal collectors with highly heterogeneous characteristics.
Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Management in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: REMPs for Deep Seabed Mining and the Proposed BBNJ Instrument The ocean plays a key role in sustaining life on our planet and is inextricably linked to biodiversity, climate, human well-being, and health.
Implications of Industry 4.0 on industrial employment: A comparative survey from Brazilian, Chinese, and German practitioners Industry 4.0 is fundamentally changing industrial employment around the globe.
Why Terminology Matters for Successful Rollout of Carbon Dioxide Utilization Technologies To realize their full sustainability potential, carbon dioxide utilization technologies (carbon capture and utilization/CCU) presently require policy support.
Science diplomacy in the Arctic: Contributions of the USGS to policy discourse and impact on governance Science diplomacy has been instrumental in facilitating cooperation in the Arctic region, yet through the projection of vast hydrocarbon potential in the region, it has also served to undermine the major transformation necessary in Arctic decision
Separation of reaction products from ex-situ mineral carbonation and utilization as a substitute in cement, paper, and rubber applications Ex-situ mineral carbonation, a CCU process, is one possible approach for the decarbonisation of emission-intensive industry with hard-to-abate process emissions like the cement industry.
From carbon democracy to post-fossil capitalism? The German coal phase-out as a crossroads of sustainability politics For a long time, Germany was regarded as a pioneer in climate policy. Recently, conflicts have intensified over the phase-out of coal from the energy sector.
Transformation strategies connected to carbon capture and utilization: A cross-sectoral configurational study Firms from various industries are investing in carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies as part of their circular economy efforts.
Improving the relationships between Indigenous rights holders and researchers in the Arctic: An invitation for change in funding and collaboration Truly transdisciplinary approaches are needed to tackle the complex problems that the Arctic is facing at the moment.
Existing tools, user needs and required model adjustments for energy demand modelling of a carbon-neutral Europe To achieve the European Union's target for climate neutrality by 2050 reduced energy demand will make the transition process faster and cheaper.
The algebra of the protagonist: sustainability, normativity and storytelling As advances in scientific, technological, economic and policy dimensions of sustainability challenges fail to produce widespread transformative change, an awareness of their ultimate insufficiency grows.
Socio-metabolic risk and tipping points on islands Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face enormous sustainability challenges such as heavy reliance on imports to meet basic needs, tenuous resource availability, coastal squeeze, and reduced waste absorption capacity.
Informed choice: The role of knowledge in the willingness to consume aquaculture products of different groups in Germany Translating the agricultural eco(logical)-intensification model to European aquaculture hosts the potential for sustainably providing local food for local communities.
Deep decarbonization of the European power sector calls for dispatchable CSP Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) offers flexible and decarbonized power generation and is one of the few dispatchable renewable technologies able to generate renewable electricity on demand.
Chinese CSP for the world? For three consecutive five-year plans since 2006, China has worked on building up an internationally competitive CSP industry and value chain.
Microplastics and nanoplastics in the marine-atmosphere environment The discovery of atmospheric micro(nano)plastic transport and ocean–atmosphere exchange points to a highly complex marine plastic cycle, with negative implications for human and ecosystem health. Yet, observations are currently limited.
Indicator-driven data calibration of expert interviews in a configurational study Expert interviews can provide interesting data for the use in qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to investigate complex social phenomena.
Open energy system modelling to support the European Green Deal Energy models are used to explore decarbonisation pathways and potential future energy systems.
CO2-Nutzung für Dummies Kohlenstoffdioxid ist maßgebliche Ursache für den Klimawandel. Doch in CO2 steckt Kohlenstoff, den wir im Alltag dringend brauchen: für Kunststoff, Shampoo, Treibstoff... Was, wenn wir CO2 als alternative Kohlenstoffquelle nutzen könnten?
Eurodelta multi-model simulated and observed particulate matter trends in Europe in the period of 1990–2010 The Eurodelta-Trends (EDT) multi-model experiment, aimed at assessing the efficiency of emission mitigation measures in improving air quality in Europe during 1990–2010, was designed to answer a series of questions regarding European pollution tre
Adapting Technology Learning Curves for Prospective Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessments of Emerging Carbon Capture and Utilization Pathways Comparisons of emerging carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies with equivalent incumbent technologies are necessary to support technology developers and to help policy-makers design appropriate long-term incentives to mitigate climate c
Metal Sourcing For a Sustainable Future Drastic measures are required to meet the standards of the Paris Agreement and limit the increase of global average temperatures well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels.
Perceived risks and vulnerabilities of employing digitalization and digital data in agriculture – Socially robust orientations from a transdisciplinary process The digitalization of agricultural production and the use of digital data are fundamentally transforming processes, products, and services of the agro-food systems.
Beyond CO2 equivalence: The impacts of methane on climate, ecosystems, and health In this article we review the physical and chemical properties of methane (CH4) relevant to impacts on climate, ecosystems, and air pollution, and examine the extent to which this is reflected in climate and air pollution governance.
Vilmer Thesen 2017: Natur(schutz) und Musik Die Vilmer Thesen 2017 beschäftigen sich zum einen mit historischen Bezügen von Musik zur deutschen Naturschutzbewegung sowie der Auseinandersetzung von Musikerinnen und Musikern mit Naturzerstörung.
Managing Risks Arising from Conservation Complexities of Forests: Insights from China’s “Chief Scheme” Practice Forests play a critical role in combating climate change. It takes China from timber production to ecosystem rehabilitation and then to the future of carbon neutrality.
Insight into seasonal aerosol concentrations, meteorological influence, and transport over the Pan-Third Pole region using multi-sensors satellite and model simulation The Pan-Third Pole (PTP) owns complex geography and demographic features where aerosol roles and their impact cannot be neglected as it jeopardizes both the environment and human health.
Vertrauen als Grundlage einer erfolgreichen institutionellen Risikokommunikation Der Erfolg der Krisen- und Risikokommunikation einer Institution beruht auf einer offenen und dialogorientierten Kommunikationspolitik sowie auf einer Kongruenz zwischen den Erwartungen, die ihr gegenüber gehegt werden, und deren Erfüllung.
Capacity development in the Ocean Decade and beyond: Key questions about meanings, motivations, pathways, and measurements Capacity development is a major priority in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Decade).
Climate Benefits of Cleaner Energy Transitions in East and South Asia Through Black Carbon Reduction The state of air pollution has historically been tightly linked to how we produce and use energy.
Anforderungen an ein tragfähiges Konzept der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung Für eine evidenzbasierte und handlungsorientierte Erforschung der Nachhaltigkeit ist eine Integration von analytischem, zielorientiertem und katalytischem Wissen eine wesentliche Voraussetzung.
Wege zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit Kunststoffen: Kernbotschaften sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung Weltweit wächst der Eintrag von Kunststoffen in die Umwelt. Da die bestehenden Regulierungen zur Eindämmung des Problems nicht ausreichen, muss die ständig steigende Kunststoffproduktion und -nutzung insgesamt reduziert werden.
Does green growth foster green policies? Value chain upgrading and feedback mechanisms on renewable energy policies The expansion of renewable energies not only lowers carbon emissions, it also redistributes resources among actors.
Taking Stock of Joe Biden's Climate Agenda: Governance Approach and Areas for Transatlantic Climate Cooperation Upon entering office in 2021, Joe Biden declared climate policy to be the focal topic of his presidency. The U.S. subsequently set new ambitious impulses for climate protection and made a spirited return to international climate engagement.
Same, same but different? How democratically elected right-wing populists shape climate change policymaking The Paris Agreement expresses far-reaching commitments to combat climate change, but its translation into national contexts faces severe confrontation by populist movements and individuals worldwide.
Flows of power: an analytical framework for the study of collaboration Why do exercises in collaborative governance often witness more impasse than advantage? This paper suggests putting power at center stage and focusing the analysis on the micro level.
Trends in the types and absorption characteristics of ambient aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and North China Plain in last two decades Climatology and trends in different types of aerosols with focus on absorbing aerosols over Kanpur located in Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) in South Asia and Beijing in North China Plain (NCP) in East Asia are investigated.
Industry 4.0 in sustainable supply chain collaboration: Insights from an interview study with international buying firms and Chinese suppliers in the electronics industry With the proclaimed advent of Industry 4.0 in supply chains, digitalisation is expected to restructure the ways in which buying firms and suppliers in supply chains collaborate, including on sustainability issues.
Sustainable lifestyles: towards a relational approach The concept of sustainable lifestyles is said to have reached the limits of its usefulness. As commonly understood, it impedes an effective response to our increasingly complex world, and the associated societal challenges.
Attribution of surface ozone to NOx and volatile organic compound sources during two different high ozone events Increased tropospheric ozone (O3) and high temperatures affect human health during heat waves.
Asthma and COPD exacerbation in relation to outdoor air pollution in the metropolitan area of Berlin, Germany Background: Ambient air pollution poses a major risk for the development and aggravation of respiratory diseases. Evidence suggests that even in low-level air pollution environments there is a risk for an increase in adverse respiratory symptoms.
The striking effect of vertical mixing in the planetary boundary layer on new particle formation in the Yangtze River Delta New particle formation (NPF) induces a sharp increase in ultrafine particle number concentrations and potentially acts as an important source of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN).
Aligning digitalisation and sustainable development? Evidence from the analysis of worldviews in sustainability reports The digitalisation of industrial production and the actual positive and negative consequences for sustainable development are not yet sufficiently understood.
AssessCCUS: An Integrated Approach for Aggregating Resources to Enable Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Management Technologies
Estimation of air pollutant emissions from captive diesel generators and its mitigation potential through microgrid and solar energy The grid power supply in many developing countries is insufficient and irregular resulting in many commercial users relying on inefficient and air pollution intensive off-grid captive diesel generators (DGs) as a backup power supply.
Towards a business case for CO2 mineralisation in the cement industry The cement industry, an industry characterised by low margins, is responsible for approximately 7% of anthropogenic CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions and holds the highest carbon intensity of any industry per unit of revenue.
Assessment of scientific gaps related to the effective environmental management of deep-seabed mining A comprehensive understanding of the deep-sea environment and mining’s likely impacts is necessary to assess whether and under what conditions deep-seabed mining operations comply with the International Seabed Authority’s obligations to prevent ‘s
Digitalization between environmental activism and counter-activism: The case of satellite data on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon This paper analyzes the uses of digital satellite data on deforestation in the Amazon region, drawing on poststructuralist studies of scientific knowledge practices and Science and Technology Studies (STS).
Impact of Industry 4.0 on corporate environmental sustainability: Comparing practitioners’ perceptions from China, Brazil and Germany Industrial production needs to be fundamentally transformed if the UN Sustainable Development Goals shall be met.
SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Earth and Ocean, Mitigating Environmental Hazards, and Supporting the Blue Economy The Joint Task Force, Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (JTF SMART) Subsea Cables, is working to integrate environmental sensors for ocean bottom temperature, pressure, and seismic acceleration into submarine telecommunications ca
Tracing intuitive judgement of experts in fish stock assessment data Scientific advice is increasingly used to inform policy. Often, experts are asked to give advice when stakes are high, time pressure is severe and uncertainty looms.
Teaching and Learning Ecosystem Assessment and Valuation There has been very little research on teaching, learning and communicating core concepts from Ecological and Environmental Economics.
Representation in (International) Political Theory - A Feminist Critique and a Call for Dialogue Wer darf für wen jenseits des Staates sprechen, und welche Identitäten werden durch dieses Sprechen erst angeboten und erzeugt?
Neubauer et al. versus Germany: Planetary Climate Litigation for the Anthropocene? The recent decision by the German Constitutional Court in Neubauer et al. versus Germany has been attracting considerable attention around the globe.
Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe This article enriches the existing literature on the importance and role of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in renewable energy sources research by providing a novel approach to instigating the future research agenda in this field.
Conceptualizing community in energy systems: A systematic review of 183 definitions Community-based energy systems are gaining traction among policymakers and practitioners as promising models for implementing a low-carbon energy transition.
Shaping Arctic’s Tomorrow through Indigenous Knowledge Engagement and Knowledge Co-Production This perspective presents a statement of the 10th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences Indigenous Knowledge and knowledge co-production panel and discussion group, 20 July 2021.
Unsettling transitions: Representing Indigenous peoples and knowledge in transitions research This paper presents an integrative literature review of representation of Indigenous peoples and knowledge in transitions scholarship.
The European 2030 climate and energy package: do domestic strategy adaptations precede EU policy change? The European Union’s 2030 climate and energy package introduced fundamental changes compared to its 2020 predecessor.
Priorities for supporting emission reduction technologies in the cement sector – A multi-criteria decision analysis of CO2 mineralisation As a major contributor to climate change, the cement sector urgently needs to develop and implement greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation technologies to drastically lower its emissions to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
Current status of source apportionment of ambient aerosols in India Particulate matter (PM) pollution is a major challenge in India. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India has launched the National Clean Air Programme for monitoring, assessment and control of air pollution.
Water vapour characteristics and radiative effects at high-altitude Himalayan sites We analyze long-term aerosol and precipitable water vapour (PWV) properties at two high-altitude sites (Nainital and Hanle) over the central Himalayan and western Trans-Himalayan region from 2008 to 2018.
Nitrogenous and carbonaceous aerosols in PM2.5 and TSP during pre-monsoon: Characteristics and sources in the highly polluted mountain valley This study reports for the first time a comprehensive analysis of nitrogenous and carbonaceous aerosols in simultaneously collected PM2.5 and TSP during pre-monsoon (March–May 2018) from a highly polluted urban Kathmandu Valley (KV) of the Himalay
Characteristics, potentials, and challenges of transdisciplinary research Resolving the grand challenges and wicked problems of the Anthropocene will require skillfully combining a broad range of knowledge and understandings—both scientific and non-scientific—of Earth systems and human societies.
Platz statt Kreuzung – Straßenraum neu denken: Mehr Aufenthaltsqualität im öffentlichen Raum als Treiber für die Verkehrswende Insbesondere in Städten ist der öffentliche Raum eine knappe Ressource, die durch unterschiedliche Nutzungen beansprucht wird.
Dialogue: A promising vehicle to steer transformative local change towards more sustainable communities? This paper reflects on how, and under what conditions, dialogue can contribute to local transformative change towards climate neutrality, based on the case of the German city of Marburg, which has engaged in a collaborative governance process to s
Planetary health diplomacy and transdisciplinary research Given the urgent need for multilateral action for planetary health, the scope of planetary health research must be broadened. Key challenges are currently addressed through disconnected approaches and fragmented policy making.
Global Climate Services: A Typology of Global Decisions Influenced by Climate Risk Climate services are ideally co-developed by scientists and stakeholders working together to identify decisions and user needs.
Push or Pull? Policy Barriers and Incentives to the Development and Deployment of CO2 Utilization, in Particular CO2 Mineralization Like other hard-to-abate sectors, the cement and concrete industry is facing growing pressure to reduce CO2 emissions.
The effect of using a new parameterization of nucleation in the WRF-Chem model on new particle formation in a passive volcanic plume We investigated the role of the passive volcanic plume of Mount Etna (Italy) in the formation of new particles in the size range of 2.5–10 nm through the gas-to-particle nucleation of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) precursors, formed from the oxidation of
The interpretation of scarcity and the importance of resilience: An overlooked aspect of phosphorus supply security: A comment on Stamm et al. (2021)
Equity implications of net zero visions With national governments almost universally pledging to achieve net zero emissions, a key uncertainty is how net zero policies will affect global equity.
Data about marine area-based management tools to assess their contribution to the UN sustainable development goals The dataset presented in this article contains information about marine Area-Based Management Tools (ABMTs) used to assess their contribution to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Taking to the Streets in Germany – Disenchanted and Confident Critics in Mass Demonstrations This paper analyses the socio-demographic attributes and political attitudes of protesters in Germany.
The EU as catalytic state? Rethinking European climate and energy governance The regulatory state has provided a useful framework for conceptualizing the nature of the EU and its role in policy making.
The tricky geoeconomics of going low carbon The global energy transition throws up new questions related to energy geopolitics. In their latest article in Nature Energy, Mercure et al.
One Atmosphere: Integrating Air Pollution and Climate Policy and Governance Few challenges pose a greater threat to a healthy planet and people than air pollution and climate change.
Process expertise in policy advice: Designing collaboration in collaboration Complex societal and environmental challenges motivate scholars to assume new roles that transcend the boundaries of traditional academic expertise.
Contributions of marine area-based management tools to the UN sustainable development goals Area-Based Management Tools (ABMTs) are spatial instruments for conservation and managing different forms of ocean use.
The design of technical requirements in public solar auctions: Evidence from India Solar technology diffuses across the globe as countries transition from fossil to renewable energy. Little solar-specific experience and capacity in newly adopting countries can result in technical failures and lower solar plant performance.
Assessing dependence and governance as value chain risks: Natural Gas versus Concentrated Solar power plants in Mexico Despite geopolitics play a pivotal role in the energy sector, geopolitical aspects are often not considered in the quantitative assessment models aimed at supporting the energy investment decision-making process.
Sprache steht der Mobilitätswende im Weg Auf Fachkongressen, wie der Velocity-Konferenz, und in den sozialen Medien wird immer wieder auf den Sprachgebrauch „pro Auto“ hingewiesen, der uns seit Jahrzehnten prägt. Unser Gastautor Dr.
Estimation of wind energy potential and comparison of six Weibull parameters estimation methods for two potential locations in Nepal This study analyzes the wind speed characteristics, compares the six different methods (graphical, method of moment, wind energy pattern factor, empirical method of Justus and Lysen, and maximum likelihood method) of estimating Weibull parameters
Between Evidence and Action: Challenges in Addressing the Institutional Gaps Unveiled by the Dasgupta Review
COVID-19 vaccine rollout management and communication in Europe: one year on Vaccines represent one of the most important methods to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and mortality as a result of COVID-19.
Air Pollution in New Delhi during Late Winter: An Overview of a Group of Campaign Studies Focusing on Composition and Sources In recent times, a significant number of studies on the composition and sources of fine particulate matters and volatile organic compounds have been carried out over Delhi, either initiated by or in association with the researchers from the Indian
A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change Assessing global progress on human adaptation to climate change is an urgent priority. Although the literature on adaptation to climate change is rapidly expanding, little is known about the actual extent of implementation.
Drop-in Fuels from Sunlight and Air Aviation and shipping currently contribute approximately 8% of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions, with growth in tourism and global trade projected to increase this contribution further1–3.
Moral rifts in the coal phase-out—how mayors shape distributive and recognition-based dimensions of a just transition in Lusatia Transitions towards low-carbon societies trigger renegotiations of justice concerns in regions that have to abandon unsustainable, fossil-based production patterns.
High-resolution large-scale onshore wind energy assessments: A review of potential definitions, methodologies and future research needs The rapid uptake of renewable energy technologies in recent decades has increased the demand of energy researchers, policymakers and energy planners for reliable data on the spatial distribution of their costs and potentials.
The forgotten ocean: Why COP26 must call for vastly greater ambition and urgency to address ocean change Of all the interconnected threats facing the planet, the top two are the climate and the biodiversity crises. Neither problem will be solved if we ignore the ocean.
APExpose_DE, an air quality exposure dataset for Germany 2010–2019 Exposure to poor air quality is considered a major influence on the occurrence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
The political economy of mobility justice. Experiences from Germany Recently, there has been an intense debate around the concept of mobility justice, which has been developed from approaches in political theory in articulation with social struggles.
Breaking the Silos for Planetary Health This book translates the latest theoretical perspectives on the emerging field of Planetary Health Studies into the practical reality of global political decision makers.
Trends in physical, optical and chemical columnar aerosol characteristics and radiative effects over South and East Asia: Satellite and ground-based observations Recent satellite observations of atmospheric aerosol loading over Asia indicate a dipole pattern in the aerosol optical depth (AOD) with a substantial decrease in AOD over East Asia and persistent increase in AOD over South Asia, the two global ho
Creating space for reflection and dialogue: Examples of new modes of communication for empowering climate action “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” This quote by Albert Einstein highlights our need for new formats of communication to address the knowledge-action gap regarding climate chan
Technical note: AQMEII4 Activity 1: evaluation of wet and dry deposition schemes as an integral part of regional-scale air quality models We present in this technical note the research protocol for phase 4 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII4).
CO2-Bepreisung und soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland Die Bekämpfung der Klimakrise kann mit Maßnahmen gegen Armut und soziale Ungleichheit Hand in Hand gehen.
Klimapolitik in der öffentlichen Diskussion In den vergangenen sechs Jahrzehnten sind Natur, Umwelt und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über den Zusammenhang von Umweltschäden und Klimaveränderungen auf ein wachsendes Interesse der Öffentlichkeit gestoßen.
Klimaschutz als Aufgabe für Politik und Gesellschaft Um globale Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen, müssen möglichst alle Staaten aktiv, fair und eigenverantwortlich zusammenarbeiten.
Insights into recent aerosol trends over Asia from observations and CMIP6 simulations Aerosols continue to contribute the largest uncertainty in climate change.
Phasing out support schemes for renewables in neighbouring countries: An agent-based model with investment preferences Support schemes have been central to the expansion of renewable electricity globally and in the European Union. As technologies mature, individual member states may decide to phase out these policies.
Politics of Time and Mourning in the Anthropocene The Anthropocene thesis makes it necessary for the social sciences to engage with temporality in novel ways. The Anthropocene highlights interconnections between ‘natural’ and ‘social’ non-linear temporal processes.
Digitalisation, sustainable industrialisation and digital rebound – Asking the right questions for a strategic research agenda Digitalisation is likely to change established economic development processes.
Social perception of systemic risks The article distinguishes between two types of risks: conventional and systemic risks.
Geodemographic insights on the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Wisconsin and the role of risky facilities The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to impact the United States.
Combined impacts of climate and air pollution on human health and agricultural productivity Climate change and air pollution can interact to amplify risks to human health and crop production. This has significant implications for our ability to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (e.g.
Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation Constraints and limits to adaptation are critical to understanding the extent to which human and natural systems can successfully adapt to climate change.
Learning by Doing: Co-Benefits Drive National Plans for Climate and Air Quality Governance What drives countries to realize more integrated policymaking?
Causality seafood processing circular supply chain capabilities in qualitative data analytics Purpose
Modelling social aspects of the energy transition: What is the current representation of social factors in energy models? Computer-based models provide decision-makers with techno-economic insights into transition pathways for decarbonising energy systems.
Impacts of Indian summer monsoon and stratospheric intrusion on air pollutants in the inland Tibetan Plateau Air pollutants can be transported to the pristine regions such as the Tibetan Plateau, by monsoon and stratospheric intrusion.
Pulling up the carbon ladder? Decarbonization, dependence, and third-country risks from the European carbon border adjustment mechanism Since the EU Commission announced the introduction of a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) within the European Green Deal, debates intensified on its effectiveness for climate action, adhering to WTO regulations, and potential trade wars wi
Endangering the integrity of science by misusing unvalidated models and untested assumptions as facts: General considerations and the mineral and phosphorus scarcity fallacy There is increasing demand for science to contribute to solving societal problems (solutionism). Thereby, scientists may become normative activists for solving certain problems (advocacy).
Better suited or just more complex? On the fit between user needs and modeller-driven improvements of energy system models Energy system models are advancing rapidly. However, it is not clear whether models are becoming better, in the sense that they address the questions that decision-makers need answered to make well-informed decisions.
Preparing the playing field: climate club governance of the G20, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, and Under2 Coalition International climate policy is increasingly shaped by alternative forms of governance.
Can the sustainable development goals harness the means and the manner of transformation? The 17 sustainable development goals and their 169 targets comprise a comprehensive list of prerequisites for human and planetary well-being, but they also implicitly invoke many of the very trade-offs, synergies, and parallelisms that drive globa
Opinion: Papers that shaped tropospheric chemistry Which published papers have transformed our understanding of the chemical processes in the troposphere and shaped the field of atmospheric chemistry?
Drei Jahre Berliner Mobilitätsgesetz : Wie der institutionelle Umbau die Berliner Verwaltung handlungsfähig für die Umsetzung macht Das Berliner Mobilitätsgesetz (MobG BE) hat große Erwartungen für einen schnellen Umbau der Hauptstadt zu einem menschen- und umweltfreundlichen Mobilitätsraum geweckt.
Public participation for infrastructure planning in the context of the German “Energiewende” The German Energiewende (Energy Transition) poses major challenges to all parties involved. Public participation can contribute to the understanding of these challenges and their positive resolution.
Risk Researchers’ Views About the Goal of Trying to Ensure Policymakers Consider Scientific Evidence A survey of members of a scientific society focused on risk analysis suggests substantial support for seeing their scientific society pursue the communication goal of “trying to ensure that policymakers consider scientific evidence.” Support for p
A global observational analysis to understand changes in air quality during exceptionally low anthropogenic emission conditions This global study, which has been coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmospheric Watch (WMO/GAW) programme, aims to understand the behaviour of key air pollutant species during the COVID-19 pandemic period of exceptionally
Modifications in aerosol physical, optical and radiative properties during heavy aerosol events over Dushanbe, Central Asia The location of Central Asia, almost at the center of the global dust belt region, makes it susceptible for dust events.
Finding successful strategies in a complex urban sustainability game The adverse effects of unsustainable behaviors on human society are leading to an increasingly urgent and critical need to change policies and practices worldwide.
The COVID‐19 Pandemic Not Only Poses Challenges, but Also Opens Opportunities for Sustainable Transformation The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted social, economic, and environmental systems worldwide, slowing down and reversing the progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Transforming Scholarship to Co-create Sustainable Futures The critical challenge facing humanity is the increasingly urgent need to find and implement pathways that lead humankind into a new stage of dynamic equilibrium that promotes the co-evolution of natural and cultural systems.
Learning from the COVID-19 lockdown in Berlin: Observations and modelling to support understanding policies to reduce NO2 Urban air pollution is a substantial threat to human health. Traffic emissions remain a large contributor to air pollution in urban areas.
Is carbon dioxide removal ‘mitigation of climate change’? Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is often characterized as separate from climate change mitigation. Discussion of CDR governance – despite enjoying growing interest – tends to overlook how key provisions on mitigation apply.
Who Is Paying for Carbon Dioxide Removal? Designing Policy Instruments for Mobilizing Negative Emissions Technologies Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) poses a significant and complex public policy challenge in the long-term.
The effects on public health of climate change adaptation responses: a systematic review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries Climate change adaptation responses are being developed and delivered in many parts of the world in the absence of detailed knowledge of their effects on public health.
Do new bike lanes impact air pollution exposure for cyclists? – A case study from Berlin Cities in the 21st century are dynamically changing in response to environmental and societal pressures, not least among which are climate change and air pollution.
Taking globally consistent health impact projections to the next level Despite intensive research activity within the area of climate change, substantial knowledge gaps still remain regarding the potential future impacts of climate change on human health.
Visual framing in the German movements for gay liberation and against nuclear energy While the framing approach in the field of social movements has relied on analysing texts to the neglect of images, recent attention to visual framing in the field of media and communication studies largely overlooks the visual communication of so
Are we at risk of an uneven low-carbon transition? Assessing evidence from a mixed-method elite study Uneven access to low carbon finance and technology may give rise to energy transition frontrunners and laggards.
urbanChemFoam 1.0: large-eddy simulation of non-stationary chemical transport of traffic emissions in an idealized street canyon This paper describes a large-eddy simulation based chemical transport model, developed under the OpenFOAM framework, implemented to simulate dispersion and chemical transformation of nitrogen oxides from traffic sources in an idealized street cany
The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and Its Corresponding Data Boon: Issues With Pandemic-Related Data From Criminal Justice Organizations Public organizations, including institutions in the U.S. criminal justice (CJ) system, have been rapidly releasing information pertaining to COVID-19.
The social acceptance of autonomous vehicles The deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is an exciting goal for many cities, as evidenced by the number of AV technologies that are currently on trial around the world, such as in The Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden,
A leap of Green faith: the religious discourse of Socio-Ecological Care as an Earth system governmentality The Anthropocene is fundamentally altering concepts of human agency and responsibility in the governance of the Earth system.
Is there a temporal relationship between covid-19 infections among prison staff, incarcerated persons and the larger community in the United States? Background: Our objective was to examine the temporal relationship between COVID-19 infections among prison staff, incarcerated individuals, and the general population in the county where the prison is located among federal prisons in the United S
Balancing health, economy and climate risk in a multi-crisis In the presence of a global pandemic (COVID-19), the relentless pressure on global decision-makers is to ensure a balancing of health (reduce mortality impacts), economic goals (income for livelihood sustenance), and environmental sustainability (
Urban population exposure forecast system to predict NO2 impact by a building-resolving multi-scale model approach Operational forecasting systems based on chemical transport models (CTMs) nowadays generally produce concentration maps with a resolution in the order of 2–5 km, very rarely exceeding the sub-kilometre scale.
Wie fair ist die Energiewende? Ergebnisse einer Paneluntersuchung zur wahrgenommenen Gerechtigkeit bei der Kostenverteilung
Boundary speak in sustainability studies: Computational reading of a transversal field This article discusses the role of language in the collaboration between science, policy, and society.
Potential implications of solar radiation modification for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals Solar radiation modification, particularly stratospheric aerosol injection, holds the potential to reduce the impacts of climate change on sustainable development, yet could itself generate negative impacts and is subject to intense scholarly deba
First reduce and reuse, then recycle! Enabling consumers to tackle the plastic crisis – Qualitative expert interviews in Germany Plastic pollution has become a major global risk. The European Union (EU) obligates all member states to implement measures according to the waste management hierarchy, with the highest priority given to waste prevention and reuse.
Editorial: Developing and Deploying Negative Emission Technologies: System-Level Assessment and Rationalization
Digitizing a sustainable future Digital technologies have a crucial role in facilitating transitions toward a sustainable future. Yet there remain challenges to overcome and pitfalls to avoid.
Mehr sein, weniger brauchen : was Nachhaltigkeit mit unseren Beziehungen zu tun hat Wir alle sind uns darüber im Klaren, dass wir nachhaltiger leben müssen: Müll reduzieren, regional einkaufen, uns bewusst ernähren.
Influence of transboundary air pollution on air quality in southwestern China Air pollution is a grand challenge of our time due to its multitude of adverse impacts on environment and society, with the scale of impacts more severe in developing countries, including China.
Personal and structural factors that influence individual plastic packaging consumption—Results from focus group discussions with German consumers Plastic waste is perceived as one of the major environmental problems of our times. Nevertheless, rates of consumption of plastic packaging are constantly increasing.
Erfolgreiche partizipative Projektentwicklung findet auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Zusammenarbeit statt : Erkenntnisse aus zwei Wasserkraftprojekten Im Planungsprozess von Wasserkraftprojekten finden partizipative Prozesse häufig Anwendung, um Konflikte zwischen verschiedenen Interessengruppen zu verhindern oder zu reduzieren, gemeinsame Lösungen zu finden und langwierige Gerichtsprozesse zu v
Local Business Perception vs. Mobility Behavior of Shoppers: A Survey from Berlin Business voices often oppose a redistribution of urban traffic space in favor of active transport modes.
Navigating Potential Hype and Opportunity in Governing Marine Carbon Removal As the technical and political challenges of land-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches become more apparent, the oceans may be the new “blue” frontier for carbon drawdown strategies in climate governance.
International Scientific Collaboration Is Needed to Bridge Science to Society: USERN2020 Consensus Statement Scientific collaboration has been a critical aspect of the development of all fields of science, particularly clinical medicine. It is well understood that myriads of benefits can be yielded by interdisciplinary and international collaboration.
COVID-19 vs. stakeholder engagement: the impact of coronavirus containment measures on stakeholder involvement in European energy research projects [version 3; peer review: 2 approved] The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected societies and economies around the world, and the scientific community is no exception.
Building an internationally competitive concentrating solar power industry in China: lessons from wind power and photovoltaics This article draws lessons from experiences of developing the photovoltaic (PV) and onshore wind power sectors in China for the development of Chinese Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) into an internationally competitive industry.
A study of SARS-COV-2 outbreaks in US federal prisons: the linkage between staff, inmate, and community transmission Background: Since the novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2 was first identified to be circulating in the US on January 20, 2020, some of the worst outbreaks have occurred within state and federal prisons.
Healthcare industry circular supply chain collaboration in Vietnam: vision and learning influences on connection in a circular supply chain and circularity business model This study aims to classify a set of circular supply chain collaboration attributes and propose a cause-and-effect framework in the Vietnamese healthcare industry.
The impact of atmospheric blocking on the compounding effect of ozone pollution and temperature: a copula-based approach Ozone pollution and high temperatures have adverse health impacts that can be amplified by the combined effects of ozone and temperature.
Transdisciplinarity: Synthesis towards a modular approach The need to cope with future challenges posed by major transformations such as digitalization and sustainable development has led to several approaches to establish new concepts and methods of science and research.
Deriving Economic Potential and GHG Emissions of Steel Mill Gas for Chemical Industry To combat global warming, industry needs to find ways to reduce its carbon footprint. One way this can be done is by re-use of industrial flue gasses to produce value-added chemicals.
Education for Sustainable Development in Structural Change Processes Using the Example of the Coal Phase-out in Lusatia Within socio-economic transformation processes, the task of education is often reduced to short-term economic factors, that is, a suitable qualification profile of the local population.
The Eurozone’s Evolving Fiscal Ecosystem: Mitigating Fiscal Discipline by Governing Through Off-Balance-Sheet Fiscal Agencies The original Maastricht regime designed the Eurozone’s fiscal segment in a way that sought to keep member states’ treasury budgets balanced by disciplining them through market forces, reducing the overall volume of public indebtedness, prohibiting
Communitarians, cosmopolitans, and climate change: why identity matters for EU climate and energy policy Can ambitious climate policies in the European Green Deal succeed when faced with rising societal divisions between Europeans?
Wie legitim ist der Kohlekompromiss? Spannungsfelder und Verhandlungsdynamiken im Prozess der Kohlekommission Die Legitimität von Expertinnenkommissionen in Demokratien ist stets umstritten, weil Aushandlungsprozesse verlagert werden, die eigentlich in demokratisch legitimierten Gremien stattfinden sollten.
Advancing Ocean Governance in Marine Regions Through Stakeholder Dialogue Processes The poor state of the ocean and the transboundary nature of the marine environment requires bold action by coastal states coordinated across sectors and territorial boundaries in order to deal with the manifold challenges the ocean is facing – and
Scaling just transitions: Legitimation strategies in coal phase-out commissions in Canada and Germany Climate change mitigation triggers both spatial and moral complexities, as demonstrated by the contentious issue of phasing out coal power.
Industry 4.0: a step towards achieving the SDGs? A critical literature review The transformation of industrial production is one of the big challenges on the pathway to sustainable development. Therefore, expectations regarding the contribution of Industry 4.0 are high.
Black Carbon in Surface Soil and Its Sources in Three Central Asian Countries Black carbon (BC) aerosol impacts the air quality, public health, agricultural productivity, weather, monsoon, cryosphere, and climate system from the local to the global scale.
Temperature dependence of tropospheric ozone under NOx reductions over Germany Due to the strong temperature dependence of surface ozone concentrations (O3), future warmer conditions may worsen ozone pollution levels despite continued efforts on emission controls of ozone precursors.
“Multidimensionale” Klima-Clubs: Unterstützer des multilateralen Klimaschutzes Die UN-Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) bildet seit Jahrzehnten das zentrale multilaterale Steuerungsinstrument internationaler Klimaschutzbemühungen. Doch sie erzielt nicht genügend Fortschritte.
Communicating the future : solutions for environment, economy and democracy We are facing an unprecedented environmental crisis.
The opportunities and risks of digitalisation for sustainable development: a systemic perspective Digitalisation can drive the sustainable transformation of society and industry. Many of the opportunities are, however, closely linked with risks.
Transdisziplinäre Forschung mit transformativem Anspruch: Zehn Jahre NaWis: Rückblick und Vorausschau 2011 trat der Nawis-Verbund mit dem Vorhaben an, transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft institutionell zu etablieren und einen Wandel im Wissenschaftssystem anzu stoßen.
Model-based policymaking or policy-based modelling? How energy models and energy policy interact As energy models become more and more powerful, they are increasingly used to support energy policymaking.
A planetary health blind spot: the untapped potential of women to safeguard nature and human resilience in LMICs
Green Deal als »Ende der freien Gesellschaft«? Zur dystopischen Gegenmobilisierung der AfD Gegen das Projekt eines (Europäischen) Green Deal beschwört die populistische Rechte die Dystopie einer drohenden Öko-Diktatur. Welche Rolle spielt diese dystopische Denkfigur im politischen Diskurs? Für wen ist dieses Zukunftsbild glaubwürdig?
Advancing the Water Footprint into an Instrument to Support Achieving the SDGs – Recommendations from the “Water as a Global Resources” Research Initiative (GRoW) The water footprint has developed into a widely-used concept to examine water use and resulting local impacts caused during agricultural and industrial production.
Institutional inertia in European fisheries – Insights from the Atlantic horse mackerel case Fisheries management has to deal with uncertainty about the genetic composition and the location of fish stocks. If institutions are inert, i.e. unable to adapt to new insights, management may not be effective.
Windows of opportunity for catching up in formative clean-tech sectors and the rise of China in concentrated solar power We analyse the potential for industry entry and catching up by latecomer countries or firms in formative sectors, by deriving a framework that builds on the concept of windows of opportunity for catching up.
From Neoclassical Economics to Common Good Economics The economy for the common good (ECG) has been developed as a practical economic model, starting in Austria, Bavaria, and South Tyrol in 2010.
Tissue culture and biological time: Alexis Carrel, Henri Bergson and the plasticity of living matter Taking the early tissue culture experiments of Alexis Carrel in the 1910s–1930s as its example, the article explores the relationship between advances in biotechnological control over living matter and a holistic ontology of life, which stresses t
The COVID-19 crisis deepens the gulf between leaders and laggards in the global energy transition In this article, we review the main impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global energy sector and evaluate the implications of related policy responses on prospects for a transition to a climate-friendly energy system.
An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action Research software has become a central asset in academic research. It optimizes existing and enables new research methods, implements and embeds research knowledge, and constitutes an essential research product in itself.
Unravelling a black box: an open-source methodology for the field calibration of small air quality sensors The last 2 decades have seen substantial technological advances in the development of low-cost air pollution instruments using small sensors.
The sociodiversity of biodiversity. Interdisciplinary communication and the example of honeybees Environmental issues still tend to be studied and publicly debated from a natural science perspective.
Making representations: the SDG process and major groups’ images of the future The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process aimed to be more inclusive, transparent, and participatory than prior United Nations processes.
Health Synergies across International Sustainability and Development Agendas: Pathways to Strengthen National Action Since 2015 there has been a surge of international agendas to address a range of global challenges: climate change (Paris Agreement), sustainable development (Agenda 2030), disaster risk reduction (Sendai Framework) and sustainable urban transform
The Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges: A review of the importance, opportunities and challenges for protecting a global diversity hotspot on the high seas The Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges are two seamount chains of volcanic origin, which include over 110 seamounts that collectively stretch across over 2,900 km in the southeastern Pacific.
Adolescence and identity in Inuit territory: filmed introspections Inuit youth today faces many challenges.
Zusammen statt nebeneinander. Die Proteste gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen und die extreme Rechte Als „demokratischer Widerstand" und als „Querdenker" verstehen sich Initiativen, die in der Corona-Krise neu entstanden sind, um einer weitreichenden Kritik an den Regierungsmaßnahmen in der Pandemie einen Raum zu geben.
Putting the brakes on climate change – it’s about more than just CO2 Climate change mitigation is about more than just CO2. Mitigating a suite of additional pollutants is important for limiting climate change: in particular, taking action on what are known as "short-lived climate-forcing pollutants" (SLCPs).
Casting a wider net on ocean NETs Societal issues involving policies and publics are generally understudied in research on ocean-based Negative Emission Technologies (NETs), yet will be crucial if novel techniques are ever to function at scale.
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Bewegung Fridays for Future Seit Herbst 2018 formiert sich mit Fridays for Future eine Jugendbewegung für Klimagerechtigkeit, die nicht nur medial höchste Beachtung findet, sondern auch politischen Einfluss ausübt.
Spatio-temporal characteristics of air pollutants over Xinjiang, northwestern China To understand the characteristics of particulate matter (PM) and other air pollutants in Xinjiang, a region with one of the largest sand-shifting deserts in the world and significant natural dust emissions, the concentrations of six air pollutants
The role of social identity in institutional work for sociotechnical transitions: The case of transport infrastructure in Berlin Generally, sociotechnical change requires that agency is exercised across multiple, connected levels or contexts.
Systemic Risk: The Threat to Societal Diversity and Coherence Insights from complexity science can be applied to the analysis of social processes in heterogeneous societies.
Bericht über die Konferenz ‚Bildung Macht Zukunft – Lernen für die sozial-ökologische Transformation‘ vom 21. bis 24.02.2019 in Kassel
Horses for courses. The roles of IPE and Global Public Policy in global energy research Although IPE and GPP overlap conceptionally and empirically, there is a case for keeping GPP and IPE analytically distinct.
Implicit Knowledge in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development: Students’ Orientations Towards Sustainability-Related Topics This study argues from a sociology of knowledge perspective which considers implicit knowledge as the basis for orientation towards a certain topic. Reconstructing this type of knowledge can help to better understand the learner’s perspective.
Using Implementation Science For Health Adaptation: Opportunities For Pacific Island Countries The health risks of a changing climate are immediate and multifaceted.
Making the sun shine at night: comparing the cost of dispatchable concentrating solar power and photovoltaics with storage Sustainable electricity systems need renewable and dispatchable energy sources. Solar energy is an abundant source of renewable energy globally which is, though, by nature only available during the day, and especially in clear weather conditions.
A Comparison of Long-term Trends in Observations and Emission Inventories of NOx Air pollution is a pressing issue that is associated with adverse effects on human health, ecosystems, and climate.
Expected impacts on greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions due to a possible transition towards a hydrogen economy in German road transport Transitioning German road transport partially to hydrogen energy is among the possibilities being discussed to help meet national climate targets.
Introduction to the special issue: reform or revolution? What is at stake in democratic sustainability transformations In the face of multiple crises of ecology, economy, and social equity, the question of how to democratically transform toward a more sustainable society is high on the political agenda as well as pertinent to academic research.
A Meta-Synthesis of Policy Recommendations Regarding Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change Changing mobility patterns combined with changes in the climate present challenges and opportunities for global health, requiring effective, relevant, and humane policy responses.
Dichotomic Decision Optimization for the Design of HVDC Superconducting Links Superconducting links are an innovative solution for bulk power transmission, distinguished by their compact dimensions, high efficiency and small environmental footprint.
Aerosol-induced atmospheric heating rate decreases over South and East Asia as a result of changing content and composition Aerosol emissions from human activities are extensive and changing rapidly over Asia.
Transdisciplinary Research Priorities for Human and Planetary Health in the Context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Human health and wellbeing and the health of the biosphere are inextricably linked. The state of Earth’s life-support systems, including freshwater, oceans, land, biodiversity, atmosphere, and climate, affect human health.
Systemic Risks from Different Perspectives Systemic risks are characterized by high complexity, multiple uncertainties, major ambiguities, and transgressive effects on other systems outside of the system of origin.
Coming to GRIPs With NETs Discourse: Implications of Discursive Structures for Emerging Governance of Negative Emissions Technologies in the UK As the international community rallies around Net-Zero emissions targets, there is increasing interest in the development of governance for Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs), a range of proposed approaches which involve removing greenhouse ga
Re-claiming the responsivity gap: The co-creation of cycling policies in Berlin’s mobility law Calls for more bicycle use have been heard from across the political spectrum in Germany for years. Nonetheless, policies that lead to a transition away from car use and toward the bicycle in urban mobility remain absent.
Social impact assessment of photovoltaic poverty alleviation program in China Boosted by impressive technological innovation and cost reductions, renewable energy in a growing number of countries is now primarily considered for its social and economic benefits.
Potential implications of carbon dioxide removal for the sustainable development goals As the international community’s best expression of a collective vision of a desirable future, the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present a framework against which to assess the broader impact of emerging technologies.
Prepare Scientists to Engage in Science‐Policy There is a dire need for deeper science‐policy engagement to face recent developments such as entering into the Anthropocene and our dependence as a species on technological and scientific advancements.
Friends or Foes? Political Synergy or Competition between Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy Energy efficiency measures and the deployment of renewable energy are commonly presented as two sides of the same coin—as necessary and synergistic measures to decarbonize energy systems and reach the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement.
Radentscheide: Mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern gemeinsam zur Mobilitätswende Mittlerweile gibt es 35 Radentscheid-Initiativen in Deutschland und es werden immer mehr.
Thermo-hydraulic and economic aspects of long-length high-power MgB2 superconducting cables The rising share of renewable energy in the European grid creates a demand for long-length, high-power transmission lines.
Studying the Transition towards a Circular Bioeconomy - A Systematic Literature Review on Transition Studies and Existing Barriers The European Commission’s strategic long-term vision for 2050, “A Clean Planet for All”, identifies the bioeconomy and the circular economy as key strategic areas for achieving a climate-neutral economy.
Structural change and digitalization in developing countries: Conceptually linking the two transformations In the wake of digitalization it is increasingly debated whether developing countries can achieve economic prosperity through industrialization in the same manner as developed countries did.
Governing the health risks of climate change: opportunities for regeneration in an age of planetary health
Effects of coordinating support policy changes on renewable power investor choices in Europe The economic context for renewable power in Europe is shifting: feed-in tariffs are replaced by auctioned premiums as the main support schemes.
The Integration of Emerging Powers into Club Institutions: China and the Arctic Council How do emerging powers gain inclusion into club institutions, i.e. institutions with selective memberships that deliberately seek to avoid universality?
A Proposal for Integrating Theories of Complexity for Better Understanding Global Systemic Risks The global financial crisis of 2008 has shown that the present financial system involves global systemic risks.
The Energy Futures Lab: A case study of justice in energy transitions While the concept of ‘just transitions’ has become more and more prominent in academic and popular discussions of sustainability transition, these conceptions are often framed in purely economic terms, and focus on the economic impact on communiti
Development of an atmospheric chemistry model coupled to the PALM model system 6.0: Implementation and first applications In this article we describe the implementation of an online-coupled gas-phase chemistry model in the turbulence-resolving PALM model system 6.0 (formerly an abbreviation for Parallelized Large-eddy Simulation Model and now an independent name).
Delaying decarbonization: Climate governmentalities and sociotechnical strategies from Copenhagen to Paris An era (2005–2015) centered around the Copenhagen Accord saw the rise of several immature sociotechnical strategies currently at play: carbon capture and storage, REDD+, next-generation biofuels, shale gas, short-lived climate pollutants, carbon d
Die Mobilitätswende als Auslöser einer tief greifenden Transformation des „Modell Deutschland“? Das „Modell Deutschland“ hat sich in der Vergangenheit als überaus stabil erwiesen.
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies.
How will air quality effects on human health, crops and ecosystems change in the future? Future air quality will be driven by changes in air pollutant emissions, but also changes in climate. Here, we review the recent literature on future air quality scenarios and projected changes in effects on human health, crops and ecosystems.
Political leadership on climate change: The role of health in Obama-era U.S. climate policies Urgent and ambitious climate action is required to avoid catastrophic climate change and consequent health impacts. Political will is a critical component of the ambitious climate action equation.
Does ideology influence the ambition level of climate and renewable energy policy? Insights from four European countries We investigate whether political ideology has an observable effect on decarbonization ambition, renewable power aims, and preferences for power system balancing technologies in four European countries.
The effect of carbon pricing on technological change for full energy decarbonization: A review of empirical ex‐post evidence In order to achieve the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement, the world must reach net‐zero carbon emissions around mid‐century, which calls for an entirely new energy system.
From Green Energy to the Green Car State? The Political Economy of Ecological Modernisation in Germany In recent years, the role of the state in sustainability transitions has received increasing attention. Germany is often perceived as a forerunner in climate and environmental politics.
Greening the car? Conflict dynamics within the german platform for electric mobility The environmental crisis due to air pollution, high CO2 emissions, noise from traffic and soil ceiling requires profound changes to the car-dependent transport system.
Public values and goals for public participation Over the past half century, it has become commonplace for environmental managers and policy makers to engage the public in decision making, a set of diverse activities known collectively as public participation.
Inter-annual and seasonal variations in optical and physical characteristics of columnar aerosols over the Pokhara Valley in the Himalayan foothills This study reports comprehensive analysis of seasonal and inter-annual variations of aerosol optical and physical properties over the Pokhara Valley in the foothills of central Himalayas in Nepal utilizing the high-quality multi-year columnar aero
Protect global supply chains for low-carbon technologies The COVID-19 economic crash threatens the international trade networks that make clean energy cheap — abandoning them puts the climate at risk.
Gas flaring activity and black carbon emissions in 2017 derived from the Sentinel-3A Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer Gas flares are a regionally and globally significant source of atmospheric pollutants. They can be detected by satellite remote sensing.
Renewable energy policy effectiveness. A panel data analysis across Europe and Latin America Renewable energy (RE) technologies for electricity generation are a central pillar of energy sector decarbonisation strategies worldwide.
Transformative education: towards a relational, justice-oriented approach to sustainability Purpose: This paper aims to increase related knowledge across personal, social and ecological dimensions of sustainability and how it can be applied to support transformative learning.
The German energy transition as soft power Germany represents a new and unconventional actor in the field of energy foreign policy. Based on its reputation as an energy transition frontrunner, it is pursuing a soft power strategy aimed at promoting its Energiewende policy approach abroad.
Attribution of ground-level ozone to anthropogenic and natural sources of nitrogen oxides and reactive carbon in a global chemical transport model We perform a source attribution for tropospheric and ground-level ozone using a novel technique that accounts separately for the contributions of the two chemically distinct emitted precursors (reactive carbon and oxides of nitrogen) to the chemic
Trade-Offs between Geographic Scale, Cost, and Infrastructure Requirements for Fully Renewable Electricity in Europe The European potential for renewable electricity is sufficient to enable fully renewable supply on different scales, from self-sufficient, subnational regions to an interconnected continent.
Potentials of big data for corporate environmental management. A case study from the German automotive industry Integrating more sustainability into business processes is becoming increasingly important for companies. At the same time, they aim to collect and analyze large amounts of data (big data) to improve these processes.
Nachhaltigkeit ist kein Selbstzweck Die Folgen der Pandemie haben schnelles Handeln gefordert und gleichzeitig auch Transformationen in kürzester Zeit ermöglicht. Insbesondere die Digitalisierung ist in einer nicht für möglich gehaltenen Geschwindigkeit vorangeschritten.
Epistemological and ethical understandings of access and allocation in Earth System Governance. A 10-year review of the literature “Access and allocation” is one of the five analytical problems identified as key for analysing earth system governance in the first Earth System Governance Science and Implementation Plan officially published in 2009.
Narratives of urban mobility in Germany. On the threshold of a departure from the car-centered city? The mobility sector poses multiple challenges for sustainable development.
Advancing CCU Technologies Pursuant to the SDGs. A Challenge for Policy Making The implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is indispensable for building a sustainable and just future for all humans and our planet. The SDGs are global goals.
Principles for Thinking about Carbon Dioxide Removal in Just Climate Policy Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is rising up the climate-policy agenda.
Supply-side options to reduce land requirements of fully renewable electricity in Europe Renewable electricity can fully decarbonise the European electricity supply, but large land requirements may cause land-use conflicts.
Year-round aerosol characteristics and radiative effects in the South Asian pollution outflow over a background site in the Maldives Aerosol radiative properties using recently available high-quality columnar aerosol data collected at several AERONET sites in South Asia, with a focus on pollution outflow from continental South Asia observed over Hanimaadhoo in Maldives, a small
Integrated ocean management for a sustainable ocean economy The rapidly evolving ocean economy, driven by human needs for food, energy, transportation and recreation, has led to unprecedented pressures on the ocean that are further amplified by climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution.
Theory of Systemic Risks. Insights from Physics and Chemistry Systemic risks, as opposed to conventional risks, bear the danger of destroying entire systems. Their understanding and governance remain a serious challenge.
‘Calibrating to scale. A framework for humanitarian health organizations to anticipate, prevent, prepare for and manage climate-related health risks’ Climate Change is adversely affecting health by increasing human vulnerability and exposure to climate-related stresses.
Estimating contributions of black and brown carbon to solar absorption from aethalometer and AERONET measurements in the highly polluted Kathmandu Valley, Nepal We estimated the individual contributions of black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) to the aerosol absorption coefficient (σap) and absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) in the highly polluted Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, by applying the absorptio
The call for sustainable and resilient policies in the COVID-19 crisis. How can they be interpreted and implemented? Policy advice for dealing with the Corona Crisis has been focusing on two major concepts: resilience and sustainability.
Strong sensitivity of the isotopic composition of methane to the plausible range of tropospheric chlorine The 13C isotopic ratio of methane, δ13C of CH4, provides additional constraints on the CH4 budget to complement the constraints from CH4 observations.
How “Green Knowledge” Influences Sustainability through Behavior Change. Theory and Policy Implications The urgent and critical challenges of transforming patterns of behavior from current unsustainable ones are encapsulated in the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The impacts of fossil fuel emission uncertainties and accounting for 3-D chemical CO2 production on inverse natural carbon flux estimates from satellite and in situ data Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) inversions for estimating natural carbon fluxes typically do not allow for adjustment of fossil fuel CO2 emissions, despite significant uncertainties in emission inventories and inadequacies in the specification of
Representation as practice: agency and relationality in transnational civil society This paper argues that political representation in transnational civil society networks needs to be investigated as practice with regard to its flexibility, relationality and dialogical agency.
Etnografia do ambientalismo corporativo. Notas para uma antropologia do estado de morte que marca o campo dos megaempreendimentos = Ethnography of corporate environmentalism. Notes towards an anthropology of the state of death marking the field of This paper is an ethnographic essay based on the work experience of one of the authors (da Costa) inside the environmental department of an electric energy producer corporation, between 2010 and 2013, period during which he was part of the technic
On the socio-technical potential for onshore wind in Europe. A response to Enevoldsen et al. (2019), Energy Policy, 132, 1092-1100 A recent article in this journal claimed to assess the socio-technical potential for onshore wind energy in Europe. We find the article to be severely flawed and raise concerns in five general areas.
Scripting, Situating, and Supervising. The Role of Artefacts in Collaborative Practices While calls for cross-sectoral collaboration have become a recurrent motif in sustainability-oriented policymaking and research, the practical realization of such processes presents significant challenges.
Lessons Learnt From Linking Global Recommendations With Localized Marine Restoration Schemes and Policy Options by Using Mixed Methods In order to advance ongoing efforts in the (still emerging) field of marine restoration, different forms of knowledge must be combined: not only the biological and technical aspects, but also the social and cultural dimensions of marine restoratio
European climate policy in 2020. At the crossroads between leadership aspirations and struggles to put promises into practice Climate change has become a major political concern for many people. There has been a lot of talk and no lack of calls for action. But to what extent does the world, and particularly Europe, also do the walking?
Transforming or tinkering at the margins? Assessing policy strategies for heating decarbonisation in Germany and the United Kingdom Decarbonising heating supply is an important part of the global energy transition, and a vital step towards mitigating climate change. We analyse the transformative potential of German and UK heating sector decarbonisation policies.
Kingdon's multiple streams approach in new political contexts: Consolidation, configuration, and new findings There is a need to conduct more diverse cross‐case analyses in the Multiple Streams Approach (MSA) literature which originated in the United States, to show how key concepts, such as a windows‐of‐opportunity and the role of policy entrepreneurs, m
A Precautionary Assessment of Systemic Projections and Promises From Sunlight Reflection and Carbon Removal Modeling Climate change is a paradigmatic example of systemic risk. Recently, proposals for large‐scale interventions—carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and solar radiation management (SRM)—have started to redefine climate governance strategies.
Digital transformation and environmental sustainability in industry. Putting expectations in Asian and African policies into perspective With the increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in industrial production, the risks and opportunities of these technologies for environmental sustainability as well as political awareness about these risks and opportun
Quantifying the fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution of a potential commercial manganese nodule mining operation Manganese nodules contain economically valuable metals which may be mined in the future to supply metals to a growing world population.
Die „Kohlekommission“ aus zivilgesellschaftlicher Perspektive. Chancen und Herausforderungen bei der Partizipation in Expertengremien Die von der Bundesregierung im Juni 2018 eingesetzte Expertenkommission zum Kohleausstieg und dem damit einhergehenden Strukturwandel zog enormes öffentliches Interesse auf sich.
Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz: Diskurse und politische Treiber für eine gemeinsame Zukunft Der vorliegende Text verortet Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz knapp in ihrem historischen Kontext und macht ihre aufeinander bezogene Entwicklung deutlich.
Building authority and legitimacy in transnational climate change governance: Evidence from the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force Transnational climate change initiatives have increased in number and relevance within the global climate change regime.
Bürgerbeteiligung in der Klimapolitik: Erfahrungen, Grenzen und Aussichten In demokratischen Gesellschaften sind weitreichende Politikmaßnahmen wie zur Energiewende oder zum Klimaschutz auf eine breite Legitimation im politischen Raum angewiesen.
From Monodisciplinary via Multidisciplinary to an Interdisciplinary Approach Investigating Air-Sea Interactions – a SOLAS Initiative Understanding the physical and biogeochemical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere is a vital component of environmental and Earth system research.
Gerechte Zukunft für die Stadt Würde Zukunft öfter im Plural gedacht, müsste er für die Städte stehen. Denn dort war Zukunft schon immer divers, wurde zwischen Politik und Bürgerschaft ausgehandelt.
New challenges for risk analysis. Systemic risks Systemic risks are a product of profound and rapid technological, economic and social changes associated with three major transformations.
Leviathan Awakens. Gas Finds, Energy Governance, and the Emergence of the Eastern Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Region This article explores the role of energy in regionalization processes, assessing the case of natural gas finds in the Eastern Mediterranean (East Med). It makes three observations.
Covid-19 and the Politics of Sustainable Energy Transitions In this perspectives piece, an interdisciplinary team of social science researchers considers the implications of Covid-19 for the politics of sustainable energy transitions.
Enabling new mindsets and transformative skills for negotiating and activating climate action. Lessons from UNFCCC conferences of the parties Technological and policy solutions for transitioning to a fossil-free society exist, many countries could afford the transition, and rational arguments for rapid climate action abound. Yet effective action is still lacking.
Kohärente Beziehungen als Kern gesunder Unternehmen Es sind die Beziehungen zu uns selbst, Anderen und unserem Kontext, die bestimmen, ob sich das Gesamtsystem in einen gesunden oder ungesunden Zustand entwickelt.
Financial globalization as positive integration. Monetary technocrats and the Eurodollar market in the 1970s International political economy (IPE) has explained financial globalization as the result of states deciding to open up and liberalize domestic financial systems.
No people, no problem. Narrativity, conflict, and justice in debates on deep-seabed mining While the idea of extracting deep-seabed resources dates back to as early as the 1960s, it remained pure fiction for decades due to limited technical possibilities and prohibitive costs.
Black carbon dominates the aerosol absorption over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Himalayan foothills This study, based on new and high quality in situ observations, quantifies for the first time, the individual contributions of light-absorbing aerosols (black carbon (BC), brown carbon (BrC) and dust) to aerosol absorption over the Indo-Gangetic P
Measuring Regional Eco-Efficiency in China (2003–2016): A “Full World” Perspective and Network Data Envelopment Analysis Eco-efficiency enhancement is an inherent requirement of green development and an important indicator of high-quality development in general. It aims to achieve the coordinated development of nature, the economy, and society.
Understanding and accounting for the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on global learning rates Learning rates are a central concept in energy system models and integrated assessment models, as they allow researchers to project the future costs of new technologies and to optimize energy system costs.
The near- to mid-term outlook for concentrating solar power. Mostly cloudy, chance of sun The history of concentrating solar power (CSP) is characterized by a boom-bust pattern caused by policy support changes.
Two heavy haze events over Lumbini in southern Nepal. Enhanced aerosol radiative forcing and heating rates The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) suffers from recurrent heavy air pollution during the dry season of each year.
South American Expert Roundtable. Increasing adaptive governance capacity for coping with unintended side effects of digital transformation This paper presents the main messages of a South American expert roundtable (ERT) on the unintended side effects (unseens) of digital transformation.
Assessing resilience of healthcare infrastructure exposed to COVID-19. Emerging risks, resilience indicators, interdependencies and international standards In the moment of preparation of this paper, the world is still globally in grip of the Corona (COVID-19) crisis, and the need to understand the broader overall framework of the crisis increases.
What is money in a critical macro-finance framework? This forum contribution explains how analyzing the creation, distribution, and destruction of contemporary credit money is placed centre stage in the emerging field of critical macro-finance.
Columnar aerosol properties and radiative effects over Dushanbe, Tajikistan in Central Asia The seasonal aerosol radiative forcing efficiency (ARFE) in the atmosphere was found high (>100 Wm-2) and consistent throughout the year over Dusanbe, the capital city of Tajikistan in central Asia.
Inter-annual and seasonal variations in columnar aerosol characteristics and radiative effects over the Pokhara Valley in the Himalayan foothills. Composition, radiative forcing, and atmospheric heating This study reports comprehensive analysis of seasonal and inter-annual variations of aerosol properties (optical, physical and chemical) and radiative effects over Pokhara Valley in the foothills of central Himalayas in Nepal utilizing the high-qu
COVID-19 risk governance: drivers, responses and lessons to be learned The COVID-19 outbreak was neither unpredictable nor unforeseen, yet it blind-sided policymakers when it emerged, leading to unprecedented global restrictions on human activity and almost certainly triggering the first global economic contraction s
Radiation risks and uncertainties. A scoping review to support communication and informed decision-making Although radiation protection is challenged by many uncertainties, there is no systematic study investigating the definitions and types of these uncertainties.
Die zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung der ›Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie‹ (GWÖ) aus Perspektive der sozialwissenschaftlichen Transformationsforschung und Praktischen Philosophie
Visualizing the social in aquaculture : how social dimension components illustrate the effects of aquaculture across geographic scales Until very recently, governments of many countries, as well as their supporting organizations, have primarily addressed the biological, technical and economic aspects of aquaculture.
A club’s contribution to global climate governance : the case of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition Not only is the climate changing, but so is global climate governance. Climate policy initiatives have proliferated within and beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regime in a polycentric pattern.
The Common Good Approach in Entrepreneurial Practice Die soziale Bewegung der Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie (GWÖ) fordert, dass jegliches Wirtschaften dem Gemeinwohl dienen soll.
Environmental Impact Assessments for deep-sea mining : Can we improve their future effectiveness? Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important process for evaluating the effects of development, and to assist decisions to effectively manage potential deep-sea mining (DSM).
Potential effects of deep seabed mining on pelagic and benthopelagic biota Environmental concerns were raised from the very onset of discussions concerning the extraction of metalliferous ores from the deep sea, but most studies have targeted the expected impacts on the benthic communities only.
A typology for analysing mitigation and adaptation win-win strategies A sustainability transition in line with achieving global climate goals requires the implementation of win-win strategies (WWS), i.e.
Transdisciplinarity: science for and with society in light of the university’s roles and functions The idea that universities should become entrepreneurial, commercialized, private commodities or should serve politicians and governmental agencies has been promoted by the university–industry–government relationship-based Triple Helix approach an
Loss and damage and climate litigation: The case for greater interlinkage With the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) failing to provide adequate support to climate victims, vulnerable countries, nongovernmental organizations and affected communities are increasingly ex
The evolution of the Offshore US-Dollar System : past, present and four possible futures Little has contributed more to the emergence of today's world of financial globalization than the setup of the international monetary system.
Seasonal source variability of carbonaceous aerosols at the Rwanda Climate Observatory Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a global hot spot for aerosol emissions, which affect the regional climate and air quality.
Imagining sustainable energy and mobility transitions : Valence, temporality, and radicalism in 38 visions of a low-carbon future Based on an extensive synthesis of semi-structured interviews, media content analysis, and reviews, this article conducts a qualitative meta-analysis of more than 560 sources of evidence to identify 38 visions associated with seven different low-c
Saudi on the Rhine? Explaining the emergence of private governance in the global oil market Swiss trading houses enjoy 35% of global market share in crude oil. How can we explain the importance of Swiss traders in the global oil market?
A Collaborative Transformation beyond Coal and Cars? : Co-Creation and Corporatism in the German Energy and Mobility Transitions In this article, we critically discuss the role of collaboration in Germany’s path towards a post-carbon economy.
Industry 4.0 : how it is defined from a sociotechnical perspective and how much sustainability it includes ; a literature review Industry 4.0 has had a strong influence on the debate on the digitalization of industrial processes, despite being criticized for lacking a proper definition.
A life-cycle based co-benefits analysis of biomass pellet production in China Strew pellet production not only contribute to regional sustainable development and localized energy transition, but also help to mitigate global greenhouse gas emissions.
Erratum: Climate change and air pollution : the connection between traffic intervention policies and public acceptance in a local context 2019 Environ. Res. Lett. 14 085008
Strengthening the International Seabed Authority's knowledge-base : addressing uncertainties to enhance decision-making This article argues that the process of developing the regulations of commercial deep seabed mining operations presents a window of opportunity to actively and systematically address existing uncertainties regarding the environmental effects of se
Economic aspirations connected to innovations in carbon capture and utilization value chains International authorities are increasingly recognizing that utilizing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from various industries can assist strategies for mitigating climate change.
Ambient air quality in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, during the pre-monsoon : concentrations and sources of particulate matter and trace gases The Kathmandu Valley in Nepal is a bowl-shaped urban basin that experiences severe air pollution that poses health risks to its 3.5 million inhabitants.
Von der Lausitz lernen : wie sich die Nachhaltigkeitsforschung für Demokratiefragen öffnen kann In der Klimadebatte kommen integrative Konzepte der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung kaum zum Zuge. Dies zeigt der Lausitzer Kohleausstieg beispielhaft: Soziales und Umwelt werden gegeneinander ausgespielt.
Could the Construction of Sustainable Development Pilot Zones Improve the Urban Environment Efficiency in China? As the forerunner and policy test field of the sustainable development, the sustainable development pilot zones are an important strategy for China to explore the mechanism and model of the coordinated development of human and land in different re
Light absorption properties of elemental carbon (EC) and water-soluble brown carbon (WS–BrC) in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal : a 5-year study This study presents a comprehensive analysis of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and particularly the light absorption characteristics of EC and water-soluble brown carbon (WS–BrC) in total suspended particles in the Kathmandu Valley fr
Techno-Economic Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) is an emerging technology field that can replace fossil carbon value chains, and that has a significant potential to achieve emissions mitigation or even “negative emissions”—however in many cases with challeng
Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit durch Transformation: Die vier großen I ; Sondergutachten Im Jahr 2015 gelang ein historischer Doppelerfolg für die Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimapolitik.Die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung mit ihren Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) und das Übereinkommen von Paris zum Klimaschutz definieren einehr
Towards a relational paradigm in sustainability research, practice, and education Relational thinking has recently gained increasing prominence across academic disciplines in an attempt to understand complex phenomena in terms of constitutive processes and relations.
Die Lausitz im Strukturwandel Die Lausitz steht vor einer doppelten Herausforderung in den nächsten Jahrzehnten. Mit dem Kohleausstieg wird eine zentrale Industrie wegbrechen und bereits heute erfährt die sich zunehmend radikalisierende AfD in der Region große Zustimmung.
Confronting governance challenges of the resource nexus through reflexivity: A cross-case comparison of biofuels policies in Germany and Brazil Resource nexus research gained ground in the last decade prompted by crises of food and water supply throughout the world.
Towards Quality Partnerships for the SDGs In this article, we feature a recently concluded research project on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development.
Innovative measures for integrating renewable energy in the German medium-voltage grids Grid integration remains one of the key challenges related to the worldwide expansion of distributed renewable energy systems.
Systemic Risks. Intersections between Science and Society with Policy Implications for Sustainability The notion of systemic risks denominates the danger of destruction of a whole system by the mechanisms of nonlinear interactions between its agents in combination with circular causality between the system´s elementary dynamic processes and the ma
Zurück in die Zukunft? Neues vom Nirgendwo. Die 2010er-Jahre sind ein Jahrzehnt der Suche nach Utopien In den letzten Jahren war viel die Rede von einem Mangel an Utopien. Ohne mögliche Alternativen aber erscheint die Zukunft verschlossen. Der Artikel liefert einen Überblick über die Utopiedebatten der 2010er Jahre.
Die Gelegenheit ergreifen. Eine politische Philosophie des Kairós Wie ist Transformation zu denken, wenn Geschichte weder einen kontinuierlichen Fortschritt darstellt noch jederzeit machbar ist? In Politischer Theorie wird hierfür der Begriff des Kairós, der günstigen Zeit verwendet.
Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement 4.0. Informationsdurchgängigkeit mittels Methoden der Wissensrepräsentation Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ist omnipräsent und kann nicht losgelöst von der Debatte zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung betrachtet werden.
Conditions for a cost-effective application of smart thermostat systems in residential buildings High investment costs are a key impediment to the energetic refurbishment of residential buildings in Germany.
Towards the coupling of a chemical transport model with a micro-scale Lagrangian modelling system for evaluation of urban NOx levels in a European hotspot A multi-scale modelling system was developed to provide hourly NOx concentration fields at a building-resolving scale in the urban area of Modena, a city in the middle of the Po Valley (Italy), one of the most polluted areas in Europe.
A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Support of Science, Policy, and Action The health of the ocean, central to human well-being, has now reached a critical point.
Temperature and tropopause characteristics from reanalyses data in the tropical tropopause layer The tropical tropopause layer (TTL) is the transition region between the well-mixed convective troposphere and the radiatively controlled stratosphere with air masses showing chemical and dynamical properties of both regions.
Who is energy poor? Evidence from the least developed regions in China Energy poverty has become one of the major challenges faced by the world's energy system. However, there is no consensus on the measure of energy poverty.
The missing conversation around clean cooking Human and contextual factors are crucial in achieving universal access to appropriate, affordable and effective clean cooking energy services.
Social and Epistemic Control in Collaborative Research — Reconfiguring the Interplay of Politics and Methodology In this article we argue that the notion of control poses a critical conceptual and historical connection between scientific and political power.
Expertise in research integration and implementation for tackling complex problems. When is it needed, where can it be found and how can it be strengthened? Expertise in research integration and implementation is an essential but often overlooked component of tackling complex societal and environmental problems.
Power, authority and security. The EU’s Russian gas dilemma This paper investigates contestation of authority in EU energy policy, with a focus on natural gas. It argues that the main challenge centers on the EU’s goals and means of energy security policy, not the location and scope of authority.
Control before Collaborative Research – Why Phase Zero Is Not Co-Designed but Scripted The very beginning of collaborative research endeavors often lies in politically difficult and practically challenging entanglements. The purpose of this paper is to empirically capture and theoretically conceptualize these entanglements.
Grounded action design – Transdisciplinary co-creation for better transformative processes. Frameworks for transdisciplinary research #9
Severe air pollution and characteristics of light-absorbing particles in a typical rural area of the Indo-Gangetic Plain Total suspended particles (TSP) were collected in Lumbini from April 2013 to March 2016 to better understand the characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol (CA) concentrations, compositions and sources and their light absorption properties in rural r
Is Confrontation inevitable? Political tension is increasing, but cooperation could still prevail Five U.S. B-52 Bombers were conducting a training mission on March 28 high over the Norwegian Sea in the Arctic Ocean. F-16 fighter jets from Norway were also aloft, part of joint NATO exercises involving 10,000 troops in northern Sweden.
What Is Democratic Theory? What is democratic theory? The question is surprisingly infrequently posed.
Strategies from and for people A convening of leading international sustainability experts met for the first time in Potsdam, Germany, in March 2019 to re-think sustainability primarily as a societal challenge.
Strukturwandel als Demokratiefrage. Der Lausitzer Kohleausstieg, ein Ausstieg aus der Transformationsblockade? In dem Landstrich südlich von Berlin entlang der polnischen Grenze und bis nach Zittau und Bautzen stellen sich Herausforderungen, für die in Deutschland und darüber hinaus nach Lösungen gesucht wird.
Beyond the Indicators: Improving Science, Scholarship, Policy and Practice to Meet the Complex Challenges of Sustainability Many teams have developed a wide range of numerical or categorical indicators of progress in the implementation of the SDG targets.
Demonstration tests of a 320-kV-class DC superconducting cable for transmission of high powers Best Paths, the largest research project in the field of energy financed under the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration, explored new avenues for delivering reliable power in Europe thr
Four scenarios of the energy transition. Drivers, consequences, and implications for geopolitics This opinion article offers insights into the geopolitics of the ongoing global energy transition. In doing so, it draws heavily on a workshop in Berlin in late 2018, and a subsequent paper in the journal Nature. Four scenarios are presented.
Social Sustainability, Past and Future. Undoing Unintended Consequences for the Earth's Survival In this Open Access book, Sander van der Leeuw examines how the modern world has been caught in a socioeconomic dynamic that has generated the conundrum of sustainability.
Is bio-energy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) feasible? The contested authority of integrated assessment modeling How are novel energy, technology, and land-use systems strategies for limiting climate change judged to be ‘feasible’?
Rural household energy consumption of farmers and herders in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Rural energy consumption not only significantly affects the national economy but also informs us about the living conditions of rural residents.
Is it up to them? Individual leverages for sufficiency Sufficiency is one important strategy for sustainable development. At an individual level, we need a better understanding of the relationship between sufficiency attitude and CO2 footprint.
Indicators for energy transition targets in China and Germany. A text analysis Indicators are an essential component of national strategies and policies relating to energy transition and regulation.
Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Auswirkungen auf Industrie 4.0 Digitalisierung und Globalisierung sind eng mit den Bemühungen um nachhaltige Entwicklung verknüpft, aber sie werden diese nur fördern, wenn sie bewusst nach Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit gestaltet werden.
Schutz vor Naturgefahren The paper applies the concept of systemic risks to natural disasters, more precisely to the combination of natural and human-induced disasters.
Navigationshilfen für den gesellschaftlichen Dialog zur Energiewende. Impulse des Kopernikus-Projekts ENavi Eine CO2-neutrale Umgestaltung unseres Energiesystems bedingt einen gesamt gesellschaftlichen Veränderungsprozess.
Den digitalen Wandel nachhaltig gestalten Die Digitalisierung wird zunehmend nicht mehr nur als Chance, sondern auch als Risiko für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und die Überwindung globaler Ungleichheiten wahrgenommen.
Towards a more integrated role for early career researchers in the IPCC process The involvement of early career researchers (ECRs) has been limited during the past Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment cycles. We conducted a global survey among ECRs and interviewed key experts of the IPCC process.
Die politische Ökonomie der Energie- und Verkehrstransformation Die deutsche Energiewende wird in dem Beitrag als umkämpfter Prozess interpretiert.
Advancing a global transition to clean energy. The role of international cooperation International cooperation in support of a global energy transition is on the rise, and official development assistance (ODA) in the energy sector is increasingly being directed to renewable energy sources.
The Need for and Path to Harmonized Life Cycle Assessment and Techno‐Economic Assessment for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilization The use of carbon dioxide as a feedstock for a broad range of products can help mitigate the effects of climate change through long‐term removal of carbon or as part of a circular carbon economy.
The role of the policy mix in the transition toward a circular forest bioeconomy Grand societal challenges call for a sustainability transition away from a fossil-based society toward a bioeconomy, in which energy and manufacturing production processes are based on sustainable biological resources.
Modeling the impact of a potential shale gas industry in Germany and the United Kingdom on ozone with WRF-Chem Germany and the United Kingdom have domestic shale gas reserves which they may exploit in the future to complement their national energy strategies.
The Potsdam radon communication manifesto Risk communication efforts to mitigate the second cause of lung cancer worldwide (after tobacco smoking) – the radioactive gas radon in buildings – are often ineffective.
Records of engagement and decision making for environmental and socio-ecological challenges We propose creating and maintaining records of engagement and decision-making (RoED) to help us and our communities better understand ourselves, our goals, our decisions, and the dynamic systems in which we all live.
Trends of inorganic and organic aerosols and precursor gases in Europe. Insights from the EURODELTA multi-model experiment over the 1990-2010 period In the framework of the EURODELTA-Trends (EDT) modeling experiment, several chemical transport models (CTMs) were applied for the 1990–2010 period to investigate air quality changes in Europe as well as the capability of the models to reproduce ob
Source attribution of European surface O3 using a tagged O3 mechanism Tropospheric ozone (O3) is an important air pollutant that affects human health, ecosystems, and climate.
Meeresatlas. Daten und Fakten über unseren Umgang mit dem Ozean Ohne das Meer gäbe es kein Leben auf unserem Planeten. Es regelt weitgehend das Klima, gibt uns Nahrung und liefert Energie. Darüber hinaus ist es ein wichtiger Verkehrsweg, ein Erholungsraum und ein Quell ästhetischen Vergnügens.
Ocean Atlas. Facts and Figures on the Threats to Our Marine Ecosystems Without the ocean and its resources, the wealth and wellbeing enjoyed by some of the world’s population would not exist. But the future of this unique ecosystem faces a grave threat today.
Rethinking Digital Democracy. From the Disembodied Discursive Self to New Materialist Corporealities To understand what digital democracy is, this article suggests looking at the individual level of democratic subjectivity. Who is the democratic subject and how is it constituted in digital democracy?
Recirculation Aquaculture Systems. Sustainable Innovations in Organic Food Production? EU regulations explicitly preclude recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) for aquaculture grow-out from organic certification because they are not close enough to nature (Regulation (EEC) No. 710/2009).
Vision, identity, and collective behavior change on pathways to sustainable futures The challenge facing humanity is to live sustainably within both the ecological and physical limits of our planet and the societal boundaries needed for social cohesion and well-being.
Trading for Good. How Global Trade Can be Made to Serve People Not Money Trade is the lifeblood of the global economy, but few would consider it a social good.
Deep-time organizations. Learning institutional longevity from history The Anthropocene as a new planetary epoch has brought to the foreground the deep-time interconnections of human agency with the earth system.
New Departures—Or a Spanner in the Works? Exploring Narratives of Impact-Driven Sustainability Research This article analyses the narratives of impact-driven transition research in the field of sustainability studies. It reconstructs patterns of narrations at a discourse level.
Nepal emission inventory. Part I: Technologies and combustion sources (NEEMI-Tech) for 2001–2016 The lack of a comprehensive, up-to-date emission inventory for the Himalayan region is a major challenge in understanding the extensive regional air pollution, including its causes, impacts and mitigation pathways.
Systemic risks. Concepts and challenges for risk governance Modern societies are confronted with ‘systemic risks’ which challenge conventional risk analysis and management. The phrase ‘systemic risks’ denotes risk phenomena which are exceedingly complex and interdependent.
Cross-City Convergence in Urban Green Space Coverage in China Cross-city convergence in green space coverage could contribute to our understanding of the law of motion of distribution dynamics of environmental sustainability across cities and provide crucial information for designing policies regarding compl
Genome Editing Animals and the Promise of Control in a (Post-) Anthropocentric World Gene editing tools are ‘revolutionizing’ microbiological research. Much of the public debate focuses on the possibility of human germ line applications.
Organizational vulnerability of digital threats. A first validation of an assessment method We present a Strengths, Vulnerability, and Intervention Assessment related to Digital Threats (SVIDT) method, which provides a problem structuring and decision support for organizational vulnerability and resilience management with respect to chan
Governance of systemic risks for disaster prevention and mitigation Systemic risks originate in tightly coupled systems. They are characterised by complexity, transboundary cascading effects, non-linear stochastic developments, tipping points, and lag in perception and regulation.
Ecosystem Service Supply in the Antarctic Peninsula Region. Evaluating an Expert-Based Assessment Approach and a Novel Seascape Data Model The Southern Ocean and coastal Antarctica provide a variety of ecosystem services with benefits for humankind that are of regional and global importance.
Influence of Narratives of Vision and Identity on Collective Behavior Change Profound societal transformations are needed to move society from unsustainability to greater sustainability under continually changing social and environmental conditions.
Inclusive innovation. Enhancing global participation in and benefit sharing linked to the utilization of marine genetic resources from areas beyond national jurisdiction Negotiations for a new international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) have com
Cracking the code. How discursive structures shape climate engineering research governance There is increasing interest in developing anticipatory governance of climate engineering (CE) research.
Comparing the energy transitions in Germany and China. Synergies and recommendations Energy Transition towards a low-carbon emission energy system has been a long-term strategy for Germany and China. Both countries are expected to take the lead on the global effort to achieve clean energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
Socio-ecological resilience and the law. Exploring the adaptive capacity of the BBNJ agreement In search for sustainability of the oceans, the concept of resilience arises as a necessary perspective from which to analyse what course of action to take.
The Common Good Balance Sheet, an Adequate Tool to Capture Non-Financials? In relation to organizational performance measurement, there is a growing concern about the creation of value for people, society and the environment.
Carbonaceous aerosol characteristics on the Third Pole. A primary study based on the Atmospheric Pollution and Cryospheric Change (APCC) network Carbonaceous aerosols (CAs) scatter and absorb incident solar radiation in the atmosphere, thereby influencing the regional climate and hydrological cycle, particularly in the Third Pole (TP).
Society And Climate. Transformations And Challenges Climate has for a long time been a taken-for-granted background against which social, political and economic interactions have taken place. But this taken-for-granted background is cleaving.
No Representation Without Consultation. A Citizen's Guide to Participatory Democracy Democracy is in crisis. As neo-Nazis, right-wing populists, and authoritarians, old and new, stake their claims around the world, democracy faces its greatest challenge yet. The only way to save it is to change it.
Großer Bremser USA The article analyzes trends in climate protection and clean energy measures. It studies the role of the Trump Administration, of the U.S.
The Coming of Age of Risk Governance Proposed as an advanced conceptualization of how to handle risk, risk governance begins with the critique and expansion of the traditional idea and standard practices of risk analysis.
Ein Zukunftsfonds für Deutschland? Das Anlageverhalten der Deutschen ist sehr konservativ und führt in Zeiten niedriger Zinssätze zu geringen Renditen. Deshalb liegt es nahe, dass Vermögensbildung eines der Ziele der Staatsfonds-Modelle ist, die aktuell diskutiert werden.
Home-made or imported. On the possibility for renewable electricity autarky on all scales in Europe Because solar and wind resources are available throughout Europe, a transition to an electricity system based on renewables could simultaneously be a transition to an autarkic one.
Eight urgent, fundamental and simultaneous steps needed to restore ocean health, and the consequences for humanity and the planet of inaction or delay The ocean crisis is urgent and central to human wellbeing and life on Earth; past and current activities are damaging the planet's main life support system for future generations.
Climate change and air pollution. The connection between traffic intervention policies and public acceptance in a local context Urban mobility is the main source of air pollution in Europe and accounts for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions.
A compass to guide through the myriad of sustainable energy transition options across the global North-South divide The global energy transition is characterised by a myriad of technology options, organisational forms and infrastructural scales across levels of operation. Energy transitions are generally considered to foster sustainable development.
The dismantling of renewable energy policies. The cases of Spain and the Czech Republic Despite their increasing cost competitiveness, the continued expansion of renewable energy remains dependent on policy support.
Determinants of Public Acceptance for Traffic-Reducing Policies to Improve Urban Air Quality Air pollution remains a problem in German cities. In particular, the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) annual limit-value set by the European Union of 40 µg/m3 was not met at ~40% of roadside monitoring stations across German cities in 2018.
Producing the ecological economy. A study in developing fiduciary principles supporting the application of flow-fund consistent investment criteria for sovereign wealth funds In the current financial climate, there is an opportunity for surplus capital to incentivize ecological economic production.
Internationale Initiative für einen regionalen Nachhaltigkeitsansatz Das aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsdilemma wurde in den vergangenen 500 Jahren von den westlichen (entwickelten) Gesellschaften geschaffen, indem sie das Verhältnis zwischen Gesellschaft und Umwelt veränderten.
Communicating risk in public health emergencies. A WHO guideline for emergency risk communication (ERC) policy and practice
Coal, nuclear and renewable energy policies in Germany: From the 1950s to the “Energiewende” Over the last 50 years, German energy policy has ranged from strong enthusiasm for both coal and nuclear energy to deep skepticism.
Air pollution at human scales in an urban environment. Impact of local environment and vehicles on particle number concentrations Air pollution is a global challenge causing millions of premature deaths annually.
Low-cost sensors for the measurement of atmospheric composition. Overview of topic and future applications Measurement of reactive air pollutants and greenhouse gases underpin a huge variety of applications that span from academic research through to regulatory functions and services for individuals, governments, and businesses.
Das Gute Leben für Alle. Wege in die solidarische Lebensweise Die globalen Krisen spitzen sich zu. Doch wo sind Antworten und Lösungen? Das I.L.A. Kollektiv hat sich auf die Suche nach neuen Lebensstilen und Wirtschaftsformen begeben, die nicht auf Kosten anderer und der Natur gehen.
A human rights-based approach to loss and damage under the climate change regime Climate change has been labelled the human rights challenge of the twenty-first century. Loss and damage resulting from climate change, in particular, poses a severe threat to the human rights of affected communities.
Klima, Kohle, Demokratie? Perspektiven auf demokratische Prozesse im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Machtverhältnisse In der Rubrik BildungsPraxis hat Susanne Offen, Mitglied der Journal-Redaktion, ein Interview mit David Löw Beer vom Institut für transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung geführt, in dem insbesondere auf demokratische Prozesse, gesellschaftliche Ma
Towards Quantitatively Understanding the Complexity of Social-Ecological Systems — From Connection to Consilience The complexity of social-ecological systems (SES) is rooted in the outcomes of node activities connected by network topology.
Nepal Ambient Monitoring and Source Testing Experiment (NAMaSTE). Emissions of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide from vehicles and brick kilns and their impacts on air quality in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues in the Kathmandu Valley, where the capital city of Nepal is located.
Why the Global Energy Transition Does Not Mean the End of the Petrostate The world going low carbon is believed to put an end to petrostates, and to force incumbent oil producers to diversify their economies away from fossil fuels. This article challenges this assumption.
Some foundational issues related to risk governance and different types of risks Risk governance has in recent years become a commonly used concept in relation to the understanding, assessment, management and communication of risk or risk problems, including so-called systemic risks.
EVOLvINC. EValuating knOwLedge INtegration Capacity in multistakeholder governance Research and policy processes in many fields, such as sustainability and health, are increasingly relying on transdisciplinary cooperation among a multitude of governmental, nongovernmental, and private actors from local to global levels.
Gefühlte Wahrheiten. Orientierung in Zeiten postfaktischer Verunsicherung Populistische Strömungen gewinnen weltweit an Resonanz, gleichzeitig beobachten wir ein tiefes Misstrauen in die Problemlösungsfähigkeit der Politik, in die Fairness der Wirtschaft und die Unabhängigkeit der Wissenschaft.
Towards a sustainable future with education? The call for a kind of education which can contribute to a sustainable future has resulted in the “education for sustainable development” (ESD) campaign.
Rotweißrot auf k(l)einer Mission ie schwarzblaue Bundesregierung will Österreich mit dem Klimaschutz-Plan „Mission 2030“ auf den richtigen Weg bringen. Der wird dafür nicht ausreichen.
Gemeinsam entscheiden. Perspektiven und Risiken von Partizipation für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation Die Lebensweise breiter Bevölkerungsschichten im Globalen Norden ist ursächlich verantwortlich für gravierende globale Probleme, wie die Zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen, Krieg, Gewalt und Vertreibung.
Knowledge politics and post-truth in climate denial. On the social construction of alternative facts This article examines the post-truth debate and questions the argument that post-modernism and social constructivism is responsible for post-truth and alternative facts, including in climate denial.
Climate impacts on the ocean are making the Sustainable Development Goals a moving target travelling away from us Climate change is impacting marine ecosystems and their goods and services in diverse ways, which can directly hinder our ability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set out under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Linking atmospheric pollution to cryospheric change in the Third Pole region. Current progress and future prospects The Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings are known as the Third Pole (TP). This region is noted for its high rates of glacier melt and the associated hydrological shifts that affect water supplies in Asia.
Emission scenarios of a potential shale gas industry in Germany and the United Kingdom The shale gas debate has taken center stage over the past decade in many European countries due to its purported climate advantages over coal and the implications for domestic energy security.
Vulnerability, Response-Ability, and the Promise of Making Refuge This paper proposes “making refuge” as a conceptual placeholder and an analytical rubric, a guiding ethos and praxis, for the engaged Buddhist aspiration of responding to the social, political, economic, and planetary crises facing the world.
Promises and perils of the Paris Agreement Climate models aiming to explore how global warming can be limited to the Paris Agreement targets of 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius usually invoke sweeping technical and societal transformations, including the extensive use of carbon dioxide removal tec
Emerging risk governance for stratospheric aerosol injection as a climate management technology Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) as a solar radiation management (SRM) technology may provide a cost-effective means of avoiding some of the worst impacts of climate change, being perhaps orders of magnitude less expensive than greenhouse gas
Potenziale stärker heben. Die Mitwirkung der Bevölkerung an der Energiewende im Realitätscheck Die notwendige breite und schnelle Diffusion technologischer Innovationen zur Förderung von Energiewende und Klimaschutz kann nur gelingen, wenn die Bevölkerung diese durch ihre Investitionen und veränderte Kauf- und Nutzungsgewohnheiten im Alltag
The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of the Economics Profession Economists not only failed to anticipate the financial crisis; they may have contributed to it — with risk and derivatives models that, through spurious precision and untested theoretical assumptions, encouraged policy makers and market participan
Mindfulness Training at School. A Way to Engage Adolescents with Sustainable Consumption? A central challenge in research on education for sustainable consumption (ESC) is to develop new approaches to engage adolescents with sustainable consumption (SC) in a way that addresses not only the cognitive but also the socio-emotional and beh
Ziele, Strukturen, Wirkungen transformativer Forschung Der NaWis-Verbund will Impulse für eine transdisziplinäre und transformative Wissenschaft geben. Dafür wollen die Partnerinstitutionen Forschungsmethoden entwickeln und diese in gesellschaftlich relevanten Problemfeldern anwenden.
Human mobility and health in a warming world Humans have a long history of mobility on a spectrum from voluntary migration to forced displacement in response to social, political and environmental change.
Evidence-Informed Planning for Healthy Liveable Cities. How Can Policy Frameworks Be Used to Strengthen Research Translation? A compelling body of research demonstrates associations between urban design and health, but this research is often not reflected in urban policies.
Land Grabbing and Home Country Development. Chinese and British Land Acquisitions in Comparative Perspective The role of investor countries remains poorly understood in the contemporary “land grab” debate.
Study of Aerosol Optical Properties over two Sites in the Foothills of the Central Himalayas Atmospheric aerosol possesses impacts on climate system and ecological environments, human health and agricultural productivity.
Long-term trends in the total columns of ozone and its precursor gases derived from satellite measurements during 2004–2015 over three different regions in South Asia. Indo-Gangetic Plain, Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau Long-term (2004–2015) satellite data over three adjacent yet contrasting regions: Indo-Gangetic Plain, Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (TP) were used to study the spatiotemporal distribution of total ozone column (TOC) and its precursor gases (such
Asserting the climate benefits of the coal-to-gas shift across temporal and spatial scales Reducing CO2 emissions through a shift from coal to natural gas power plants is a key strategy to support pathways for climate stabilization.
Die Rolle(n) transdisziplinärer Wissenschaft bei konfliktgeladenen Transformationsprozessen Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Der Wandel der Welt geht einher mit Konflikten und Widersprüchen zwischen diesen Transformationen.
Tools of the trade. Practices and politics of researching the future in climate engineering Making sense of the implications of climate engineering approaches (solar radiation management, SRM; and carbon dioxide removal, CDR) at planetary scales occurs via a host of methods that calculate, project, and imagine the future in distinct ways
Thinking about future/democracy. Towards a political theory of futurity Today, representative politics are often perceived as being primarily concerned with short-term goals. Moreover, the future appears to be pre-determined by economic or technological necessities.
Clarifying mandates for marine ecosystem-based management Mandates to execute ecosystem-based management exist but are not implemented sufficiently enough to reap the benefits of a growing blue economy.
Identification of absorbing aerosol types at a site in the northern edge of Indo-Gangetic Plain and a polluted valley in the foothills of the central Himalayas Identification of atmospheric aerosol types and characterization of absorbing aerosols, based on AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) data collected during 2013-2014 over two sites in Nepal: Lumbini in the northernmost part of central Indo-Gangetic P
Survey on the households’ energy-saving behaviors and influencing factors in the rural loess hilly region of China Farmers and their energy saving behaviors make significant sense for long-run sustainability and enacting effective energy policies, particularly in the fragile eco-environment and non-developed rural area.
Loss and Damage after Paris. Moving Beyond Rhetoric The successful adoption and rapid entry into force of the Paris Agreement has been hailed as a milestone for global climate governance.
A Nexus Approach for the MENA Region. From Concept to Knowledge to Action There is wide agreement that a nexus or integrated approach to managing and governing natural resources such as land, water, and energy can improve environmental, climate, human, and political security.
Features, Driving Forces and Transition of the Household Energy Consumption in China. A Review Household energy consumption has been a major contributor to the increase in global energy demand and carbon emission, and the household sector has also become one of the most crucial factors shaping the management of developments towards sustaina
Voices unheard. Affected communities and the climate negotiations on loss and damage The Paris Agreement has been hailed as a victory for multilateralism.
Leverage Points 2019. A transdisciplinary conference, inspiring change From February 6 to 8, 2019, Leuphana University of Lüneburg hosted the first ever Leverage Points conference on sustainability research and transformation.
CCU und CCS – Bausteine für den Klimaschutz in der Industrie. Analyse, Handlungsoptionen und Empfehlungen Deutschland will seine Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 um 80 bis 95 Prozent vermindern. Die bereits vorgesehenen und umgesetzten Maßnahmen sind jedoch trotz der bisherigen Erfolge nicht ausreichend, um dieses ambitionierte Ziel zu erreichen.
CCU and CCS – Building Blocks for Climate Protection in Industry. Analysis, Options and Recommendations Germany wishes to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 per cent by 2050. However, despite the success to date, the measures which have already been planned and implemented are not sufficient for achieving this ambitious goal.
Deep Time and Secular Time. A Critique of the Environmental ‘Long View’ The Anthropocene concept allows human history to be imagined within the temporal framework of planetary processes. Accordingly, some environmentalists increasingly favour massively lengthening the temporal horizons of moral concern.
I Want to Tell You a Story: How Narrative Water Ethics Contributes to Re-theorizing Water Politics This paper explores potential contributions of narrative ethics to the re-theorization of the political in water governance, particularly seeking to rectify concerns regarding when water is excluded from cultural contexts and issues of power and d
Modellregionen und Reallabore im Kopernikus-Projekt ENavi. Energiewende im Praxistest Im Kopernikus-Projekt ENavi werden Konzepte für die Energie wende vor Ort entwickelt, die dann in Real laboren erprobt werden.
An overview of airborne measurement in Nepal. Part 1: Vertical profile of aerosol size, number, spectral absorption, and meteorology The paper provides an overview of an airborne measurement campaign with a microlight aircraft over the Pokhara Valley region, Nepal, a metropolitan region in the central Himalayan foothills.
Promises and risks of nonstate action in climate and sustainability governance Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement stand as milestone diplomatic achievements. However, immense discrepancies between political commitments and governmental action remain.
Seasonal and diurnal variability in O3, black carbon, and CO measured at the Rwanda Climate Observatory Air pollution is understudied in sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in a gap in the scientific understanding of emissions, atmospheric processes, and impacts of air pollutants in this region.
Physical properties of secondary photochemical aerosol from OH oxidation of a cyclic siloxane Cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) are high-production chemicals present in many personal care products. They are volatile, hydrophobic, and relatively long-lived due to slow oxidation kinetics.
No race for the Arctic? Examination of interconnections between legal regimes for offshore petroleum licensing and level of industry activity Despite the expectation of potentially vast petroleum resources in the offshore Arctic over the last decade, actual exploration and production rates are rather low.
Molecular characterization of organic aerosols in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Insights into primary and secondary sources Organic atmospheric aerosols in the Hindu Kush–Himalayas–Tibetan Plateau region are still poorly characterized.
Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in der digitalen Produktion Die industrielle Produktion durchläuft aktuell einen erheblichen Transformationsprozess, ermöglicht durch die rasante Entwicklung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Welche Rolle spielt die Industrie 4.0.
An evaluation of European nitrogen and sulfur wet deposition and their trends estimated by six chemistry transport models for the period 1990–2010
Ocean Ecosystem-Based Management Mandates and Implementation in the North Atlantic Ecosystem-based management (EBM) necessarily requires a degree of coordination across countries that share ocean ecosystems, and among national agencies and departments that have responsibilities relating to ocean health and marine resource utiliz
Experiencia estética y desarrollo sostenible. Un estudio de caso Motivated by the question of how the arts can contribute to communication on sustainable development, this study makes a sociological-anthropological analysis of the reception of an international contemporary art exhibition on sustainability in Va
Four meditations on time and future relations In four short meditations, approaches to time and the future are explored through both a time and futures lens. A compressed poetic form of expression is used to distil the essence of the processes involved.
Transformations of Social-Ecological Systems: Studies in Co-creating Integrated Knowledge Toward Sustainable Futures Through this book, readers will gain a comprehensive overview of transdisciplinary knowledge co-production in local contexts as an issue-driven and solution-oriented process, and will come to understand its relationship to societal transformation
Leadership and lesson-drawing in the European Union’s multilevel climate governance system The important role that climate leaders and leadership play at different levels of the European Union (EU) multilevel governance system is exemplified.
Risk Governance: Application to Urban Challenges Urban areas face multiple risks: they range from natural hazard-induced disasters, fires, and building code violations to social risks such as vandalism, crime, and social disorientation, among others.
Participatory Risk Governance for Reducing Disaster and Societal Risks: Collaborative Knowledge Production and Implementation The background, purpose, and design of this special section are briefly explained in this introductory article.
TM5-FASST: a global atmospheric source–receptor model for rapid impact analysis of emission changes on air quality and short-lived climate pollutants This paper describes, documents, and validates the TM5-FAst Scenario Screening Tool (TM5-FASST), a global reduced-form air quality source–receptor model that has been designed to compute ambient pollutant concentrations as well as a broad range of
Residential Energy Sustainability in China and Germany: The Impact of National Energy Policy System The energy consumption and carbon emission of Chinese households is growing rapidly and will continue to do so for the near future. Currently, Chinese energy policies mainly focus on the industrial sector instead of the residential sector.
Indoor levels of black carbon and particulate matters in relation to cooking activities using different cook stove-fuels in rural Nepal In Nepal, majority of households still burn solid fuels in inefficient cook stoves inside poorly ventilated kitchens, which results in very high levels of indoor pollutants, including black carbon (BC).
Industry 4.0 and Climate Change—Exploring the Science-Policy Gap The paper aims to explore the gaps and overlaps between statements of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) working at the intersection of climate change, sustainable energy, and industrial development regarding the role of Industry 4.0 for clima
An outlook on Germany’s international energy transition policy in the years to come: Solid foundations and new challenges Germany’s ambition to promote sustainable energy globally, on the basis of its own “Energiewende,” has led to the development of a multi-faceted international energy transition policy with various activities and an agenda to promote renewables and
Two Types of Vigilance Are Essential to Effective Hazard Management: Maintaining Both Together Is Difficult Flexibility and adaptability are key capabilities for coping with persistent and pervasive uncertainties.
Improving government policy on risk: Eight key principles This paper discusses the basic principles that a government should adopt when it comes to risk.
Wissenschaft als Wegbereiterin: Deutschlands Rolle bei der Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 Für die nachhaltige Gestaltung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft kommt der Wissenschaft eine essenzielle Funktion zu.
Taking Time, Sharing Spaces: Adaptive Risk Governance Processes in Rural Japan Rural and peri-urban communities in Japan, as well as in many other regions of the world, face risks of discrete event natural phenomena, including earthquakes, floods, and landslides.
The German incentive regulation and its practical impact on the grid integration of renewable energy systems This paper investigates the interplay between the German incentive regulation and renewable capacity integration. A comprehensive review of the current incentive regulation scheme and its 2016 amendment is first presented.
Das Gruppendelphi-Verfahren: Vom Konzept bis zur Anwendung Das Gruppendelphi-Verfahren ermöglicht einen wissensbasierten und konstruktiven Diskurs mit einer interdisziplinären Gruppe an Experten, die unterschiedliche Sichtweisen und Urteile präsentieren.
Dispositional orientation to the present and future and its role in pro-environmental behavior and sustainability With our attitudes and behavior, which aim at promoting sustainable behavior, we face a temporal dilemma – a temporal conflict between short-term and long-term interests.
Zeit der Verunsicherung: Was treibt Menschen in den Populismus? Der renommierte Risikoforscher und Technik- und Umweltsoziologe Ortwin Renn über die Macht der Angst – und was sie mit unserer Gesellschaft macht. Populistische Strömungen gewinnen weltweit an Resonanz.
Tackling energy, climate and development challenges in Africa In order to fulfill multiple sustainable development targets, most prominently human development, poverty eradication and climate change mitigation, African countries need infrastructure that cover basic needs while at the same time promote indust
CO2-equivalent emissions from European passenger vehicles in the years 1995–2015 based on real-world use: Assessing the climate benefit of the European “diesel boom” A comprehensive overview is provided evaluating direct real-world CO2 emissions of both diesel and petrol cars newly registered in Europe between 1995 and 2015.
Systemic Risks: A Homomorphic Approach on the Basis of Complexity Science Although the notion of systemic risk gained prominence with respect to financial systems, it is a generic term that refers to risks of increasing importance in many domains—risks that cannot be tackled by conventional techniques of risk management
Reviewing air pollution and public health in China Decades of gross domestic product-focused economic development has not only made China the world’s second largest economy, but has also led to massive environmental problems, including air pollution, which has been shown to lead to multiple advers
Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators for Climate Change-Related Health Impacts, Risks, Adaptation, and Resilience Climate change poses a range of current and future health risks that health professionals need to understand, track, and manage.
Transformationsfonds für die Nachhaltigkeitswende Ein transformativer Staatsfonds investiert gezielt in Unternehmen, die zur Erreichung der Pariser Klimaziele beitragen. Er erzeugt einen ökologischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Mehrwert.
Dogma statt Debatte. Wirtschaftswachstum im parlamentarischen Diskurs Wirtschaftswachstum ist als Politikziel zwar gesellschaftlicher Konsens, wird aber auch immer wieder infrage gestellt. Argumente gegen dieses Ziel sind durch die Enquete des 17. Deutschen Bundestages nachvollzogen worden.
The BRICS Effect: Impacts of South–South Cooperation in the Social Field of International Development Cooperation The growing number of development stakeholders and initiatives in developing countries has added complexity to international development cooperation (IDC).
Public Administrators in the Europeanization of Risk Governance – Co-Creation Amidst the Political Heterarchy This article depicts a dialectic relationship between the creative conduct of public administrators on the one hand, and the institutional complexity of their political surrounding, on the other.
A multi-model comparison of meteorological drivers of surface ozone over Europe The implementation of European emission abatement strategies has led to a significant reduction in the emissions of ozone precursors during the last decade.
Solar Geoengineering and Democracy Some scientists suggest that it might be possible to reflect a portion of incoming sunlight back into space to reduce climate change and its impacts.
Leitlinien für das menschliche Handeln in einer digitalisierten Welt Technische Innovationen der Digitalisierung führen zu gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen. Aus Sicht der Informatik liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der technischen Seite der Innovationen bzw. auf den rein wirtschaftlichen Aspekten gegenüber den Kunden.
Systemic Risks: Theory and Mathematical Modeling In a globally connected world, new opportunities are associated with new types of risks. These new types of risks do not respect national boundaries nor are they restricted to particular locations or systems.
Kooperation oder Konfrontation in der Arktis? Ausgelöst durch einen sich rapide vollziehenden Kilimawandel im Hohen Norden ist der Konflikt um die Arktis seit einigen Jahren ein Thema öffentlicher Debatten.
Evaluating climate geoengineering proposals in the context of the Paris Agreement temperature goals Current mitigation efforts and existing future commitments are inadequate to accomplish the Paris Agreement temperature goals.
WRF and WRF-Chem v3.5.1 simulations of meteorology and black carbon concentrations in the Kathmandu Valley An evaluation of the meteorology simulated using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model for the region of south Asia and Nepal with a focus on the Kathmandu Valley is presented.
Die Ozeane im Kontext der 2030-Agenda Mit dem Ziel 14 der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) wurden erstmals der Schutz und die nachhaltige Nutzung der Ozeane als zentrales Thema in der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsagenda verankert.
Contemplative Praxis for Social-Ecological Transformation The growing critical reception of mainstream mindfulness interventions often concerns itself with the social and ethical dimensions of mindfulness practices and their current inability to effectively address social and ecological problems.
Mindfulness under neoliberal governmentality: critiquing the operation of biopower in corporate mindfulness and constructing queer alternatives At the heart of many mindfulness critiques is essentially a critique of how mindfulness has been rebranded to promote neoliberal governmentality and produce neoliberal subjects.
Methane and ethane emission scenarios for potential shale gas production in Europe A main concern surrounding (shale) gas production and exploitation is the leakage of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. High leakage rates have been observed outside of Europe but the representativeness of these observations for Europe is unknown.
Individuelles Rebound-Verhalten in der Pkw-Mobilität : Das Wechselspiel von Effizienzverbesserung und Nachfragesteigerung Sophia Becker untersucht in ihrer empirischen Studie, ob technische Effizienzverbesserungen des Autos dazu führen, dass Konsumenten sich ein größeres Auto anschaffen, längere Strecken zurücklegen oder schneller fahren.
International experiences with tender procedures for renewable energy – A comparison of current developments in Brazil, France, Italy and South Africa Tenders are a fast spreading instrument to attract and procure new generation capacity from renewable energy sources. However, there is a need for current analysis of experiences as in many countries tenders were introduced only few years ago.
Short period PM2.5 prediction based on multivariate linear regression model A multivariate linear regression model was proposed to achieve short period prediction of PM2.5 (fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm or less).
Economic Growth and Pollution Emission in China: Structural Path Analysis The relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution has long been a controversial topic.
Modeled deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in Europe estimated by 14 air quality model systems: evaluation, effects of changes in emissions and implications for habitat protection The evaluation and intercomparison of air quality models is key to reducing model errors and uncertainty.
The Brazilian experience with auctions for wind power: An assessment of project delays and potential mitigation measures Renewable energy auctions are gaining popularity worldwide. However, practical experiences remain ambiguous. This holds especially true for on-time implementation rates.
Experience with auctions for wind power in Brazil In an international context, auctions are becoming increasingly common as a support scheme for renewable energies.
Mapping interactions between the sustainable development goals: lessons learned and ways forward Pursuing integrated research and decision-making to advance action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) fundamentally depends on understanding interactions between the SDGs, both negative ones (“trade-offs”) and positive ones (“co-benefits”
Developing a hierarchical structure of the co-benefits of the triple bottom line under uncertainty The global electronics industry has faced pressure from diversity standards and regulations such as RoHS, WEEE, and REACH, among others.
Exploring the Potential of Free Cargo-Bikesharing for Sustainable Mobility How can cities solve the pressing environmental problems caused by the excessive use of private cars? By creating Free Cargo-Bikesharing systems, citizens are taking forward the transition to sustainable transportation systems.
TOAST 1.0: Tropospheric Ozone Attribution of Sources with Tagging for CESM 1.2.2 A system for source attribution of tropospheric ozone produced from both NOx and volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors is described, along with its implementation in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 1.2.2 using CAM4.
Reply to commentary on the special issue Scaling up biofuels? A critical look at expectations, performance and governance The special issue Scaling up bioenergy? identifies major policy expectations attached to biofuels production worldwide, and it provides systematic reviews of actual biofuel performance and governance in these areas.
An Assessment of Climate Engineering from a Buddhist Perspective This article expounds a Buddhist perspective on the rapidly emerging topic of Climate Engineering, i.e.
Was kann „Beteiligungskultur“ sinnvoll bedeuten? Praxistheoretisch inspirierte Vorschläge für ein Analysekonzept Mit Beteiligungskultur verbinden sich Forderungen nach mehr Mitsprache der Öffentlichkeit an politischer Entscheidungsfindung, einer stärkeren Institutionalisierung ergänzender Verfahren, aber auch nach bestimmten Haltungen und Deutungen.
Societal Impacts of a Rapidly Changing Arctic This review article makes six observations about the current body of research on the societal impacts of a changing Arctic. First, climate change and globalisation are the dominant drivers of societal impacts in the Arctic.
Unintended Side Effects of the Digital Transition: European Scientists’ Messages from a Proposition-Based Expert Round Table We present the main messages of a European Expert Round Table (ERT) on the unintended side effects (unseens) of the digital transition. Seventeen experts provided 42 propositions from ten different perspectives as input for the ERT.
Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen: Zwischen Marktprinzipien und Kommunikation Kristin Nicolaus erarbeitet in diesem Buch eine diskursdemokratische Perspektive auf Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen (PES).
An assessment of perceptions of air quality surrounding the implementation of a traffic-reduction measure in a local urban environment Poor air quality remains a major environmental and health risk in Europe, despite improvements over the last few decades.
A New Perspective at the Ship-Air-Sea-Interface: The Environmental Impacts of Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge Shipping emissions are likely to increase significantly in the coming decades, alongside increasing emphasis on the sustainability and environmental impacts of the maritime transport sector.
The Influence of Farmers’ Livelihood Strategies on Household Energy Consumption in the Eastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China As an essential factor for sustainable development, energy plays a very important role in sustaining a modern lifestyle, particularly in poor rural areas.
Comparing perceived effects of climate-related environmental change and adaptation strategies for the Pacific small island states of Tuvalu, Samoa, and Tonga Inhabitants of Pacific small island states are facing multiple socio-ecological pressures, with climate change being one of the most prominent.
Industrie 4.0 and a sustainable development: a short study on the perception and expectations of experts in Germany Trends are predicting a further 'industrial revolution' based on digitalisation.
Long-term monitoring of black carbon across Germany Lately, black carbon (BC) has received significant attention due to its climate-warming properties and adverse health effects.
Comparative, collaborative, and integrative risk governance for emerging technologies Various emerging technologies challenge existing governance processes to identify, assess, and manage risk.
Aerosol Optical Depth Over India Tropospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) over India was simulated by Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)‐Chem, a global 3‐D chemical‐transport model, using SMOG (Speciated Multi‐pOllutant Generator from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) and
The Risk of Termination Shock From Solar Geoengineering If solar geoengineering were to be deployed so as to mask a high level of global warming, and then stopped suddenly, there would be a rapid and damaging rise in temperatures.
Teacher Trainees Conceptions of Economic Policy Instruments For the Environment In economics as well as environmental policy, Economic policy instruments for the environment (EPI) are typical and widely used measures to address ecological problems. However, very little is known about teaching and learning EPIs.
Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic Puzzled by how geographical changes in the Arctic might cause changes in state behavior the authors of this article have been inspired to return to the roots of geopolitical reasoning.
The political economy of negative emissions technologies: consequences for international policy design Negative emissions technologies (NETs), especially bioenergy with carbon capture and storage and direct air capture and storage, have been invoked as necessary to achieve the aspirational 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement.
Observation of optical properties and sources of aerosols at Buddha’s birthplace, Lumbini, Nepal: environmental implications For the first time, aerosol optical properties are measured over Lumbini, Nepal, with CIMEL sunphotometer of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) program.
Potential Impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Activities on Deep-Sea Sponges and the Habitats They Form Sponges form an important component of benthic ecosystems from shallow littoral to hadal depths.
E-Gov and Sustainability: a Literature Review E-governance (e-gov) might provide the missing tools in order to move closer to the good governance ideal, often depicted as a key element for a sustainable future. But how is sustainability considered in the scientific debate around e-gov?
Entscheidungshilfe: Transdisziplinäre Forschung trägt zum Gelingen der Energiewende bei Das Kopernikus-Projekt Energiewende-Navigationssystem (ENavi) will robustes Wissen für die Entscheidungsfindung im Rahmen der Energie wende bereitstellen.
Deep-Sea Mining With No Net Loss of Biodiversity—An Impossible Aim Deep-sea mining is likely to result in biodiversity loss, and the significance of this to ecosystem function is not known.
Improving quality of life through sustainable energy and urban infrastructure in Africa Focusing on critical aspects of infrastructure, such as energy, this paper argues that African countries, and African cities in particular, need infrastructure that advances both basic needs and industrialization, and avoids a lock-in of unsustain
A detailed characterization of the Saharan dust collected during the Fennec campaign in 2011: in situ ground-based and laboratory measurements Millions of tons of mineral dust are lifted by the wind from arid surfaces and transported around the globe every year.
Characteristics of Particulate-Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Atmosphere over the Central Himalayas PAH concentrations were measured in total suspended particle (TSP) samples collected from six sites along two south-north transects across the central Himalayas from April 2013 to March 2014.
Variability of Anthropogenic Gases: Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide, Ozone and Ammonia in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Kathmandu Valley is one of the largest and most polluted metropolitan regions in the Himalayan foothills.
Black Carbon and Ozone Variability at the Kathmandu Valley and at the Southern Himalayas: A Comparison between a “Hot Spot” and a Downwind High-Altitude Site Several studies have reported the transport of short-lived climate forcers/pollutants (SLCF/P) from the highly polluted areas in southern Asia (e.g., the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the Himalayan foothills) to the Himalayas, with significant implicati
Observation and analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of surface ozone and carbon monoxide at multiple sites in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Residents of the Kathmandu Valley experience severe particulate and gaseous air pollution throughout most of the year, even during much of the rainy season.
Seasonal and diurnal variability in air pollutants and short-lived climate forcers measured at the Rwanda Climate Observatory Air pollution is still largely unstudied in sub-Saharan Africa, resulting in a gap in scientific understanding of emissions, atmospheric processes, and impacts of air pollutants in this region.
Transport of regional pollutants through a remote trans-Himalayan valley in Nepal Anthropogenic emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass in Asia have increased in recent years.
Deliberation in Multi-Stakeholder Participation: A Heuristic Framework Applied to the Committee on World Food Security Multi-stakeholder participation (MSP) has become a central feature in several institutions and processes of global governance.
BAERLIN2014 – stationary measurements and source apportionment at an urban background station in Berlin, Germany The "Berlin Air quality and Ecosystem Research: Local and long-range Impact of anthropogenic and Natural hydrocarbons" (BAERLIN2014) campaign was conducted during the 3 summer months (June–August) of 2014.
Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Present-day ozone distribution and trends relevant to human health This study quantifies the present-day global and regional distributions (2010–2014) and trends (2000–2014) for five ozone metrics relevant for short-term and long-term human exposure.
Analysis of the distributions of hourly NO2 concentrations contributing to annual average NO2 concentrations across the European monitoring network between 2000 and 2014 Exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is associated with negative human health effects, both for short-term peak concentrations and from long-term exposure to a wider range of NO2 concentrations.
More Sustainability in Industry through Industrial Internet of Things? Industrial production plays an important role for achieving a green economy and the sustainable development goals.
Things are different today: the challenge of global systemic risks While most OECD countries have been rather successful in reducing risks to human lives, health, and the quality of the environment, the record for new global risks such as climate change, pandemics, financial breakdowns, and social inequality is m
Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel – Der Arktische Rat als zentrales Forum der Arktiskooperation: Vortrag auf der Tagung „Die Arktis in der globalisierten Welt“, am 05.10.2017 Der Arktische Rat ist das zentrale politische Forum arktischer Governance.
Konzept und Praxis des Zertifikats „Bildung – Transformation – Nachhaltigkeit (BTN)“ – BNE in der Lehrerbildung Wir stehen vor zahlreichen globalen Herausforderungen: Klimawandel, Artensterben, Ressourcenverknappung etc.
Sustainable Risk Management Here, expert authors delineate approaches that can support both decision makers as well as their concerned populations in overcoming unwarranted fears and in elaborating policies based on scientific evidence.
Ecological Modernization as Global Industrial Revolution This article uses the concept of “Industrial Revolution” to underline the extraordinary speed and the global scale of ecological modernization (EM). The focus is on clean energy technologies, the core of this dynamic change.
Climate Engineering und das Anthropozän: Technische Eingriffe ins Klimasystem zwischen Hoffnung und Hybris?
Modelling impact of climate change and air pollution in cities Considering the significance and importance of urban sustainability in China and China’s history of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, this paper aims to incorporate the investigation of climate change and air pollution in urban sustainabil
Geoengineering our Climate? Ethics, Politics and Governance If the detrimental impacts of human-induced climate change continue to mount, technologies for geoengineering our climate – i.e.
Validation of the superconducting and insulating components of a high-power HVDC cable High-voltage direct-current superconducting cables are an attractive option for the high-capacity links of the future. Key elements of a 3-GW-class superconducting cable have been validated within the Best Paths European project.
The German experience with integrating photovoltaic systems into the low-voltage grids The integration of rooftop photovoltaic systems in the low-voltage distribution grids has become a major international trend, helped by the sinking prices for photovoltaics.
Wissenschaft und Praxis gemeinsam für die Energiewende: Der transdisziplinäre Ansatz von ENavi Das Kopernikus-Projekt Energiewende-Navigationssystem (ENavi), gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung undForschung, bindet gesellschaftliche Interessen bei der Energiewendeforschung ein.
Boden und Land in der internationalen Nachhaltigkeitspolitik - von der globalen Agenda zur lokalen Umsetzung
Source influence on emission pathways and ambient PM2.5 pollution over India (2015-2050) India is currently experiencing degraded air quality, and future economic development will lead to challenges for air quality management.
Strengthening the legal and institutional framework of the Southeast pacific: Focus on the BBNJ package elements The role of the regional level in addressing and strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) should not be undermined.
Impact of vegetative emissions on urban ozone and biogenic secondary organic aerosol: Box model study for Berlin, Germany Tropospheric ozone and particulate matter affect human health and cause vegetation stress, dysfunction and damages. In this study we investigate the effect of increasing urban vegetation i.e.
Der transdisziplinäre Ansatz des Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS): Konzept und Umsetzung Das neue Forschungsprogramm des Potsdamer Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies widmet sich der Integration von Transformationsforschung und transformativer Forschung.
Top–down quantification of NOx emissions from traffic in an urban area using a high-resolution regional atmospheric chemistry model With NO2 limit values being frequently exceeded in European cities, complying with the European air quality regulations still poses a problem for many cities. Traffic is typically a major source of NOx emissions in urban areas.
A survey on the perceived need and value of decision-support tools for joint mitigation of air pollution and climate change in cities Decision-support tools are increasingly popular for informing policy decisions linked to environmental issues.
Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Database and Metrics Data of Global Surface Ozone Observations In support of the first Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR) a relational database of global surface ozone observations has been developed and populated with hourly measurement data and enhanced metadata.
Comparing policy strategies for a transition to a bioeconomy in Europe: The case of Italy and Germany Grand societal challenges call for a transition from a society based on finite fossil resources towards a bio-based economy, based on renewable resources.
Die Zukunft arktischer Öl- und Gasressourcen – internationale Einflussfaktoren arktischer Energieressourcenentwicklung The ongoing transformations in the Arctic are deeply intertwined with regional and global processes, both in the sense of the Arctic affecting and being affected by these processes that reach beyond the Arctic’s southern borders.
Seasonal and diurnal variations in methane and carbon dioxide in the Kathmandu Valley in the foothills of the central Himalayas The SusKat-ABC (Sustainable Atmosphere for the Kathmandu Valley–Atmospheric Brown Clouds) international air pollution measurement campaign was carried out from December 2012 to June 2013 in the Kathmandu Valley and surrounding regions in Nepal.
Wintertime aerosol optical and radiative properties in the Kathmandu Valley during the SusKat-ABC field campaign Particulate air pollution in the Kathmandu Valley has reached severe levels that are mainly due to uncontrolled emissions and the location of the urban area in a bowl-shaped basin with associated local wind circulations.
Favored Conformations of Carbonyl Compounds: A Structural Study of n-Octanal We report on the molecular structures of the two most abundant conformers of n-octanal observed by molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy.
Historische Klimaforschung: Ursprünge, Trends und Zukunftsperspektiven eines interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes
Growth in parliament: Some notes on the persistence of a dogma This article maintains that the failure of critique on – and alternatives to – economic growth to translate from academic and societal into day-to-day political discourse is only to be explained by looking closer at institutions and their discursi
Orientierungen von Jugendlichen zu Nachhaltigkeitsthemen: zur didaktischen Bedeutung von implizitem Wissen im Kontext BNE Anne-Katrin Holfelder geht der Frage nach, welche impliziten Wissensbestände bei Jugendlichen in Diskussionen nachhaltigkeitsrelevanter Themen urteils- und handlungsleitend sind.
WRF-Chem simulated surface ozone over South Asia during the pre-monsoon: Effects of emission inventories and chemical mechanisms We evaluate numerical simulations of surface ozone mixing ratios over the south Asian region during the pre-monsoon season, employing three different emission inventories in the Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) with
Lay perceptions of Carbon Dioxide Utilisation technologies in the United Kingdom and Germany: An exploratory qualitative interview study Carbon Dioxide Utilisation (CDU) technologies convert Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into carbon-based products.
Pre-monsoon air quality over Lumbini, a world heritage site along the Himalayan foothills Lumbini, in southern Nepal, is a UNESCO world heritage site of universal value as the birthplace of Buddha.
EURODELTA-Trends, a multi-model experiment of air quality hindcast in Europe over 1990–2010 The EURODELTA-Trends multi-model chemistry-transport experiment has been designed to facilitate a better understanding of the evolution of air pollution and its drivers for the period 1990–2010 in Europe.
Chemical processes related to net ozone tendencies in the free troposphere Ozone (O3) is an important atmospheric oxidant, a greenhouse gas, and a hazard to human health and agriculture.
Potential reductions in ambient NO2 concentrations from meeting diesel vehicle emissions standards Exceedances of the concentration limit value for ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at roadside sites are an issue in many cities throughout Europe.
A procedural framework for robust environmental management of deep-sea mining projects using a conceptual model Robust environmental management of deep-sea mining projects must be integrated into the planning and execution of mining operations, and developed concurrently.
The repayment of bank credits having financed investments in the Domar model In this article, we show that the repayment of bank credits having financed investments canrepresent an outflow outside the economic circuit in the Keynesian multiplier theory, just likesavings.
Acceptability of geothermal installations: A geoethical concept for GeoLaB The growing demand for energy, natural resources and urban expansion during the last two centuries increased human interference with the geosphere far beyond geothermal usage.
Mixing layer height as an indicator for urban air quality? The mixing layer height (MLH) is a measure for the vertical turbulent exchange within the boundary layer, which is one of the controlling factors for the dilution of pollutants emitted near the ground.
Shadow money and the public money supply: the impact of the 2007–2009 financial crisis on the monetary system This article explores the effects of the political reactions to the 2007–2009 financial crisis on the monetary system. It chimes in with the view that shadow banks create ‘shadow money’, i.e. private substitutes for bank deposits.
Sensitivity simulations with direct shortwave radiative forcing by aeolian dust during glacial cycles Possible feedback effects between aeolian dust, climate and ice sheets are studied for the first time with an Earth system model of intermediate complexity over the late Pleistocene period.
Optimal scheduling for vehicle-to-grid operation with stochastic connection of plug-in electric vehicles to smart grid
Ecosystem Responses of the Subtropical Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, to Climate Change: A Nitrogen Cycle Modeling Approach
Biocomplexity—conceptual challenges for institutional analysis in biodiversity governance Institutions for biodiversity governance are located at the interface of human and ecological systems.
Systematic kinetic studies on mixed gas hydrates by Raman spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction This study presents results from systematic time-resolved experiments regarding the guest molecule geometry.
The meridional temperature gradient in the eastern North Atlantic during MIS 11 and its link to the ocean–atmosphere system Temporal and spatial patterns in eastern North Atlantic sea-surface temperatures (SST) were reconstructed for marine isotope stage (MIS) 11c using a submeridional transect of five sediment cores.
Self-Field Losses in Superconducting MgB2 Composite This paper presents an analytical estimate of various self-field losses in the superconducting MgB2 cables recently proposed for long-distance (3000 km) dc power transmission.
Climatic bisection of the last interglacial warm period in the Polar North Atlantic New multiproxy marine data of the Eemian interglacial (MIS5e) from the Norwegian Sea manifest a cold event with near-glacial surface ocean summer temperatures (3-4 °C).
Contrasting ocean changes between the subpolar and polar North Atlantic during the past 135 ka Variations in the poleward-directed Atlantic heat transfer was investigated over the past 135ka with special emphasis on the last and present interglacial climate development (Eemian and Holocene).
Bildung und Sicherheit Die Studie „Bildung und Sicherheit“ wurde zur Vorbereitung auf den XIV. Workshop desForschungforum Öffentliche Sicherheit bei Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Ortwin Renn und Dr.
Safeguarding Human Rights in Land Related Investments: Comparison of the Voluntary Guidelines Land with the IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguard Framework Die Freiwilligen Leitlinien Land der Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen sollten vor allem bei der Prüfung von Hochrisikoprojekten und bei der Bewertung von größeren agrarpolitischen Trends angewendet werden.
Variations in surface ozone and carbon monoxide in the Kathmandu Valley and surrounding broader regions during SusKat-ABC field campaign: Role of local and regional sources Air pollution resulting from rapid urbanization and associated human activities in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal has been leading to serious public health concerns over the past 2 decades.
Transformatives Wissen für die Post-2015-Agenda: Reflexionen zur nachhaltigen Bodenpolitik Forschung für eine nachhaltige Bodenpolitik hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem zentralen Arbeitsbereich am Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) entwickelt.
Democracy and Climate Change Democracy and Climate Change explores the various ways in which democratic principles can lead governments to respond differently to climate change.
Schutz und nachhaltige Nutzung der marinen Biodiversität in Gebieten jenseits nationaler Hoheitsgewalt
Orientierungswissen für die Energiewende: der Roadsmap-und-Navigation-Ansatz Das Kopernikus-Projekt ENavi will der Komplexität des Energiesystems begegnen, indem es unterschiedliche disziplinäre und soziale Wissensbestände aus allen ENavi-Forschungsarbeiten zusammenführt.
The Social Acceptance of Carbon Dioxide Utilisation: A Review and Research Agenda CO2 utilisation technologies—also called carbon dioxide utilisation (CDU) and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU)—convert CO2 via physical, chemical, or biological processes into carbon-based products.
Arctic Sustainability Research: Past, Present and Future The Arctic is one of the world’s regions most affected by cultural, socio-economic, environmental, and climatic changes.
Klima schützen statt manipulieren Geo-Engineering, früher Stoff für Science Fiction, hat den wissenschaftlichenMainstream erreicht—und die internationale Politik.
Internationale Erfahrungen mit Ausschreibungen für erneuerbare Energien Zentrale Bestandteile des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG) sind der gesicherte Zugang zu Vergütungszahlungen sowie die administrative Bestimmung der Vergütungssätze und ihrer Abnahmeraten.
Near-road sampling of PM2. 5, BC, and fine-particle chemical components in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Semicontinuous PM2. 5 and black carbon (BC) concentrations, and 24 h integrated PM2. 5 filter samples were collected near roadways in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.
Effect of VOC Emissions from Vegetation on Air Quality in Berlin during a Heatwave The potential of emissions from urban vegetation combined with anthropogenic emissions to produce ozone and particulate matter has long been recognized.
Impact of cover crop on soil carbon accrual in topographically diverse terrain Farmers must consider real-world problems and variability to maximize yields and minimize environmental impacts when using cover crops in corn (Zea mays L.)-based cropping systems.
Development trajectories in China's wind and solar energy industries: How technology-related differences shape the dynamics of industry localization and catching up China has been very successful in creating conditions for industry localization in solar and wind energy manufacturing.
The Asia-Pacific’s role in the emerging solar geoengineering debate Increasing interest in climate engineering in recent years has led to calls by the international research community for international research collaboration as well as global public engagement.
Mineral Resources in Mobile Phones: A Case Study of Boston and Vienna Teachers and Students As part of an outreach initiative by the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria, an interdisciplinary educational module was developed to teach students about sustainability through the lens of mineral resources used to produce mobile phones.
The Multi-level System of Global Climate Governance - the Model and its Current State Multi-level global governance was introduced at the United Nations summit in Rio in 1992 as a new model to achieve a broad global mobilization of different actors in sustainable development. This model has been extended to climate governance.
Die Konsultative: Mehr Demokratie durch Bürgerbeteiligung Not in my backyard versus Mitsprache für alle. Nur mit der Weisheit der Vielen können die drängenden Fragen der Zukunft gelöst werden. Die vierte Gewalt, die Konsultative, ist ihr Sprachrohr.
Multi-level Reinforcement in European Climate and Energy Governance: Mobilizing economic interests at the sub-national levels This article explains the relatively successful performance of the European Union (EU) in climate and energy governance by two factors: (1) multi-level reinforcement and (2) the mobilization of economic interests at different levels of governance
“Unbundling” the biofuel promise: Querying the ability of liquid biofuels to deliver on socio-economic policy expectations While excitement around biofuels initially focused on finding a clean and secure alternative to fossil fuels, many other expectations have subsequently been attached to the “biofuel boom.” Biofuels are not only expected to mitigate climate change
Do no harm? Risk perceptions in national bioenergy policies and actual mitigation performance This paper investigates how risks are anticipated in national bioenergy policies and in which way related expectations that harms can be prevented or mitigated have actually been met.
Scaling up biofuels? A critical look at expectations, performance and governance This editorial is the introduction to a Special Issue of Scaling Up Biofuels? A Critical Look at Expectations, Performance and Governance which assesses biofuels contribution to sustainability governance and upscaling.
100 Tage Donald Trump: Was wird aus Amerikas Energiewende? „Clean Energy“ war während der Amtszeit von U.S. Präsident Barack Obama eines der Hauptinstrumente der Klimapolitik.
Sine Qua Nons of sustainable biofuels: Distilling implications of under-performance for national biofuel programs Biofuels have been promoted worldwide under the assumption that they can support several strategic policy goals, while mitigating associated risks.
Assessment of an extended version of the Jenkinson–Collison classification on CMIP5 models over Europe A gridded, geographically extended weather type classification has been developed based on the Jenkinson–Collison (JC) classification system and used to evaluate the representation of weather types over Europe in a suite of climate model simulatio
Imperiale Lebensweise: Zur Ausbeutung von Mensch und Natur in Zeiten des globalen Kapitalismus Haben wir die Zeiten des Imperialismus nicht längst hinter uns gelassen?
Doing Democracy Differently : Political Practices and Transnational Civil Society Transnational civil society networks have become increasingly important democratizing actors in global politics. Still, the exploration of democracy in such networks remains conceptually and methodologically challenging.
Großkraftwerke sind von gestern Unsere zentrale Energieversorgungist nicht das Ergebnis technischer Notwendigkeiten, sondern politischer Entscheidungen. Heute machen erneuerbare Energien ihr Geschäftsmodell hinfallig- auch im Süden.
Sustainability aspects of a digitalized industry – A comparative study from China and Germany Industrial production is currently undergoing a fundamental transformation, leading towards a digitalized and interconnected industrial production, which is subsumed under the term Industrial Internet (of Things) or Industrie 4.0.
Keynes and the International Monetary System: Time for a Tabular Standard This paper discusses proposals for tabular standards in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In particular, we focus on Keynes’ proposal for an international tabular standard (ITS) as the gold standard unravelled in the 1930s.
Ein Kompass für die Energiewende: Das Kopernikus-Projekt Energiewende-Navigationssystem (ENavi) ist gestartet Die Energiewende ist eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe, an der Akteure aus allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen und Steuerungsebenen mitwirken.
Organic molecular tracers in the atmospheric aerosols from Lumbini, Nepal, in the northern Indo-Gangetic Plain: Influence of biomass burning To better understand the characteristics of biomass burning in the northern Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), total suspended particles were collected in a rural site, Lumbini, Nepal, during April 2013 to March 2014 and analyzed for the biomass burning t
Source apportionment of NMVOCs in the Kathmandu Valley during the SusKat-ABC international field campaign using positive matrix factorization A positive matrix factorization model (US EPA PMF version 5.0) was applied for the source apportionment of the dataset of 37 non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) measured from 19 December 2012 to 30 January 2013 during the SusKat-ABC in
The role of NGOs in negotiating the use of biodiversity in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction In 2004, the UN General Assembly resolved to establish a working group to consider issues pertaining to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ).
Corporatization of the climate? Innovation, intellectual property rights, and patents for climate change mitigation Patents constitute an important economic mechanism incentivising the development of technologies.
Unter Null: Negative Emissionen als neue Herausforderung für die Klimapolitik Das Pariser Klimaabkommen hat zumZiel, die Erderwärmung auf deutlich unter2 Grad zu begrenzen, wenn möglichsogar auf 1,5 Grad.
Governing Tenure Rights to Commons: A guide to support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security This guide on Governing Tenure Rights to Commons aims to support states, communitybasedorganizations, civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevantactors, to take proactive measures to implement the standards and recommendatio
Sustainable policy—key considerations for air quality and climate change Air quality and climate change are inexorably linked from their emission sources to their impacts on climate, human health, and ecosystems, including agriculture.
Reflecting upon 10 Years of Geoengineering Research: Introduction to the Crutzen + 10 Special Issue Ten years ago, Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen called for research into the possibility of reflecting sunlight away from Earth by injecting sulfur particles into the stratosphere.
Modulation of snow reflectance and snowmelt from Central Asian glaciers by anthropogenic black carbon Deposited mineral dust and black carbon are known to reduce the albedo of snow and enhance melt.
Fünf Jahre integrative Forschung zur Energiewende: Erfahrungen und Einsichten Nach der Reaktorkatastrophe in Fukushima 2011 wurde die Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS gegründet, um die technisch ausgerichtete Energieforschung um eine sozialwissenschaftlich geprägte interdisziplinäre Perspektive zu ergänzen.
Pressure-Point Strategy: Leverages for Urban Systemic Transformation Sustainability can be understood as a specific kind of problem framing that emphasizes the interconnectedness of different problems and scales and calls for new forms of problem handling that are much more process-oriented, reflexive and iterative
Leuchtendes Beispiel im Wüstensand In Marokko entsteht das größte Solarkraftwerk der Welt. Die Leute vor Ort finden das gut.
Engineering imaginaries: Anticipatory foresight for solar radiation management governance Since solar radiation management (SRM) technologies do not yet exist and capacities to model their impacts are limited, proposals for its governance are implicitly designed not around realities, but possibilities – baskets of risk and benefit that
The Futures of Climate Engineering This piece examines the need to interrogate the role of the conceptions of the future, as embedded in academic papers, policy documents, climate models, and other artifacts that serve as currencies of the science-society interface, in shaping scie
Cable conductor design for the high-power MgB2 DC superconducting cable project of BEST PATHS The Best Paths European project investigates the feasibility of technological innovations that could advance high-capacity transmission links.
Air quality modelling in the Berlin–Brandenburg region using WRF-Chem v3.7.1: sensitivity to resolution of model grid and input data Air pollution is the number one environmental cause of premature deaths in Europe. Despite extensive regulations, air pollution remains a challenge, especially in urban areas.
Terrestrial ecosystem process model Biome-BGCMuSo v4.0: summary of improvements and new modeling possibilities he process-based biogeochemical model Biome-BGC was enhanced to improve its ability to simulate carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles of various terrestrial ecosystems under contrasting management activities.
How does the amount and composition of PM deposited on Platanus acerifolia leaves change across different cities in Europe? Particulate matter (PM) deposited on Platanus acerifolia tree leaves has been sampled in the urban areas of 28 European cities, over 20 countries, with the aim of testing leaf deposited particles as indicator of atmospheric PM concentration and co
Werben für die Wende : Deutschland sollte seinen G20-Vorsitz klima- und finanzpolitisch nutzen Der Umbau der deutschen Stromversorgung weg von Atom und Kohle hin zu Erneuerbaren und Energieeffizienz wird in weiten Teilen der Welt mit großem Interesse verfolgt.
Investigation of the mixing layer height derived from ceilometer measurements in the Kathmandu Valley and implications for local air quality In this study one year of ceilometer measurements taken in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, in the framework of the SusKat project (A Sustainable Atmosphere for the Kathmandu Valley) were analyzed to investigate the diurnal variation of the mixing lay
Environmental influence assessment of China’s multi-crystalline silicon (multi-Si) photovoltaic modules considering recycling process The environmental burden of multi-Si PV modules in China has been discussed in existing studies, however, their data are mostly from local enterprises, and none of their environmental assessment involves the decommissioning and recycling process.
Co-Benefits als interessenbezogene Zusatznutzen der Klimapolitik In der Klimapolitik rücken Zusatzeffekte möglicher Politikoptionen zunehmend in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses.
Characterizations of atmospheric particulate-bound mercury in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, South Asia The Kathmandu Valley, located in the Himalayan foothills in Nepal, is heavily polluted.
Crisis and Participation in the European Union: Energy Policy as a Test Bed for a New Politics of Citizen Participation For a long time the European Union (EU) has been considered a transnational project securing peace and security.
Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production by thermal cracking of methane based on liquid-metal technology Thermal cracking of methane into carbon and hydrogen is considered as potential hydrogen production technology without direct CO2-emissions.
Five solar geoengineering tropes that have outstayed their welcome In the last decade, solar geoengineering (solar radiation management, or SRM) has received increasing consideration as a potential means to reduce risks of anthropogenic climate change.
Stärkung der Demokratie durch Institutionalisierung von Bürgerbeteiligung? Der Text beruht auf unserem 2016 erschienenen Buch „Die Konsultative. Mehr Demokratie durch Bürgerbeteiligung“ (Berlin: Wagenbach Verlag).
No fudging on geoengineering The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is preparing a report on keeping global warming below 1.5 °C. How the panel chooses to deal with the option of solar geoengineering will test the integrity of scientific climate policy advice.
Extended Land-Use Coding System and Its Application in Urban Brownfield Redevelopment: Case Study of Tiexi District in Shenyang, China Management of land use related to brownfield redevelopment areas offers opportunities to respond to the challenges from rapid urbanization in China.
Modeling above-ground carbon storage: a remote sensing approach to derive individual tree species information in urban settings Vegetation has gained importance in respective debates about climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities.
Efficiency of superconducting transmission lines: An analysis with respect to the load factor and capacity rating This paper analyses the transmission efficiency characteristics for two long-distance superconducting transmission designs developed at the IASS and at EPRI as a function of the load factor for capacities up to 10 GW, and in comparison with establ
Evaluation of GHG emissions from the production of magnesia refractory raw materials in Dashiqiao, China Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the industrial sector are rapidly increasing in China.
Methane cracking as a bridge technology to the hydrogen economy Shifting the fossil fuel dominated energy system to a sustainable hydrogen economy could mitigate climate change through reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Arctic in the Anthropocene: sustainability in a new polar age The Arctic provides one of the most striking signatures of climate change impacts.
An expert-based bayesian assessment of 2030 German new vehicle CO2 emissions and related costs We formulate and elicit Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) for assessing possible characteristics of the 2030 German new passenger car fleet, including market shares of different vehicle types, CO2 emissions, user costs, and CO2 abatement costs for i
Impacts of aviation fuel sulfur content on climate and human health Aviation emissions impact both air quality and climate.
Functional traits of urban trees: air pollution mitigation potential In an increasingly urbanized world, air pollution mitigation is considered one of most important issues in city planning.
The influence of temperature on ozone production under varying NOx conditions – a modelling study Surface ozone is a secondary air pollutant produced during the atmospheric photochemical degradation of emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
Early growth dynamical implications for the steerability of stratospheric solar radiation management via sulfur aerosol particles Aerosol growth dynamics may have implications for the steerability of stratospheric solar radiation management via sulfur particles.
Global atmospheric particle formation from CERN CLOUD measurements Fundamental questions remain about the origin of newly formed atmospheric aerosol particles because data from laboratory measurements have been insufficient to build global models.
When energy policy meets community: Rethinking risk perceptions of renewable energy in Germany and the Netherlands Although in academic literature several analyses can be found concerning energy policy instruments and their effectiveness in supporting renewables, usually no distinction is made between different investor groups that these instruments address.
Towards a comprehensive climate impacts assessment of solar geoengineering Despite a growing literature on the climate response to solar geoengineering – proposals to cool the planet by increasing the planetary albedo – there has been little published on the impacts of solar geoengineering on natural and human systems su
Structured pluralism in ecological economics — A reply to Peter Söderbaum's commentary Peter Söderbaum argues in his commentary, concerning my article on sustainability economics (Remig 2015), for more open and radical ecological economics. I agree with that statement.
Was breaking the taboo on research on climate engineering via albedo modification a moral hazard, or a moral imperative? The topic of increasing the reflectivity of the Earth as a measure to counteract global warming has been the subject of high-level discussions and preliminary research since several decades, though prior to the early 2000s there was only very limi
Sustainability Investigation of Resource-Based Cities in Northeastern China Improving the sustainability of traditional resource-based cities in China has been a core issue and policy-priority for Chinese government to establish long-term ecological civilization, particularly for northeastern China which is recognized as
The Role of Perceptions for Community-Based Marine Resource Management Every community-based marine resource management (CBMRM) inherently takes place in a highly complex social–ecological environment, and stakeholder perceptions related to various aspects of the natural and social environment guide behavior in every
Economics of carbon dioxide capture and utilization—a supply and demand perspective Lately, the technical research on carbon dioxide capture and utilization (CCU) has achieved important breakthroughs.
Ozone air quality simulations with WRF-Chem (v3.5.1) over Europe: model evaluation and chemical mechanism comparison We present an evaluation of the online regional model WRF-Chem over Europe with a focus on ground-level ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
Acceptance of bio-based products in the business-to-business market and public procurement: Expert survey results We present the most important results of two expert surveys of the acceptance of bio-based products in the business-to-business (B2B) sector and in the public sector.
Analysis of long-term observations of NOx and CO in megacities and application to constraining emissions inventories
The link between atmospheric radicals and newly formed particles at a spruce forest site in Germany Abstract. It has been claimed for more than a century that atmospheric new particle formation is primarily influenced by the presence of sulfuric acid.
Sensitivity of air pollution simulations with LOTOS-EUROS to the temporal distribution of anthropogenic emissions In this study the sensitivity of the model performance of the chemistry transport model (CTM) LOTOS-EUROS to the description of the temporal variability of emissions was investigated.
The non-statistical dynamics of the 18O + 32O2 isotope exchange reaction at two energies The dynamics of the 18O(3P) + 32O2 isotope exchange reaction were studied using crossed atomic and molecular beams at collision energies (Ecoll) of 5.7 and 7.3 kcal/mol, and experimental results were compared with quantum statistical (QS) and quas
A Sustainable Template for Mesoporous Zeolite Synthesis A generalized synthesis of high-quality,mesoporous zeolite (e.g., MFI-type) nanocrystals ispresented, based on a biomass-derived, monolithic Ndopedcarbonaceous template.
Gone with(in) the Chesapeake Bay's waters: Reflections on society's thresholds to migration given island sinking The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States and is home to numerous small islands. Many of these have already vanished, and those remaining are continuing to lose ground.
Global and regional modeling of clouds and aerosols in the marine boundary layer during VOCALS: the VOCA intercomparison A diverse collection of models are used to simulate the marine boundary layer in the southeast Pacific region during the period of the October–November 2008 VOCALS REx (VAMOS Ocean Cloud Atmosphere Land Study Regional Experiment) field campaign.
Electrophilic surface sites as precondition for the chemisorption of pyrrole on GaAs(001) surfaces We report how the presence of electrophilic surface sites influences the adsorption mechanism of pyrrole on GaAs(001) surfaces.
Carbohydrate-derived hydrothermal carbons: A thorough characterization study Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is an aqueous-phase route to produce carbon materials using biomass or biomass-derived precursors.
The airborne mass spectrometer AIMS - Part 2: Measurements of trace gases with stratospheric or tropospheric origin in the UTLS Abstract. Understanding the role of climate-sensitive trace gas variabilities in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere region (UTLS) and their impact on its radiative budget requires accurate measurements.
Productivity ranges of sustainable biomass potentials from non-agricultural land Land is under pressure from a number of demands, including the need for increased supplies of bioenergy.
Hydrogen production via methane pyrolysis in a liquid metal bubble column reactor with a packed bed Methane pyrolysis experiments using a quartz glass-steel bubble column reactor filled with liquid tin and cylindrical quartz glass rings serving as a packed bed were conducted at various liquid metal temperature levels in the range of 930–1175 °C.
Source apportionment of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Lumbini, Nepal by using the positive matrix factorization receptor model Indo–Gangetic Plain (IGP) is one of the most polluted regions in the world. Despite numbers of studies conducted at urban site, few data are available at rural area.
BAERLIN2014 – the influence of land surface types on and the horizontal heterogeneity of air pollutant levels in Berlin Urban air quality and human health are among the key aspects of future urban planning. In order to address pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter, efforts need to be made to quantify and reduce their concentrations.
Den Kohlekonsens befördern: Zum aktuellen Beitrag der transformativen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung Die Frage, wie ein langfristig tragfähiger Rahmen für die Verminderung der Stromerzeugung aus Braun- und Steinkohlekraftwerken aussehen kann, steht aktuell im Fokus der energiepolitischen Debatte.
Finanzielle Vorsorge im Braunkohlebereich : Optionen zur Sicherung der Braunkohlerückstellungen und zur Umsetzung des Verursacherprinzips
Respiratory Effects of High Levels of Particulate Exposure in a Cohort of Traffic Police in Kathmandu, Nepal
Evaluation of the performance of four chemical transport models in predicting the aerosol chemical composition in Europe in 2005 Four regional chemistry transport models were applied to simulate the concentration and composition of particulate matter (PM) in Europe for 2005 with horizontal resolution ∼ 20 km.
The BEST PATHS Project on MgB2 Superconducting Cables for Very High Power Transmission BEST PATHS (acronym for “BEyond State-of-the-art Technologies for rePowering Ac corridors and multi-Terminal HVDC Systems”) is a collaborative project within the FP7 framework of the European Commission that includes an MgB2-based power transmissi
The Decoupling of Resource Consumption and Environmental Impact from Economic Growth in China: Spatial Pattern and Temporal Trend
A Risk Radar driven by Internet of intelligences serving for emergency management in community Today, most of the commercial risk radars only have the function to show risks, as same as a set of risk matrixes.
Variation of the NMVOC speciation in the solvent sector and the sensitivity of modelled tropospheric ozone
Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research Climate change has significant implications for biodiversity and ecosystems.
“Transformation” as New Critical Orthodoxy. The Strategic Use of the Term “Transformation” Does Not Prevent Multiple Crisis
Overview of VOC emissions and chemistry from PTR-TOF-MS measurements during the SusKat-ABC campaign: high acetaldehyde, isoprene and isocyanic acid in wintertime air of the Kathmandu Valley The Kathmandu Valley in Nepal suffers from severe wintertime air pollution. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are key constituents of air pollution, though their specific role in the valley is poorly understood due to insufficient data.
Exploring the impact of social norms and perceptions on women's participation in customary forest and land governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo— implications for REDD+
Hol die Gruftis raus! Schenk’ deinem alten Handy ein neues Leben. Materialien für Unterricht und Projekttage im Rahmen der Kampagne „Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit. Mach mit!“
From shouting matches to productive dialogue - establishing stakeholder participation in Polish fisheries governance
Engineering, environmental and economic performance evaluation of high-gravity carbonation process for carbon capture and utilization
Sustainability in China: Bridging Global Knowledge with Local Action [Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Sustainability]
Synoptic and meteorological drivers of extreme ozone concentrations over Europe The present work assesses the relationship between local and synoptic meteorological conditions and surface ozone concentration over Europe in spring and summer months, during the period 1998–2012 using a new interpolated data set of observed surf
Investigating atmospheric photochemistry in the Johannesburg-Pretoria megacity using a box model Urban air pollution has become a major concern over the past decades. One of the largest conurbations in Sub-Saharan Africa is developed around the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria (Jhb-Pta megacity).
The impact of residential combustion emissions on atmospheric aerosol, human health, and climate Combustion of fuels in the residential sector for cooking and heating results in the emission of aerosol and aerosol precursors impacting air quality, human health, and climate.
Testing the value of public participation in Germany: Theory, operationalization and a case study on the evaluation of participation This paper examines the implications posed by the European Climate Protection Plan and the German Energy Transition. Both involve social conflicts regarding technical feasibility, norms, and values.
Cerrado meets savannah, family farmers meet peasants: The political economy of Brazil’s agricultural cooperation with Mozambique
Dust aerosol emission over the Sahara during summertime from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) observations
How Much Risk Ought We to Take? Exploring the Possibilities of Risk-Sensitive Consequentialism in the Context of Climate Engineering
The international global atmospheric chemistry (IGAC) project: Facilitating atmospheric chemistry research for 25 years This paper outlines the scientific achievements and insights gained from the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) project, which has been jointly sponsored by the international Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
Accounting for the visiting economist syndrome: Reflections on the emergence of a prevalent phenomenon
Development of methane decarbonisation based on liquid metal technology for CO2-free production of hydrogen
Seasonal variation of ozone and black carbon observed at Paknajol, an urban site in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal The Kathmandu Valley in south Asia is considered as one of the global "hot spots" in terms of urban air pollution.
Taking stock after three years of adoption: Experiences and strategies for implementation and monitoring of the UN Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure (VGGT)
Experimental investigation and thermo-chemical modeling of methane pyrolysis in a liquid metal bubble column reactor with a packed bed
The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (GeoMIP6): simulation design and preliminary results
Superconducting transmission lines – Sustainable electric energy transfer with higher public acceptance? Superconducting transmission lines have a tremendous size advantage and lower total electrical losses for high capacity transmission compared to solutions based on standard conductors.
Visions of Climate Control: Solar Radiation Management in Climate Simulations Various geoengineering technologies that would deliberately alter the climate system have been proposed as a way to alleviate risks of global warming.
The impact of geoengineering on vegetation in experiment G1 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)
In situ, satellite measurement and model evidence on the dominant regional contribution to fine particulate matter levels in the Paris megacity A detailed characterization of air quality in the megacity of Paris (France) during two 1-month intensive campaigns and from additional 1-year observations revealed that about 70 % of the urban background fine particulate matter (PM) is transporte
Characteristics and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosols in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Thinking outside the plot: addressing low adoption of sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa
Tropospheric ozone and its precursors from the urban to the global scale from air quality to short-lived climate forcer Ozone holds a certain fascination in atmospheric science. It is ubiquitous in the atmosphere, central to tropospheric oxidation chemistry, yet harmful to human and ecosystem health as well as being an important greenhouse gas.